o Xlbe CLASS OLYMPICS SAT MORNING VOL. XII. NO. 41 TEAR UP FRESHMAN JAYHAWKERS IMPROVE IN YES TERDAY'S SCRIMMAGE. LINE STILL PUZZLES COACHES One End and Tackle Position Filled, But Rest Is Matter of Conjecture No Man Found to Boot the Ball. LAWRENCE, Kas , Nov. 12. (Spe cial to the Daily Nebraskan, by E. B. Hackney.) J. IMuvIub, backed by a cold northor, came out to hinder the Jayhawkern in their practice last night, but his worst effortB were of no avail. Practice was held as per schedule and the Kansas warriors went through a stiff scrimmage against the Bond hope fuls in a cold, drizzling rain. If anything the Kansas team showed up slightly better in practice. The same Bquad of freshman was out as on the preceding night, and all of them put up a stiffer defense than ever be fore. On the offense the varsity backs ripped big holes in the line and were able to make big gains Both Coolidge and Parker appear to be the probable starters of the game In the backfleld. Line Problem Unsolved. The line, however, still remains a mystery. Brarnwell was shifted back to tackle again and his posit ion was turned over to Hatcher, who has been out of the game on account of his in juries received in the Drake game. Milton was used again on the oppo site end from that occupied by Captain Brownlee He showed up unusually well against the freshman and may prove to be the logical man for this position. In addition to being a sure tackier, he is pretty beefy Weidline, as usual, played well at his position at tackle. In him Coaches Mosse and Frank have a man who can be counted on to break up many of the Cornhuskcr plays. The booting problem is still unsolved. No man has arisen to fill this position. Bramwell was given a try, but did not prove satisfactory enough to warrant a change. Maybo somo man may be developed in the next two' days, but from present prospects the kicking will be left in Burnham's hands. Defense a Trifle Weak. The defense was not as strong as usual, and Bottomley and Russell went through for long gains. The freshman used Borne of the Nebraska plays and the varsity failed to solve the majority of them. Both ends played a good game and moBt of the end ruiiB were .stopped with no gain. Toward the close of practice the var sity's tackling improved and instead of the usual mild tactics the Jayhawkers displayed some real tackling, the kind where one is good, but two is bettor, in stopping a runnel. , SDatlp UNIVERSITY OK NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, NOV. 14, 1912. It- Meet Me Where'll you be next Friday morn- ing, From 11 o'clock till noon? Let's go over to the Chapel, Learn to Blng n football tunc Got a class? Say, you're a dead Will be greater far, 1 tell you, one. Than from Bitting In your room. Read the Rag and learn the news. Be a rooter You're down-hearted? All the clasBes are excused then. Rooting, kid, will chase Old Now you can not well refuse. Gloom. Don't like football? Oh, you piker. So put on your bright red sweater, Take your eyes from books a Bring cough drops and mega while phone, Be a booster. Get some "pep,"' bo. For we're going to beat old Kansas Change that frown, kid, for a Or we'll lose our happy home. smile. I'll bo waiting at the entrance; We'll be champs soon of the Val ley. You'll be there? Good sport, that's sure sense, If you meet me at the rally. HARRY BURTIS. it STATUE SUBSCRIPTIONS POUR IN Money Necessary Seems to Be Ob tained Quickly and With Little Urging. Subscriptions to the KomeiiBky stat ue fund are pouring in rapidly from all over the country. Soveral hundred brief statements were sent out to the Bohemian organizations of the middle west last Saturday More than 10 pei cent of these have responded in the last couple of days, with letters of en couragement as well as substantial ad ditions to the fund The Bohemian fraternal societies and lodges ol Ne- braska are lending their support to the movement The "Osveta" and "Pokrok," two Omaha papers in the Bohemian language, are giving the scheme much publicity through the medium of their columns Miss llibek predicts that no trouble will be experi enced in securing the total amount, $2,500, in a short time, and feels highly elated over the success of her plans -Fuzz. NOVEMBER AGRICULTURE OUT. Farm Monthly Makes Its Regular Appearance. The November issue of Agriculture, the monthly publication of the College of Agriculture, Is in the hands of its subscribers. It 1b a well-written maga zine, containing artlcleB on all the dif ferent phases of farm life