T II K DAILY N 10 BRAS K A N i 1 : ' M I - . rr i f 1 c r Hixlci'ii ji'iiiH out of Die few I have flat I u Nihraa kuui ,,, lltl, M.II1K llIirlI1K tliat l-iopfitv (it j whole Iim'miiiic lime upon tlieir im TIIK I M I KSITN OP' NHIIU ASK A, Lim oln KKMH.KM ' McCONNKI-L, Editni In Chief MaiianiMi! KdHoi Men ill V Heed AHHoeliile Kilitoi Kenneth M Hinder ABBOcillte ImIIIoI Clovd ' SleMllt IJUHillCHh Mllllilel C (' IlllclWllliltl Ckctiliiimn Miiiiii;ei ' S How en plied piomlHc to leiuti, educate and enliKli'en me to Hie limit of enlighten ini'iit, it I would meiel attend uith M-asonalde ienulaiit hae Not taught me and ne ei intended to' It in mont dine ouiauiim " It appeals liiim his ailK'le that uhat the Hle UH Utldei the title ol all eilll cation is Honiethiim like a (iest foi SCKIUKH C 1, ol hum .1 I- 'ut i ikIK, II (! Hcwlt:. I'' (ioodman, Winifred Hee- Kar, C N Hi own, 1'' N Wcllfl, A It. our stalionei or a tanc necktie O'lianlon. L W Home, K A Turnuro. ' mi.tter, If uhat he hih Ih J. It Wood, I K Front. Leon Samuel 8on, Chandler Trimble. tiuc the tliliu; in a "ChrintmiiH tie and SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2 PER YEAR ja duplicate at that It ih a debt, he Payable In Advance ,.(iji ()(ir fath,,rH ow,,d , M. 8lngle Copies, 5 Cents Each. I mint," and not belnn able to square it TELEPHONES ,, ,. . . Offlce-IH888 Night IMiono B-4204 P "' Pll riltlB IhlH '" Editor H 1K1M Milliard 1UK1H ()f (.()rH nice to get HomethiiiK you Entered at the poHtolllce at Lincoln, an m)t c.MtiH,.,l to Hut he goon on to NebrnRka. an Hecond cliiHH mall matter, ,.,..-, , , tindor the Act of TongreHH of March 3. lil 'I"" '' l of HO ,mKh val,M' 1879 'after all, becaiine this debt that they owe to their anceHtors they pay to us DR. H. J. LEHNHOFF U OF N 97 CONSULTATION 506 LITTLE BUILDING. 11TH AND O KHIDAY. NOVEMBER K, 1 1 li m "the coin of the past (Set that "WHAT THE SCHOOLS DO NOT , ts out of date, moth eaten. TEACH." 'wood cut. confederate money, which ih By "Chan." ,onl useful to uh in that we can put it I diopped into the libiar estei.la in m- nuiHeuniH In other words, the with the forloin hope that I might get 'Mean are all out of date and ought to the book I hae been waiting lor all be i hewed up like old bills and made work Aftei disioveiing that the sell into aier niache knicknacks It is all iBh hog who took it last Satuida still '''' discouraging If I hail known haB it out in spite of the fact that Ihlh last week I w ould ha e gone dm k tblity ol us waul to lead it. I ambled bunting instead t ciainming lot that over to the icadinu table to pick up a Oui. little learning ol one kind oi another The .m hool. he thinks, have gien us There Is alwavs a bit ol il ling aiound H' mateiials and tools to make a looae and nut laimed pietty fair job of life, but the trouble I linked up the Imiiiiiii I was feel ' Unit no on. knows how to use them ing reckless that is the only way I and the schools do not teach that ran explain n I opened it mngeily. PH " " ''"'' J"1"' " ! " with a sen-.- ot anticipation, a. oulls 'n"' 'ake a thiid of oui lues to would open an ostef. loi n ineie is ' '' " 'knowledge,- but as t'oi "abil ever;, .banc ol finding an intellectual' " '" rr ,,,:,, y"Hr It ih pearl in on. maga.ine literature, surely .)' a little joke they play We are tht Koriini it nnl on account of its 1('11 l( oursehes with our education name, ought to be a laiih safe bet I "' 1K i"1 nibber bone to chew wuu not disappointed The tirst thing"1 " '"an is right in his judgment, that met m eye was a title that was. wo,ll(1 suggeHt that we hae more indeed, a gem, "What the Schoola Do dancen and attend the theaters more t Not Teach, b Edward M Weyer 'olten until the ieise the sh(ein. loi "Never heaid of him." 1 said to inselt.',vi(l'll,, nothing else is woith the "but the title gets m ote" I have "l,u' always had a sneaking liking for the i things the schools did not teach, but STAFF BEGINS WORK for some reason or other no one (Continued rrom Page 1 ) eeined to agree with me. and every- ' huHkt.v staff haH l)(en orKttnlzt.(, an(1 one wub getting educated, so I fell ln'Kt.t t() work "under a full head of with the lot, thinking there nuiHt bo uteain" so early in the year With the something In It "Here am I." I re- , uuumially large force of uHnibtantH at .,..,, .... . i i work lnontliH ahead of Behedule, the fleeted, who hae attended achool i I 15H3 CornhuHker will undoubtedly be since my eurlioBt remembered days; ' , .. ., . . . , ' one of the II neat and most complete who have lived school, played school , J, ,Nt.r i8Mlt.d under the Scarlet and thought, sung and wrote school for all .('ream Fuzz. TAILORED SUITS Man new and attractive suits for oiir selection, made from Jill wool materials in tin following cloths Serges. Diagonals, Fancy Rough Materials, etc Triced at $15.00, $20.00, $25.00 & $35.00 DRESSES CordnroN and Serges, man models that are ciitirclv new having been shipped lis this week. Triced at - $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00 DRESS COATS Ahoiit ")() new all wool Dress Skirts, in a ariet (J?0 yC of cloths and models Specially pri I at . SUITS Hundreds of stes to choose Ironi Tuing made eas tor on here The unusual w k le range ol allr.K tive models for our selection Chinchilla. Rough Mtl'ect Cloths Wlnpconls, Tl.ud T.iicU Chinchillas . also Touch' Clot lis. made :'. 1 and full lengths, shawl and close fitted collars Priced at $10-$12.50-$15 to $35 w THEATRES OLIVER THEATRE Tonight, Sat. & Sat. Matinee THE WHITE SLAVE Night $1.00 to 25c. Mat. 50 &. 25c Mon. Tucb. Wed. & Wed Matinee. November 11-13 "THE COBURN PLAYERS" Monday "Merchant of Venice." Tuesday "Othello." Wed. Matinee "Twelfth Night." Wed. Eve. "Electra." DRILL TANS B V TT ON AND LAC K $2.50 Viscolized heavy double sole $3.50 Tan Shoes, this week - 2.95 BUDD, $2.50 Hatter 1415 O Street ORPHEUM ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE HOWARD'S NOVELTY HERBERT ASHLEY & AL LEE JESSE L. LASKY THE BOUNDING PATTERSONS THE TAKINESS JOHN HIGGINS Bar. Mats at 2:15 Prices 15c, 25c. Night, 8:15 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c. LYRICS The Millards Henry Hargrave & Co. Photo Plays 3 Shows Daily 2, 7 and 9 P. M. ALL SEATS 10 CENTS Visit the most enjoy able and up to date Moving Picture. Programmes given at Read the "Rag ? i ml w r .m MmiKf ' KieX?H 1329 OStr., South Side. wCTsaKsssesssSBKWfi