-" THE DAILY NEBRASKAN -V-" iju :V IV IS? 0atltj Ntfbraakan l'roporty of THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, Lincoln h FREDERIC (' McCONNELE, Editor In Chief. MnnnKiiiK Editor Morrill V Rood AsRoclftto Editor Konnotli M. Snydor AHHOclalo Editor. .Cloyd V. Stownrt Literary ICdltor Chandler Trimble IJuhIiiohh MumiRer. AHHlntunt MiinnKor. Circulation Manager . C C Ilncliannn .1. L DrlBColl ..I S Uowen HCIUMES C. I, Yoclium, .1 . CutrlKht, H (; Hewitt, W F Goodman, Winifred See, gar. C N Drown. F. N. Wells, A. R. O'Hanlon. E W Horno, F. A. Turnure, J. R Wood, I K Frost, Leon Samuel-boi). SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, 5 Cents Each. TELEPHONES omco IM888 NlKht Phono B-4204 Editor 11-1821 Manager H-1821 Entered at the poHtolllco at Lincoln NebraHka, as second-class mall matter, under the Act of Couktcsb of March 3, 187!) FRIDAY, NOVEMBER If), I'M 2 tory Will the precedent hold, or will It turn Wo think the latter Nebras ka has not played sensational ball this season, hut It has played good football Kansas has suffered a series of dire defeats, and by following the analogy to its national concession It would seem that the odds were In favor of our own team. CALENDAR. fa Football game fc Boxing, 3 bouts, each . . fa Wrestling, '. matches, each fc Relay race . fr Tug-of-wai Big Hciap OLYMPICS TOMORROW. fr Events Points, -fc 30 B 20 20 no WHO BREAKS THE TIE? Tomorrow's game with Kansas rep lesents the seenth played since the two schools resumed athletic lelatlons in l'.IOti Dining that time the two teams have bioken even on the nuui her of games lost and won In 1900 the game was played heie and Kansas won by the score of 8 to 0 In the following year the Cornhuak ers journeyed to Lawrence and defeat ed the Jayhawkers by the score of 10 to (J The next two games were played at Lincoln and resulted In vic tories for Kansas The game played in 11108 was a decisive victory for Kan sas, while the game of 1SI01) was won by Tomiiij Johnson, who in the last few minutes of play, getting a Ne braska fumble, and with splendid in terft'ience, broke through the entire Nehiaska team for a 1)0 yard run, and scored a touchdown. In 1910 and 1911 the Cornhuskers traveled to Lawrence and came home the. victor each time The llrst game was a close one, Nebraska winning, 0 to 0, while the latter resulted In the uneven score of 29 to 0. What will be the result this year? Every time the two teams have mot tho visiting eleven has won tho vlc- Frlday, November 15 Delta Chi Music- Hall Union 1'alladian Sigma Chi House party Beta Theta PI party English Club Prof Alexander Sigma Phi Epsllon House paity Silver Lynx House party Nu Sigma Nu House party Alpha Chi Omega House party Saturday, November 16 Kansas-Nebraska football Annual Girls' Club luncheon Alpha Tau Omega Annual ban quet, Lincoln Hotel Phi Kappa Psl Dane ing party, Temple Tegner Society. Delta Chi -Annual banquet Acacia House party Kappa Sigma House party Chi Omega Dancing party Phi Delta Theta House party Delta Upsilon House party Sigma Phi Epsllon House party Delta Delta Delta- House party Acacia Party, St George studio DR. H. J. LEHNHOFF U. OF N 97 CONSULTATION 506 LITTLE BUILDING. 11TH AND O "CLASS SPIRIT," BY HOWARD. He Will Discuss This Question in Weekly Vespers. "Class Spirit" will he the subject of air address by Re L R Howard, tin Congregational student pastor, at the First Congregational Church Sunda afternoon at f o clock Mrs Raymond will have charge of the music, as usual, at the vesper service This service Is intended for University students, and has met with much success thus far this semester MEDICAL PROFE6SORS ORGANIZE "Journal Club" the Name of the New Meeting Held Tuesdays. The local members of the medical faculty have organized among them selves a "Journal Club," which meets' from 11 to 12 o'clock each Tuesda morning The members in turn report upon recent papers or books iir their respective lines of special work which they consider particularly noteworthj B M Want to See the Game? Wanted, twenty men to assist at tho Kansas game See Guy E Reed on Friday, 2:30, Memorial Hall 201. Flossy HATS $2.50 Those Veloor, Silk Effects, English Derbies. All the new Blocks BUDD 1415 O STREET TAILORED SUITS Many new and at tractive suits for join selection, made from till wool materials in the following cloths Serges, Diagonals, Fancy Rough Materials, etc Priced at $15.00, $20.00, $25.00 & $35.00 DRESSES Corduroy and Serges, many models that are entirely now having been shipped us this week. Priced at $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00 DRESS COATS About .")() new all wool Dress Skirts, in a variety (tO yet of cloths and models Specially priced at PJ J SUITS Hundreds of styles to choose from. Buying made easy for )ihi here Tho unusual wide range of at tractive models for your selection Chinchilla, Rough Effect Cloths, Whipcords, Plaid Hack Chinchillas, also Hondo (Moths, made U 4 and full lengths; shawl and close fitted collars- Priced at $10-$ 12.50-$ 15 to $35 I MJmfaMmnm I We serve the purest and , Huyler's Chocolates best HOT and COLD RE- ; $1.00 Fountain Pens FRESHMENTS in the city , $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch, 25c 7' ehih cuT'liiy FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES We Want Your Coal Orders. Give Us a Trial Order SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST COMPANY 1106 O STREET AUTO 3228 BELL 234 HAVE THE EVANS LAUNDRY DO YOUR WASHING WHITMAN'S CLASSY CANDY Meier Drug Co. 13th aud O Sts. i.nhi.yi iuMUm'' '- l "31 ' ! ,Tr . W 4. l wtmmmm . J 1 - ' ,i-.