THE DAILY NEBRASKAN flatly Nfhrafikan Property of THE UNIVERSITY OK NEBRASKA, Lincoln FREDERIC C McCONNELL, Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Merrill V. Rood ABBOciate Editor. . Kenneth M Snydor ABBOclnte Editor . .Cloyd V. Stewart BuelncHH Manager .(' C Buchanan Circulation Manager . .J S bowen SCRIBES C. L. Yochum, J. I,. Cutrlght, H. O. Hewitt, W. V. Goodman, Winifred Soo gar, C. N. Brown, F. N. WoIIb, A. R. O'Hanlon, I,. W Home, F. A. Turnuro, J. R. Wood, I. K. FroBt, Leon Samuel son, Chandlor Trimble. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, 5 Cents Each. TELEPHONES Offlce B-1888. Night Phono B-4204 Editor B-1 821 Manager B-1821 Entered at the poBtofllce at Lincoln, NebraBka, as Hecond-claBS mall matter, under the Act of CongreBB of March 3, 1879. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1912 SHAKESPEARE MISTREATED. Newspaper Scribes In Small Towns Make 8port of Great Dramatist. If there 1h one thing more than an other that glveH zest to the playing of Shakespearo In provincial towns it 1b the brand of canned criticism furnished by some of the country newspapers. Mr. and Mrs Coburn, who are playing an engagement of Shakeapoare at the Oliver this week, make It a point to preserve all such gems of comment. In a Kansas town, for Instance, a baseball reporter recently reviewed one of the Coburn performances, say ing at the outset that for his part he could not see why "a bunch of players continue to tosB Shakespeare to the tank towns," and adding with profound aplency that "nobody much nowadayB reads" Shakespeare any more." The critic also did the company the honor to say that last evening the players "put over" "The Taming of the Shrew" and that tonight they would "pull off" "Macbeth " KANSAS LOSE TO WASHBURN Jayhawkers Show Up Poorly Saturday, But Hope for a Brace Before the Cornhusker Game. LAWRENCE, Kas , No 11 (Spe clal to I)all Nebraska!), b Edward B Hacking ) Saturdays defeat at the Land of Washburn again showed the pitiful weakness of the Kansas team lu the punting line That, with the poor generalship of Magill, the Kansas quarterback, lost fpr KauBas what should have been an easy victory Playing the brand of ball that was displayed against the Ichabods the Jay hawkers would be lucky to hold the Nebraskans to a 20-to-() score. The entire team were off to some extent Party Slippers $2.50 Tinted to Match any Gown BUDD The Boob that put Sample CONVOCATION fr Memorial Hall 11 A. M - COBURN PLAYER8 and showed almost no aggrcBBlvenesB in tholr offense, but through several breaks In the luck Bhould have been able to have at leaBt tied the score If any judgment had been used In direct ing the KaiiBaB attack. The punting as usual was placed In the handB of Burnham, the big Jay hawker tackle, and If anything his booting wbb ranker than usual. Only two of his puntB averaged 35 yards and the majority of his kicks either sailed over the sidelines or were point ed too high. As a rcBult the Ichabods gained 20 yardB on every exchange of kicks The one Washburn touchdown came as a result or iobsos in mis manner In every game up to this point Kan sas has suffered seriously through the weakness of the punting department. The Jayhawker coaches will probably spend some time this week in an at tempt to remedy thlB defect. Maglll in his directing of the team ruined chances to score time- after time by his poor headwork. The Kan sas backs made pretty gains through the Ichabod line, but every gain made was either lost through exchange In punts or Borne rank move by the Kan sas Held general. Nearly five hundred rooters accom panied their team to Topeka. All were pretty well dlsgiiBted with their team Not so much because of their defeat, but because of the lack of fight and poor running of the squad TEAMS SELECTED (Continued from Page 1 ) honors on graduating lrom the College of Arts last June. Last December he lepresented the University of Iowa. He is a member of the Alpha Theta Chi and of Delta Sigma Rho. Harold A. Prince, '13, law "IB, of (J rand Island High School, was vale dictorian of the class of 1909 at the (3 rand Island High School He repre sented the University In the debate on the ship subsidy question with the Uni versity of Minnesota at Minneapolis Ho is a member of the Delta Sigma Rho, Phi Alpha Tau 'ind Delta Tail Delta Z Clarl" Dickinson, '14, represented the Lincoln High School two years In debate and was president of the senior class He won membership in the Interoo'Iegiate debate bemlnary last year ind won in the sopnomore debat ing team that defeated the freshmen In the interclass series He is a mem ber of the English Club. I. K. F. Shoes in Lincoln. 1415 0 GOOD THINGS TO EAT AT - " WESTERFIELD'S CAFE 213-219 North 9th St. MEAL TICKETS $2.00 AND UP LITTLE GEM HOT WAFFLES AND MAPLE SYRUP A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO VARSITY STUDENTS ri TO A MINIMUN SCORE We are holding down prices to a minimun margin of profit consistent with the high values which we offer you in such gar ments as Hart, Schaffner and Marx Suits and Overcoats. ARMSTRONG GOOD CLOTHES We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD RE FRESHMENTS in the city Student's 3-Course Lunch, 25c etrtih Home Made Cookies, Pies, Cakes, Holsum Bread, Fancy Pastries - 'M -M W V M " - f Open after the "Good Things to Eat" 1325-31 N STREET D0ANE WAS HELD DOWN CLOTHING CO. MERCHANTS Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Fountain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors Baked Goods W CAFE Shows with aJHllc S?U Hitii i i ii i i ,r m i mi