i i XZhc Dailv IFlebraehan CLASS OLYMPICS SAT MORNING KANS. GAME SATURDAY AFTERNOON VOL. XII. NO. 39 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, NOV. 12, 1912. Price 5 Cent LAST FREStiMArl RALLY OLIVE DRABS HAVE ARRIVED TEAMS SELECTED -' Miss YAtES Leads TO A88UME LEADING ROLE WITH 6YRNE MARCELLU8. DRAM CLUB PLAY NOVEMBER 23 Members of Dramatic Club Busy Work ing Up Annual Semester Play Prominent Students Are in the Cast. Katherlne YateR and Byrne C. Mar cellus are to assume tho loading parts in "AU-of-a-Suddon Peggy" which tho University Dramatic Club will present at the Temple Saturday evening, No vember 23. Thlfl la n comedy In throe actB written by Charles Denny. It was originally produced at tho Duke of York Theater, London, In 1906, and later at the DIJou in New York under the direction of Charles Frohman. A mystery surround b tho plot of the Play, which the members of the cast will not divulge, brvo that the play Is of the Frohman school and one of ab sorbing Inteiest. The cast that lias boon selected to present the Dram Club's first semes ter play Is an unusually strong one, most of them having already appeared before University audiences. The complete cum Ih as follows: Anthony, Lord CrockMithorpe Earl Sage The Hon. Jimmy Kcppel Byrne Marcellus Major Archie Phlnim Iteavls Gist Lady Crackcnthorpe Miss Hills Milllcent Keppel Clara Wilson Mrs. Colquhoun Alma Plasters Mrs. O'Maro Miss O'Keefe Peggy Katherlne Yates The piny is being coached by Flor ence Farman. "ELEKTRA" AT THE OLIVER. "Elektra," the (Iroek tragedy of Eu ripides, translated by Gilbert Murray, will be given by the Coburn Players at the Oliver Theater tomorrow evening. A novelty of the play Is that tho scene does not once change during the entire length of the tragedy. Tho scene of tho whole play 1b laid In the Greek mountains of Argoa. The scenic equipment showing the huge boulders, the acraggley cypreeB trees and the panoramic pastures is extremely real istic. Particular attention has been Siven the lighting, inasmuch aa tho radius conies from above as real sun shine. Shadows are cast which gives the groupings the effect of being wrapped with out-of-door atmosphere. As the result, from the gradual coming of the morning to tho sot of Bun and darkness at the close of the drama, is 'n Poetic harmony with the whole auB- tere beauty of tho play. Mrs. Coburn will bo soon in tfie title role of "Elektra" and Mr. Coburn In me part of Orestes. Eloktra'a brother i?tT,lltU?-efl,are Blmple' ate, and m the barbaric color of the age.-Adv Victory In Olympics Dependent Upon Enthusiasm Shown Co-eds' Presence Desired. The freshman class will hold Hb last big meeting before the OlymplcB thlB morning at 11:30, Immediately follow ing the convocation. A number of good speeches are promiBod, and thtrtomo time, but circumstances have final plans for the big scrap will be announced in detail. Freshman capB will also be discussed. Mr. Ankeny of the Olymplo committee wishes It emphasized that this meeting Is ex tremely Important and that the victory next Saturday depends to a largo ex tent upon the amount of enthusiasm displayed at this meeting. The co-eds are particularly urged to be present. Freshman class meetings heretofore have been noted for their lack of the feminine olemont, and it is hoped that the futuro will see more suffragettes In the audience. Blue and gold have been selected as freshman colors, and will be In ev'i- dence at the gaincB next Saturday Mug hereafter the next companies In morning. Arrangements have been 'order will be supplied in the same made with a big department store to 'manner. j furnish caps for the entire class at aj The second-year men of Sergeant very nominal price Blue caps will be worn with a gold "N" and the figures "lCi." The first-year men express their confidence In winning from the sophs. and declare that they will be wearing ' their new caps one week from next Saturday. Fuzz. COBURNS AT CONVOCATION. Prominent Shakespearian Actors to Talk to Students ThiB Morning. ... . .. r. . Air. ano Mrs. rouiirn 01 me i;ouurn Players, who are playing at tho Oliver this week, will speak at convocation this morning at 11 o'clock. The Co burns are playing a BerieB of Shake- ( spearian and classic plays all over the country, and especially to college audi- ences. When last here Mr. and Mrs. Coburn attended convocation and made some Interesting remarks on the na ture of their work. if WANTED, YELLS AND SONGS. if The rooting committee of the if tAt Innocents, composed of Coffee, if if Meade and Slnke, has offered if prizes for the host songs and if if yollB submitted before Wednes- if if day night. Eight reserved tick- if if ets to the Kansas-Nebraska game Jfc if will be given, one for each brig- if inal Bong or yell. The commit- if if too reserveB the right to reject if if any or all turned in, but tho if if winning ones will be put Into if if use at the rally Friday. The if if Glee Club has offered its ser- if vlceB In helping to swing the if if new