i .V - THE DAILY NEBRASKA I DOANE FOLLOWS SUIT DEFEATED IN 8ATURDAV8 GAME, BUT CR088 GOAL LINE. TOWLE VARIES HUSKER ATTACK Frank, Beck and Towle the Nebraska 8corlng Machine, While Goble and Bronnon Lug the Visitors' Ball. GRADS PLAN FEAST FIR8T HOME-COMING BANQUET HA8 NOVEL FEATURE8. CORN HUSKERS GUESTS 0FH0N0R Will Be Held After K.-U. Game Serl ous Subjects Relating to Welfare of University Will Be Taken Up by Alumni. The CornhuBkerB added n few more points to their already large accumu lation when they defeated Doano by the ono-fllded ncore of 54 to 6. The bIx wbh not captured through any piece of luck, flukuB or anything else of that nature, but by HtrnlRht football through the CornhuHker line. The Doane colleglaiiH were unable to wlthHtand the attacks of the lightning ComhuBker backB and Nebraska Hcored three tOuchdowiiB before the Tigers nrouBed themfielvpH. Hut In the sec ond quarter the Crete team caoie back strong ond carried the ball from the center of the field to the Cornhusker goal line, where Ooble was sent over for their lone touchdown. Hronson missed the goal Unfold Few PlayB. Captain Frank scored three touch downs during the time he was in the game. Heck also scored three, one ol which was made by a !t!-yard run through a broken field, scoring a touch down from the kickoff. Towle ran t In team In great shape, not once opening up on the plays that are not already known. He varied the attack so much that the Doane team was able to solve but few of the plays. In addition to his good generalship he kicked six of the eight goals. Goble and Bronson Star. (ioble was the best ground gainer tin Tigers afforded. Several times he tore through the Husker line Tor long gain Three place kicks were tried by him during the game, but none succeeded In the third quarter he attempted one Trom the r7 yard line, but it fell short only a foot or two Hronson showed up well as a lugger of the pigskin when Doane started their inarch to ward the. Nebraska goal. After the first quarter Coaches Frank and Rathbone sent in the substitute:" This was done to save the re;ulais from a possible injury, for all the regu lars will be needed against the Jay hawkers next Saturday Jimmy The first "home-coming" banquet of the "old grads" of the State University will be one of the most novel "feeds" lever held in the state "SwallowtailB" will be barred, toasts will be Bhort and college songs will be a distinct feature 'of the occasion The banquet will be held at the close of the Kansas-Nebras ka game, and, win or lose, the enthu siasm will be intense Net AM Levity. T F A Williams will be toastmaster , Coach Stlehm, Manager Guy Heed, and the football warriors will be guests of honor Hesides the fun and levity a number of serious subjects will be taken up Among them are publicity for the University, increased revenue, j better pay for professors and other top ics The discussions will all be "inside the family circle," and the utmost frank ness will prevail. Limited to 500. Secretary George W Kline of the State Alumni Association is in charge Ol the affair Ticket sales will be lim 'ited to f00, and about 2.nio alumni will be in Lincoln to attend the Kan sas Nebraska game next Satunlaj af ternoon. O'H I class, is back in colle.- and is going to matriculate. In the College, of Law., the authorities permitting Walt says i he Is in school for good this time, un less some legislative politician comes along and offers him an eas Job add lng figures In the Legislature I Ladies' clothing cleaned, remodeled and repaired by an experienced dress maker Satisfactory work at reason able prices Mrs Hricka, 315 South 17th. Auto B-4844 Adv 10 2 It CAMPUS NOTES CONTINUED "Have you seen our low-heel English walking boots, the swell thing for col lego girls? Rogers & PerkliiB, 1129 O Btroet. Illinois Dancing the grizzly bear, i turkey trot, bunny hug, chicken hop, or any of tho other BO-called 57 varie ties has been stopped. Unescorted gentlemen will not be permitted to at tend dances. Wo have tho boat worRraan, tho larg est, moBt sanitary and modern barbor shop and bathhouse In tho city. Stu dent ' patronage kindly sollcltod. Green'B, 120 North Eleventh. Walt Returns to the Fold. Walter Weiss, one of the charter membors of this year's senior law - isrjy. e. At THE MOST ACCURATE 21 CAUBER Repeating Rifle in the WORLD. Made in two models t one for .22 Short It. F. car tridges tho other for .22 Loner Riflo R. P. STEVENS "VISIBLE LOADING" RIFLE NO. 70. Handles IS .29 Short and 19 .29 loner rifle cartridges. Send for handsomely illustrated Riflo Cata log; and "How to Shoot Well". Order Stevent WfU Pistols aad Sbotaas from your Dealer. . STEVENS ARMS &TOOL COMPANY, P. O. Bex S0O4, CmOOPKE PALLS. MASS. LIST PRICE $8.00 nrnXw WJI r n J WHEN You go home for Thanks giving, take mother, sister or sweetheart a box of Golden Rod Chocolates, 60c per pound, or any of our many other favorite candies made in Lincoln by Gillen & Boney, "Good Candy Makers" FOft SALE AT Uni Book Store 340 North 11th Street I "h jmMMnfora? 5 &ft ffMfflregfcfrPMMfcagwiMi H I LLBflKLLBBLLLvlfsL' $ Aw'PJKrKsOraiH I HilKhli nKHffi, " r I ""'IBBB I Hlw f II IbJBKr & u w vRBH ' I WBSM:4k fWjBBraBBmuHBH B Hpfl. "? ' wKBIKnE ELLLH(7!tHhLLHLLLLB I I BHlBHf & 4 Mw& vk flflwrc&fliB EBAii lBBLLLBMif J 1 it lLKBHH BIBBBi JMMlLHlf r l I I&MElH Bb18HB& ISBISk lLLBltliP f f5 m WBftiSJHBI BBLBSBPIiHBlHfcLBiMi ir u ik HLBnflLLB wmjMWMwmmmmkmzmMmmmmmmmm$mmKmm 9sKeifSSAjiS wS?a5frM Mr. and Mrs. Coburn Ah they appear i?i one of their Shukespereun Productions phiiim; rt OLIVER TONIGHT ?DA1 Tonight "Othello" Wed. Mat. "Twelfth Nuht" Wed. Night "Electra" LET THE EVANS LAUNDRY DO YOUR WASHING WHITMAN'S CLASSY CANDY Meier Drug Co. 13th and O Sts. Y. M. C. A. fa Antiseptic Barber Shop fa Any Style Halreutting 25 cents. Tr Dc8t Service. Try Us 1?P jHfcrrijatttfi ISamtftnt TOaulfc Ilk your H3urk. kTRY THEM" 240 &a. 1 1th t. Htnroln. Nb. We have a dozen new English Grays Students Special AT THIRTY FOR THANKSGIVING We an Specializing In fine suits for the Boys 4fc L.UDWJC5 -loa STREET t- - r: