Ibe Dailv IFlebrashan KANS. GAME SATURDAY AFTERNOON VOL. XII. NO. 40 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 13, 1912. Price 5 Cents APPOINTMENTS MADE MOSSE FACES SLUMP SOPHS TAKE BRACE RALLY ON FRIDAY CLASS OLYMPICS SAT MORNBNG NON-COMMI88IONED OFFICER8 OF REGIMENT A88IGNED PLACE8. NEW POSITION IS Q.M. SERGEANT Equipment Issued Last Evening -Suits Will Be Given Out During Rest of Week Drill With Full Equipment. After three months of waiting on the part of the Bophomores and upper claBBmen who applied for positions in the cadet regiment, the following non commiBHioned officers wore appointed by Commandant Bowman laBt even ing: Company A Quartermaster ser geant, Trumble; other sergeants, Graul, Graham and Chapin; corporalB, Wild, Olson and Lee. Company 13 Quartermaster ser geant, Clark; other sergeants, Young, Hospord and Dowell; corporals, Schek, Shunway and Daker. Company C Quartermaster sor geant, Versaw, other sergeants, Flans burg, MarcelhiB and Carson; corporal, WickBtrum. Company I) Quartermaster ser geant, Pier; other sergeants, Dresher, Latrop and Carson; corporals, McMas ter and Hough. Company E Quartermaster ser geant, Bunting; other sergeants, Bau man and Hopke; corporals, Kavan, Warner, Pettis. Company F Quartermaster ser geant, Noble; other sergeants, Christy, Temple and Aronson; corporals, Frank, Whisenand, Underland, Meyer and Kfaulo. ' Company G Quartermaster ser geant, Lehen; other sergeants, Phil lips, Hewitt, Mllott; corporals, Shaw, Soug, Green, Hansen. Company I Quartermaster ser geant, Edison; other sergeants, Cow gill, Kunkel, Wood; corporals, BateH, WatkhiB, Formanach. Company K Quartermaster ser geant, Parkinson; other sergeants, Stewart, Spooner and Klngery; cor porals, Hampton and Taylor. Company M Quartermaster Ber geant, Doll; other sergeants, Allison, Anderson and Fleetwood; corporals, King and Nlcholls. V. D. Smith has been appointed sec ond lieutenant, as assistant to the in spector of rifle practice. Pearson was appointed sergeant-major of the first battalion. Equipment was issued last evening and the new suits which arrived Mon day will bo given out to the men of the different companies during the remain der of this- week and next, and here aftor all men will be required to drill in uniforms and with full equipment. Cap and Color. A meeting of cap and color commit tee In M. hall today at 12 o'olock. New members bo sure to come. Berkley A. ThomaB, chairman. KAN8A8 MENTOR FIND8 DEFI CIENCY IN LINE 8ERIOU8. FIGHTING SPIRIT AT LOW EBB Nevertheless, K. U. Backers Refuse to Accept Rival Dopesters Views Hard Scrimmage the Order After Washburn Game. LAWRENCE, KaB., Nov. 12. (Spe cial to the Dally Nebraskan, by E. B. Hackney.) With but four days to pre pare for Nebraska and not two weeks' time before the Missouri game, the situation which faces the Jayhawker coaches is one that would cause many a coach to give up all hope. Truly the situation iB one which can only be solved by hard work. But three men seem to have their positions cinched in the line. They are Helvern'outs met with a listless response, con at center, Weidline at guard, and tain Brownloe at end. All the rest of the positions must be assigned to some man on short notice and to whom they will go seems to be as much a question as ever. Fighting Spirit Weak. Then in addition to the deficiency In the kicking that must oe remeuieu Is the lack of Vfcght that has been ex- hlblted by the Mosse-Frank warriors at times. True the defense put up under tho shadow of the KanBas goal posts haB been of the A No. 1 variety. But just the opposite has usually beon the case in mldfleld defensive work. Tho Jayhawkers will fight for one down and loaf on the next. Their tackling also has beon weak and not up to the standard of former years, i hers of the team have been picked, but , present to Inspire the loyal rooters by Very rarely Is a man thrown with I the chairman of tho committee refuses I their presence at the rally Home sufflclent force to hurt him. to divulge their identity, preferring to coming week should bring the old However, If the Kansans show the acquaint the freshmen with them in'gra(jB n from al directions, and there kind of fight which was exhibited by j plenty of time, but not until then. wju no donljt be a goodly number KansaB In former years the outcome Whether it is through fear of divulg- Lr(.8C,t to contribute their unlimited of the next two games will not being information detrimental to their iHUI)I))y of Nebraska pep for the occa nearly so certain as certain Cornhusk- IntereBts or it 1b Borne diplomatic coup Hon er and Tiger sport writers dope it to be. On the other "hand, if KanBas dis- plays no more Interest In the contest man was siiown ul iujiuku, u.u .,,- ., , . m I... ,l.rt I..,, hawk wlll undoubtedly iobo me re-,in the Temple at 11:30 and all sopho malning favorite tall feathers. mores willing