songs. Quick action muBt if it bo taken. The prize-winning com- -A- positions will be printed in the if if Nebraskan as soon as the de- if if cisions have been made. -j if if 'A Regimentals Will Be Given Out This Week Quns and Equipment Dis tributed to First-Year Men. Tho new unlformB of the first-year cadets have arrlvod and will bo dis tributed among the cadets as soon as possible. They have been expectod for caused a delay In shipment and they have just boon received by tho mili tary department. Tho uniforms are of tho conventional and official olive drab as those of last year, with perhapB a slight difference in the texture of the cloth. In order that there will be no con fusion In the distribution of the suits among tho men, Lieutenant Bowman has decided to give them out to one company at a time, as the boxes are marked according to the different com panies TlniB Company A will be the Vrst company to receive uniforms, and the men of this company will receive their "olive drabB" tonight. Each even-' Johnson's squad have recently been drilling with guns and are once more regaining their proficiency in the man- ual of arms. The guns and equipment will be distributed to the new men in the companies tonight, and although It now becomes quite dark during the drill hour, making the correct execu- Hon of commands difficult, neverthe - JIcbb the cadets will soon be able to ("shoulder arms" with the precision Of .tho veterans. C. N. B. I rnccuiiAu cunui iid CTDnwn rntonmnn oritur ur oinunu Promising Material Uncovered in Ollm- pic Tryouts Wrestlers and Boxers Chosen Relay Team Later. In the freshman Olympics tryouts held last Saturday evening there waB very promising material uncovered. ,l,e Nebraska High School Debating Chairman Howard Ankeny predicts , league in 1908 and 1909. He attended .that the freshmen are going to glve,Grand l8,an(1 oWvgo from 1909 till HiPHnnhnmnrflim hnrri hn t tin for ( il vm-1 February, 1911, where he was on the pic honors if the men show up as strong In the other events as in thoi boxing and wrestling tryouts. Tho names of those winning out in theBe tryoutB are as follows: WRESTLING. Wt. Lightweight, Hager 133 Middlowolght, Koppel 147 Heavyweight, Hoagland 1C4 t BOXING. ' Lightweight, Hager 133 Middleweight, Lonabaugh 146 , Hellman 148 Helghtwelght Not determined There are a number of men yet to try out for the relay and the tug-of-war and theBe men have therefore' not been determined. The names of these men will be given out as soon as possible. There are numerous applicants, and it Is only a question of eliminating those who are proven to be inferior to the otherB. C N. B. MEN TO MEET ILLINOI8 AND WIS CONSIN ARE 8ELECTED 8AT. FOUR OLD MEN BACK ON DUTY Dally Meetings to Be Held from Now On Till December 6 Many Promi nent Men to Represent Nebraska on Teams. The flnaTtryout for the purpose of selecting the two teams to represent the University In the Central Debating League contests, December 13, 1012, was held In Memorial I fall last Satur day. The contestants were tho fifteen members of the Intercollegiate Debate Seminar (Rhet. 22), which were chosen at the tryouts held last June IfluTOrW ber 5. The squad has been meeting dally for the purpose of threshing out the question, and as a result a very good showing was made Each man was allowed seven minutes In which to give his speech. Illinois Team, I Two teams or lour men each were selected. The team which Is to debate against the University of Illinois is composed of (iu C Klddoo. 13, law Ml. a graduate of the South Omaha nigh School. He has been businesB I manager of the Daily Nebraskan and 1 0f n,,. Cornhusker He is n member of i iil Kappa Phi, Phi Alpha Tim. Iron . Sphinx and th Innocents. Byrne C. Marc Hub. '11, law 'M. is u graduate from tht Brock, Xeb., High ' Q.lirnl ii,l ll, !,..-i, V, ,.-., I Ql,nn "" '"" '" """"' "uu'- n 11)10 he was on the team that de feated Wisconsin on the closed shop question. He has also taken a leading part In University dramatic work and has done a good deal of public reading. Ho is a member of Alpha Tan Omega, Phi Alpha Tau ai.d Delta" Sigma Rho. C. A. SorensMi, h, of Loup City rep- , resented the Loup City High School In j freshman and pophomore debating" teams, "rho Volante," and was tho college's representative In the state oratorical context in 1912. Leslie A. Welch, '12, law '14, of Wayne (alternate), was salutatorian of the Wayne High School class of 1008. He was alternate on the Junior clasB debate team In 1911. Ho won tho iidivldual competitive drill in 1910, and was captain of Company C. He 1b a member of Delta Upsllon. Wisconsin Team. The team which (b to debate against the University of Wisconsin is com posed of: Harry J. BurtlB, '13, Ib a Kansan whose home is now in Lincoln. He was a momber of the Junior law debat ing team that won the class champion ship last spring. Ralph W. Garrett, '12, law '14, a graduate of the Madison High School in 1908. He took Phi pota Kappa (Continued on Page 2.) fl & r . ..' i V. w w-i