The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 08, 1912, Image 1

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be H)ailv IRebraskan
VOL. XII. no. r
l'i ii ( Crnts
CAPS FOR FRESHMEN LflRGE attendance expected' church affiliation revised STAFF BEGINS WORK
Tickets for Kansas Game Arc Going Dr. Leland Trying New Plan of A&60
Rapidly Over a Thousand Have ciate Members for University Stu-
"Been Sold. dent During Residence Here.
Tickets lor tli- Kansas game arc I r Lcland, tin l'i esbytcrian I'm
t'oini; ;it a rate which indicates thai versity pastor, is imiiigiiiating a plan f!FT A MONTH PARIV C.TADT
the attendance at the Kaiihas Mineral oi uniting students with the (ininn In
will he a record hreakei And so far an associate inemheislup. which makes
the majoi poition-uT the sales have it slniplei toi a Indent intending I " 11 1
heen to out of town persons and Lin- versitj to enter into chinch llle 1 1 1
10I11 lesidents Vcrj few students ha e totoie It Iuim heen the custom to hae
:iv jet inocured tickets, Ilarrj l'oiter, the student desiiiin; lo unite with the
who lR handling the tickets, report h chinch wiite loi his letiei, and. tit
ihal the students do not seem to want tine, loose liom the home lunch, stall
to Hit in the reserved sections with a atieh in a stiann' coininunitj llj
No more can the pleluan lieshnian fair coed Hoth the north and Houth the new plan the student lem.iins m
w ho cntets the Cnhersitj of.ehraska grandstands have been wholly resei cd. lull ineinhershi) in his home church
imagine himself to he on an equal so that unless you wish to sit in a and meielj attends the sei v ices ol hi
piano with the upper classmen His corner far from the din of battle it denomination 111 this cilj whlh
unconscious taking on of tlie manner- would he wise lo drop in at Porter's for the school year
Declaration of Seniors Goes Into Im
mediate Effect Freshmen Must
Don Headgears, But Victory
Will Annul Edict.
Photographers, Artists and "Dope
Slincjers" All Preparing to Put Out
the Best Ever Racely Assist
ant Business Manager.
The ('01 nhuskei '-tall 1 1 I I In Ir Ural
"gel Id.' 1 1 In 1 ' Illi 1 I 111)' l.tH 1 en III k al
tin- lpha 'I Ir I 1 (In limine Syste-
licre malic woik in 1 1 ejiai a 1 ion loi a "blg
gei and lieilei ' animal was outlined.
isms and the imitation of the methods Student athletic tickets may he up- , This does awaj with the objection and the ai ions ludiv idual ineiuherH ro
of those bettor schooled in matters plied on tho purchase price of reserved that Is frequently taken, that a student U eel their iiiMiuciioiis liom Editor
appertaining (o university lfio will no seats, which will be $1.50. coining into a strange coinmunitj does in Chid Sueelj Although a hi out deal
longer be tolerated Useless it will be Omaha and South Omaha together not care to take a stop as decisive as of pieliminaij work lias alieady been
for him to pretend that he Is a brawny have taken about 57f tickets. Other the complete remcnal from his own accomplished bj the ediiois, tioin tliia
sophomore, a fussing junior or a stern towns in the state have been taking church, and in many instances neglects time on the olllce of the Conihuskor
and sedate senior Alas! Up can now smaller blocks, so that about 1,200 of to ally himself with anj church The SN'" present a scene ol bustling actlv
be distinguished from these elder' unl the best seats are already gone The Lincoln church is to serve- as a substl "J hitln-ito unknown Mi Sweoly cm-
versity brothers.
Caps Worn at Eastern Schools.
measure for this early rush for tickets latlonshlp to the home chinch extent upon the stall of assi-tiints, unci
dedication of this game to the alumni tute during the student's tempoiarj the taci that tin- hwcvhh ot
has no doubt been responsible in large icsidonce and does not change his re the I ! 1 :i annual depends to a grout
The. upper classmen have issued an
edict to the effect that hereafter all
freshmen, regardless of high school !
fame or parental wealth, must wear
the hated skullcap as a badge of inno- t
conce and insignificance This is an
innovation at Nebraska, although many
of the eastern universities inaugurated
the custom some time ago.
At these institutions the wearing of
any other than a skullcap by a fresh
man is considered an upsetting of col
lege traditions that must be summar-
The home-coming day is now an as-' The plan has been tried in other t lia t never in his cpcrn-ii him lie
sured success, and the many attrac- . universities, and found to present a known of a stall so well lilted to their
tions of the day are proving too strong
to be resisted
Dr. Lees Tells History and Plot of the probably adopt the system soon
Greek Tragedy to Largest Audi- ' M
ence of the Year.