and work. BeBlde these, there are exchanges and parts devoted to the School of Agri culture. A prominent part In the pa pers given to the accountB of the dairy and stock judging teams and their work. J R. W. IRebrashan X At Rally Oh, the Joy which couicb from being In a bunch with husky -throat While the Unl Hand 1h playing, Whilo we're getting K. U.'b goutu. SOPH PRE -OLYMPIC RALLY Mammoth Meeting Planned for Today in the Temple Olympic Team Waiting for Saturday's Mix. A number of further candidates ap 'at ly seventy yards last night brought peared yesterday aspiring to places on manv )f "'' f!"IK ,() ""'lr r '' wan the sophomore Olympic team, and"011- vv 1,() is " ll"lK i" other bringing hopes of their fellows several , tackle, Is a good running mat.- for Har notches higher. The team is now com- mon- These two should add many plete and awaiting the freshmen, and!111" U) ,ll' N-iiiHka gain next S.itur all that remains is to get out a sufll- day. dent number of huskies and otherwise Hvery indication seems to show that to overcome the freshmen in the mix - ,tlH' ('""lhuhkers will have an eaBy at least so the sophomores claim The "mo ()f ' Saturday The Kansas inu unconquerable fault of overconfldence , chi,M' nas 1"','n working v.-r poorly so is not affecting them in spite of appear- 'ances, and they are planning to go into the battle with their eyes opened to the task ahead of them The rally today, following the regu lar convocation, is to bring out all the 'spirit which has been pent up since I the victory over the (lass of 1!U4 lant " year, and a program, liberally inter - spersed with predictions, warnings, di- rur'tinnu ri iwl vollu ulll tin irtilt1t,(r frr . ,. I......J, ..... JVI1U, KIN t IWWUt, IUI the crowd which Ib expected, A rumor has gained ground among some stu- dents that the sophomore class is trifle wearv this vear. and that the freshmen will have a runaway Satur - day. The purpose of the rally is to wiH be held at le Lincoln Hotel. Tick combat this idea. SophomorcB taking ,et8 mav oe secured of Secretary G. W. stock in It are requested to stay away. Kline at 721 First National Bank bulld- Tho rally will be held in tho Temple Theater at 11:30, and if necessary an overflow meeting can be arranged for. Freshmen Notice. All candidates for the freshman class football team meet in the gymnasium ut 11 o'clock today. Come prepared to practice. All mon who can not be at this meeting meet in the gymnasium at 3:50 o'clock. KANS. GAME SATURDAY AFTERNOON IVicc 5 Cents THIRSTY FOR BLOOD CORNHU8KER SQUAD, IN FINE TRIM, AWAITS COMING FRAY. BEST CONDITION OF SEASON Purcfy Continues to Improve and May Play Saturday Beck, Harmon, and Swanson Do 8tar Work in Practice. The CornhiiHker machine 'appeared In its best working form of the season last night. Five touchdowns tell tho tale of the evening's scrimmage with the freshmen The varsity quarter backs could have opened up on many of the new plays If It had been neces sary, but It was not neccssar). Every one of the squad was out IaBt I night for practice, and with the excep tion of Purdy were able to gel Into the .scrimmage The slasliy halfback will not be kept out of Saturday's game If his injury Impiove as it lias the last couple davs I , Bt( k, who has lii-en filling die va cancy In the backlleld, has been play ing a biand of ball that i1-htvch him mention Hisgieat interference in this scrimmage lias been vefv instrumental in the scoring Ills vvoik, together with the classv exhibit ion, lias valued many yards for the regulars Harmon Shows Up Well. Harmon, too, has proved himself to be a good ground gainer His run of P.... t.l I... I. . I ... -- , '"' l" ". "n me ciiances ar ,,1' ""' will spring a lew mr prises when they meet the Hunkers , There are quite a few Heats for salt, 1)llt ,lu'' ulM "ot h,nt lung Both the (north aml HOUth grandstands have been reserved and are pretty well sold out. , Ma"ificl' Reed has several men at i ... , worK erecting temporary bleachers at both ends of the field, so that an extra large crowd tan be accommodated. Plans for Banquet. More than 100 "old grads" have slg- U(i"d their intention of attending tho , UB nomo-coming uanquec atter tno 1 i . 1 Kansas-Nebraska game. Tho "feed" lnB- 80PHOMORE HA8 APPENDICITIS. Blba Seriously III Operation May Be Necessary. William Biba of Exeter, a sopho more In the Engineering College, Is dangerously 111 at Dr. Everett's Hos pital. He is suffering from an acute attack of appendicitis and an opera tion is thought necessary. Fuzz. A . M t