to help destroy the prec- Everybody Works at Jayhawk Camp. e(jont of the last two years, when the Work Is tho watchword of the Kan - sas coaches and the first night after the return from Topeka was spent in a hard scrimmage. Very few of the froshman regulars wore in sulta. Neither Dalton, Bishop, Bottomly, James nor Burton, regulars on the freBhman eleven, were out, and the Kansas backs plowed through the freshman for large galnB. Parker, Mil ler and Cbolidge started the scrim mage in the backfield. In the line Bramwell and Tudor played guard and Coleman took Burn ham'B place at tackle. Milton and Price were used at end. Most of the time was spent in teach ing the men offensive plays and no attention was" given to the defense. The coaches wlll probably spend most of the week on this point. AVAILABLE MATERIAL FOR OLYM PICS NOW LINED UP. KEEPING INFORMATION1 SECRET Refuse to Divulge the Identity of Tteam 'Final Rally Will Be Held Thursday in Temple Build ing at 11:30. Action on the Olympics in the sopho more clasB has been slowly gathering force and prospects for a spirited Bcrap by the Becond-year men nre as suming BeriouB proportions. At first even the moBt conservative were doubt ing the ability of the Bophs to over come the weight of the freshmen num bers, but present plans show that a determined stand 1b being taken. The first call for candidates for try Cap-jtrasted with the enthusiastic turnout of the freshman. Bryan, chairmnn of the Bophomoro committee, took UiIb 'reverse as an excuse for some rapid i work and began rounding up the avail- able material. In the events, all but the grand slam, the individual work of members of the clasB will do much towaru raising mo score, since inese men are experienced in the meet of last year. But It is the rush, made clangorous by the hordes of freshmen who usually turn out to thiB event, that the second-year men are bending their energies toward taking. The general attitude of the sophB is the alumni, and it is expected that that of one holding on to a weighty j numerous prominent alumni will be secret, for thus far their work has present. All alumni here for the Kan been largely in the dark. The mom-'8a8 game nn cordially urged to be i8 not known, the fact remains that but their information haB been jeal ously guarded. ' A flna, ra)ly wl be hekJ Thursday ,fre8nmen nave captured the Olympics with comparative ease and set a rec ord for their own class, that of win ning for two years In succession, will be expected to help crowd tho theater to the doors. Hank. STOCKMEN TO VISIT FARM. Union Stockyards Men from Omaha to Be Guests of Secretary Stryker. A number of stockmen from tho Union Stockyards In South Omaha wlll be guests of the College of Agriculture next Saturday. Secretary Stryker of the stockmen's untyn has made ar rangements for their entertainment, including their attendance at the Kansas-Nebraska game. J. R. 'W. OLD-TIME CORNHU8KER FOOT BALL "PEP" TO BE AROU8ED. TO TRY NEW SONGS AND YELLS Glee Club Will Assist In Rendition Old Grade Expected to Tell Rem iniscences and Arouse Real Spirit In Undergrade. Friday morning at II o'clock will be held a monster footbnll rally for the Kansas game In Memorial Hall. At 11 o'clock classes will be excused, and it is desired that everyone that can possibly crowd Into Memorial Hall be present at this time. The songs and yells that are now being written will at that time be completed, and those which prove to be the best will bo tried out. The Glee Club will be on hand to jassist in the festivities and to give the i proper rendition of the new songs, With these "harmony Jerkers" present i there will be some melody found In the prize songs, no matter how crude they may be. Coffee, Meade and Slnke. I the yell leaders, hae sworn that they i wlll cause old "U-W-Wnl" and the newer yells to be given with such enthusiasm as to strike terror by tele pathic communication, to the hearts of the Jayhawkers when speeding onward to Lincoln. Arrangements have been made for reminiscent speeches from several of ! Coach Stlehm, Captain Frank, the i assistant coaches, and the entire Corn- lllliulfftr anilflil nri ulnfnrl tn mnln n four ,.. ....,. u.i.. u. v, u.,iv,i ivy iiimiiv, u. ,v-,. )brlef remarkf b concerning the pros pects for the annihilation of the Jay hawker eleven on the following day. J. N. B. PREPARING FOR STOCK SHOW Farm Will 8end Bunch of Steers and Swine to International 8tock Show in Chicago. The College of Agriculture fat steer herd consisting of twelve head of steers, two two-year-olds, six yearlings, and four calveB, as well as nine head of swine, Is being rounded Into shape for the International Stock Show, No vember 30. The stock Is now prac tically In show Bhape, and they put up a very fine appearance. Students and all others who are interested are ln vlted to visit the State Farm and In spect the barns and stock. W. ,