That the Elektra of Euripides car
solution to this problem In Michigan, duties and so heattj in its c o operation
Wisconsin, Kansas, Iowa, and Illinois, Racely to Assist Kavan.
the student membership Is cared lor in E Kavan, business manager, has
this way Fifty Piesbjteilan students appointed George Hacelj as assistant
have taken advantage of the plan at and says that there an- several more
Nebraska, and other churches will appointments to lollow He will start
at once to secure ad ei tlsementH. unci
feds confident that no trouble will be
lly dealt with, and the same view ofir,LU OI! uie "eiopnieni 01 uie uieea
the matter will be held at Nebraska. traKetly '" the di,ectlon of modern
drama was the statement made by Dr. Under Supervision of Bowman the
Lees to the largest audience that has Second Regiment is Settling Down
yet assembled at convocation. He told to Winter's Work.
One Chance to Get Rid of Them.
There Is one condition, however,
upon which the freshman can escape
wearing thlB dreaded badge. This Is
that the freshman class win the Olym
pics and earn the right to dispense
with the caps. If they cover them
selves with glory in the Olympics by
walking away with the honorB the
privilege of forever cabtlng the skull
caps aside will bo granted as a reward
of merit. C N. B.
the history and the plot of the play,
which was first presented in 415 H. C.
I The basis of the drama, he said, was
1 to show the duty of the nearest kin to
avenge a death, or an eye for an eye,
a tooth for a tooth. Euripides pre
sents the drama in a realistic manner,
The Second Regiment of University
IcndotH lncnted nt the Kiirm. Is rnnlcllv
effecting it sorganlzation and is set
tling down to the routine drill ot the
winter months Under the direction
of Lieutenant Bowman and Sergeant
Johnson, the corners are being round
choosing the scenes of everyday life ,,,., , , , ,
J ed off the ragged appearance which a
regiment of new men presents. Drill
is held three times a week at the Farm
fni lilu ttfirwlmf mini, n ti ,1 nUtinl.i nri
'iwi 1110 iiufcu; , 011111 no i Duiifit; lui
tago in the first act, showing the sim
plicity of the homely peasant farmer
;aiid the natures of the other character.
I '.'This reality is what makes him the
'forerunner of modern drama, and in
After Delay Caused by Changing of fnct," said Dr. Lees, "Realism is Eu-
Phone Numbers, It Is Finished.
The Student Directory, which is now
on the press, will be out about the
middle of this month. ' The changing
of the phone numbers by the tele
phone company occasioned some delay
In the date of i(s Ibsuc Drlucoll,
desiring to get the directory out as
correel, ae poBstble, went over alj the J
phone -numbers to insure their correct
ness. -This involved the changing or
about half of the numbers.
The student dlreotory is the result
of the uctlvlty of the Y. M. C. A., and
will be given out to the students at
cost, j. K. P.
Tho play will be presented in Lin
coln next week by the Coburn players,
who will speak at convocation Tues
day morning. L. W. H.
campus, Instead of four, as on the cltj
The staff of cadet officers, which Is
in charge this year, is as follows:
Colonel, E. J. Mattock, captain and
adjutant, A S. Skudrna; Captain and
commlBsary, H. E. Pollard; captain
and quartermaster, R M Whltmore
First Battalion Hajor, W. G Rice;
captain Company E, J. S Rodgers;
captain Company F, J. B. Sheppard;
captain Company O, F. W. Gramlich.
Second Battalion Major, J. E. Hard
Last Dance Before the Holidays Will
Be Held December 14.
The freshman hop, according to a
time-worn custom, will be hold In the
Lincoln Hotel ballroom on Saturday
evening, December 14. This will be
the last dance or University function
of-any kind before the ChrlBtmas holi
days. Jones' orchestra will furnish
ithe music. The tickets will be limited
to an even hundred. Fuzz.
experienced in obtaining a large num
ber of those, for the business men hb
a whole are now convinced of the ad
vertising value or the senior publica
tion New Ideas to Be Used.
A number of novel features will be
introduced Tor the first time, and three
departments will be entirely new and
original In their makeup, military, ath
letic and debating. Their exact nature
will not he divulged at piesent
A staff of two professional and three
amateur artists are already at work,
and will turn out an annual that, from
an artistic standpoint, will truly be
" a thing of beauty and Joy forever."
Photographers at Work.
Working hand in hand wRIi tho
artlstB is a group or photographers
who have accumulated a bunch of pho
tographs that' are up to the minute In
every detail A special effort is being;
made this year to secure absolutely
new material, and any students pos
sessing snapBhops or original sugges
tions of uny kind are asked to visit
the Cornhusker ofllce in the baseriieril
of the Administration building.
I The CornhuBker this coming year
llrlll ttft AnnAiiA f .1 Al ..lnf-. A. IT tf
lug; captain Company H, C. M. Gould; "'" "Ul " ""i-uy w uni
versity auairs, out win endeavor to-
broaden out and portray some of the
phases of other activities in which the
captain Company I, W. J. Wilkinson;
captain Company L, P. O. Adams.
The second-vear men are drllllnu In
what Is known us the "sergeants' Un,ver8,ty " minor part, but are
squad," the training squad for non- nGVr"eles8 of interest to the student
commissioned officers. Several ap- '
polntments have been made this year ' 6taff at Work Early,
or non-commlsBloned officers, and with-1 This Is the first time In the, Iilstorjr
in a short time tho entire regiment will of senior publications that a Com
be completely officered. Holden. (Continued on Page 2.)