THE DAILY NEDIA8KAN 9B9 I DEBATETRYOUTS SAT. m n I I FIFTEEN CANDIDATES WILL MEET IN FINAL WEED1NQ OUT. COMPETITION FOR THE 5 PLACES Meet Illinois Her and Wisconsin at Madlaon Deo. 13 Thr Places1 Place Aaaured, and Remain ing Five Go to Beat Men. TryoutB for positions on thdebatlng team will be held Saturday moW&ag t 9 o'clock In Memorial Hall. Protfcfluor Fogg and several professors from ttao law and economics dopartmcntB will act as Judges. The question will bo tho same as the one uBed for the lnter scholaetlc debate, viz, Resolved, That all corporations engaged In Interstate business should bo required to take out federal charters. From the fifteen men who aro on the present debating squad two teams are to be chosen, an affirmative team which will debate with Illinois at Lincoln, and a negative team which will meet at Madison. Wis. The fact that three of last year's men, Marcellus, Prince and Garrett, are trying out causes the keenest competition to center about the position of alternate on the affirm ative team and the four positions on the negative team. As hoi-otooro, all tho five colleges which aye arguing thlB Bubject will de bate ou the Bdme day. this year Fri day. December the 13th. Besides Ne braska. Illinois and Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota will each have two teams In tho field. W. F. GIRLS' CLUB LUNCHEON NOV. 16 - Annual Get-Together of Co-eds Will Bo Held Saturday Noon-Tlcfcets Go on 8ale Tuesday. The annual Girls' Club luncheon, the get-together affair of all tho Uni versity girls, will be held at noon on Saturday. November 16. Klnboratc preparations aro belnK mado by the committee iiTcharge to serve 300. and tne number may mount higher than that. Laat year the first luncheon wan held In tho Temple, and the buccess which crowned the efforts of those in Charge has led to tho preparations for (ho "biggest ever" this year. Nearly 800 girls attended and went In a body to the Michigan game, where seats in tnT grandstand had been reserved. During the luncneon a rally waa in augurated and much enthusiasm wa roused for the game TicketB for the luncheon aro In tho bands of all members of the board. jAiss Ensign and Miss Drake. They will be put on sale in Library Hall Tuesday and will bo withdrawn abso lutely after Wednesday, the 13th. AT THIS TIME This is the time to find just what you want "in our big meti's style shop. Fine stylish high grade Suits and Overcoats. All the newest things in furnishings and hats, all the lines are at their best Let us show you. FARQUHAR 1325 O Street The Home of God Clothes i . .- ,. i ii'K:r: uHiratsrrr bulletin Superior Club Notice. The Superior Club will meet Satur day evening at the home of Mr J. W. Klcfer, 1825 M street Soph Football Notice. All sophornojro football mon will meet at the gymnasium' this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Ed. Pettis, manager. Scandinavian Club Monday. Tho Scandinavian Club meets next Monday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Professor Alexis, 1420 Elm Btreet. President A. H. Dahlstrom will Bpoak on the subject "Vikings " Tako Fourteenth street car. Freshmen! Freshmen! Freshmen! Do you know that tne freshmen Olympic tryouts are to bo hold at tho gymnasium next Saturday night? Do you know that you are expected to bo there? And do you know that a radical change has been made from the orig inal plans outlined by the Innocents. The cross-oountry race has been changed to a mile relay race with Bixteen men on each Bide. This means the loyal work and co-operation of every man. Everyone who can run a hundred yards be suro to be out to the tryouts to be held on the athletic field at 9:30 a. in., Saturday morning. Hooward Ankeny, chairman. WHITMAN'S CLASSY CANDY NUtar Drug Co. 13th and O St. f Tr BIG GAME HUNTERS' FIRST Choice e Big enough for the biggest game of North America. STEVENS f "WgfcPiwer" Repeating list Price - $20.00 ' -Z5-J-3-J2 ami .35 ciHfcen Vac Rem. Auto-Loadlnr Cartridges SUREFIRE NORMXS NO OurlNsfcPewat Rifles also fur nished in fancy grades. MiyewDiihr. Send for handsome. lUaeCaUtor. JL STEVBK ARMS & TOOL COMPANY, P. O. Box 5M4 cMcam tout, IttSJACIWSETTS JMM' JSf 1 VSk 1 new i in pvgatBjgji ON SALE SATURDAY 25 Cent Silk Four - in - Hands 7 Ties for 98c (JsasaB i New arrival 10OO of them shown In all the new color. Made of illk arid wool Bengallne, everslble and full 45 Inchsa long. Men will appreciate the ease with which the el Ik Tie slip through close-fold collar. Women will Want Then Too. Women who wear tailored waist or tho new soft flannal shirts will want a half doten at least. This li particularly true of the new reds, blues, etc., of which there are many splendid shades. 14 CENTS EACH MR. COLLEGE MAN . Here Is the opportunity you have been waiting for. Just the thing for those Jlose-fUtlng collars. See them In the win dow and be sure to select your before the range of colors Is broken. Please note they mrt on sale for Saturday only. Watch them go. THE COLOR8- Taupe ttael Hunter Lavender Copenhagen Cadet Gobelin Russet Tobaeoo 8carlet Cardinal Maroon Yale Royal Navy Sapphire Purple 8moke Black Rudge & Guenzel Co, GOOD THINGS TO EAT AT -. WESTERFIELD'S CAF.E 213-218 IMorTM 9TH St. MEAL TICKETS $2.00 AND UP LITTLE GEM HOT WAFFLES AND MAPLE STRUP A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO VARSITY STUDENTS