The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 08, 1912, Image 4

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University Y. M. C. A. Doing Much to
Get Students Interested In Local
Churches Students Become
Department Heads.
Joqes' Orchestra. Phono L-8G06.
V V Konnei, ')! and '1 1, is lsiting
frlondH in Lincoln
Meet mo af Green's, 120 North 11th i
Mrs A O Tlnsloy of Sioux Falls.
S. I), is visiting hor brother, Prof
George It Chntlnirn
Telephone Ynlo Bros at onco.
Secretary RolUol of the University
Y. M (' A has issued a folder present
ing die accomplishments of ttie asso
ciation during the past month Those
circulars hIiow that the association is
doing mucli to help HtndentH In getting
started in tho University
Perhaps tho mOHt significant work
accomplished Ih that in connection
with the ehurchoB. Many people. Judg
ing from tho nownpaper headlines,
easily get the linpreHHion that the
main feature of Htudcnt life Ih athlet
ics, and a little study mixed in occa
sionally Tho Y M. (' A. has done
much to correct this Impression by
showing that a large number of stu
dents are ongaged In the various activi
ties connected with tho church. Of
tho many worthy lines of activity en
tered Into, the following are among tho
most significant
1. An investigation shows that ovor
100 University men are holding re
sponsible offices in tho churches of
Lincoln, either as presidents of young
people's societies, as teachers, or as
memborfl of various committees
2. As a result of a personal canvauH
carried on by the association 500 men
have been enrolled in the church Bible
Study classes. These classes are held
In the churches at the regular nible
School hours Most of the courBOB aro
designed to meet the problems of stu
dent life.
3. Mission Study classes aro also
being organized In the churches near
the University. Tho classes are formed
in conjunction with the church young
people's societies.
The association emphasizes not only
church attendance but active church
work I k F
Maivin V. Summorv ille. '2, was
elected county attorney at McCook in
the election this week
Ilagenslck'fl Orchestra. Auto 9012.
Prof Carl Engborg was entertained
at dinner at the Kappa Sigma house
last evening.
C H Frey. University florist. 1133
O Bt.
Eugene Cobbey, an ex-student, was
elected county attorney of Gage
Have you seen our low-heel English
walking boots, the swell thing for col
lego glrlB? Rogers & Perkins, 1129 O
Ted Marrlncr Cleaner, Hatter and
Repairer. Auto B1799. 235 No. 11th.
The English Club will not meet this
week, as announced, but will meet
next Friday at Professor Alexander's
Call Uoy O Warde, dance orchestra,
Auto 7186, L-8152.
This cut shows one of the
decided innovations in over
coat styles now extremely
popular in the east. The
first time you are at 1 1 th and
O, just stop and see some of
the new ones at
Magee & Deemer's
They show the new shawl
collar that is both serviceable
and attractive; also the split
sleeve and extension cuff.
Made up in Fleece Wool
"warmth without weight" fa
brics, also in handsome fancy
cheviots. Plaid self linings
and satin yokes are popular
features. Coats and over
coats that are different.
CcctnUrflQIlTheHotM J
College Girls' Meeting.
Miss Mabel Daniels will preside at
the College Girls' meeting tq be held
Friday rrom 12 to 12:15 In the Y. W.
C A rooms.
.The Students' Suitorlum, cleaning
and pressing, 504 N. 15th. Auto B-1294.
Men's dancing pumps and tan drill
shoes Women's party slippers and
Swedish gym shoes, at Rogers & Per
kins. 1129 O street
Ladles' clothing cleaned, remodeled
and repalrod by an experienced dress
maker Satisfactory work at reason
able prices Mrs Bricka, 315 South
17th. Auto B-4844 Adv. 10-2 It
We have tho best workman, the larg-1
est, moBt sanitary and modern barber i
shop and bathhouse in the city Stu
dent patronage kindly solicited
Green's, 120 North Eleventh '
"S"' """ J
Prize to Junior Laws.
The Calllgan company, a prominent
firm of book publishers in Chicago,
has offered a prize for scholarship to
tho second year men in the Law Col
lege. The prize consists of two vol
umes of Andrews' "American Law"
and is quite well worth working for.
English Custom Last
This is the shoe for dressy young men who want a
shoe with real style to it. Comes in the tari, calf or
gun metal calf, lace or button. A splendid value tor $5
- .... .
HERZOG'S 1224 o st.,
Students are invited to call (it
Herzog's and see the new dancing
frocks and party coats now on display
Lincoln Hotel
' Tickets $125
gntar ijop
Hagensick's Orchestra
Friday, Nov. 8, 1912
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