T II K DAI L Y N K It A S K A N l h If 1 . fl . a B Satlu Nebraakau SCRIBES TASTE OF HIGH LIFE Property of i THF. CNIVF-HSITY OK NKMHAHKA, LIlH ()lll FKF.DF.KIC (' McCONNKI-I., Kdltor in Chief Managing Kdltor . . Merrill V Rood Asfioolalo Kdltor Kenneth M Snyder Associate Kdltor Cloyd V Stewart HiiHlness Manager Circulation Manager C C Buchanan Male Force of "Rag" Visits Orpheum and Folsom for One Carefree Even ing Rag Hop a New Crimp. To show their highly developed acs Miotic teinperamenlH, the entire male oreo of the Daily Nebraskan 'Btagged it to the Otpheuin last evening There, .1 S Howon oomfoi tably ensconced In the uphol HCRINFR stored seats, the highbrows, unbend C . Yochuni, .1 L Cutright, H G iu their dignity ho that they renein Hewitt, W. F (ioodman, Winifred Soo-'i,i,., ordinal y mortals, enjoyel all of gar, C N Hrown, F. N. WcIIb, A. H. h( HtuntH of vodovlli" from A to G. O'Hanlon, I, W. Home, F A Turnure, ,,,,,,. , ,, , J II Wood, I K Frost, Leon Samuel- applauding loudly at each manlfesta son. Chandler Trimble. " of classic art The varloiiB vuude SUBSCrTpTION PRICE $2 PER YEAR vIlliaiiH realizing that they had a more Payable in Advance Mian usually critical audience, quite Single Copies, 5 Cents Each. ( surpassed themaelvoB in their efforts TKLKIMIONKS ' ,() l)1(aH'' ,ll(, finbryo Grceleys OfTlce TM888. Night Phono B-4204 ! Ah n,,. "movies" began their rapid Kdltor HI 821 Manager II 1821 ..... . ,. realized that the Kntered at the postoffice at Lincoln, i "show was out" and were next seen Nebraska, as second clasB mall matter, jH(,u,,,(1 ,ll(1,,r tho brlKnl nKhlH in Koi under the Act of CongreBS of March .?, , 1870 .hoiiih Cafe Here they partook of a -- " " tempting repast of rare vlandB rang THUKSIVAY, NOVKMllKK. 7, 1S12 lllR fr()IU palp (,,. f() grnH am, 1()bHter TT . , jl X Jf -4- Kiilad to "luunbergers with onions' and THIS WEEK ONLY We will make up our No. 1099 French Blue Serge i with Serge-Mohair or Imported Venetian Lining FOR $25.00 Regular $35.00 Goods. See our window. Jones and Dalling, mJhJfevmth st CONVOCATION. Memorial Hall 11 A M. The Elektra of Euripides" By Dr Lees. .. dill pickles -- ' The banquet over, certain extempo iraneous speeches of the editors wore - endured by the patient scribes on ac ir 'count of the fact that it was disclosed fc early in the evening that the "show - and eats were on the editors" fa A "Rag hop" was planned for I)e - 'comber 7, unless further matters make ,a ''"""K ,e in the date advisable CALENDAR. Friday, November 8 Senior Hop Lincoln 1'iilon Pa I lad Ian State Faim senior class hop. Music Hall Hushnoll Guild house party Saturday Nobraska-Doane football game ' Lincoln. Agricultural Club mooting lion Sphinx party Walsh Hall ' Kearney Club meeting Delta Tail Delta-Temple ' Alpha XI Delta Homo of Miss i Coons Knglish Club Home of Professor, Ruck Tegner Society Then as the evening had grown out of its infancy and was becoming quite decrepit in its second childhood, the party bioke up with visions ot future spi eads before them Bw )' ' T,uyi .y v" "" v A. .y ' ra Your First Votim 4 Experience Experiment at Farm. Last week the animal hushandary department purchased on the South Omaha maiket 48 head of 900 pound 2 year-old steers which are to bo used In an experiment in comparison of! silage rations Cost you some hard thinking Our sixteen years' experience as suc cessful clothiers and furnishers has won for us such a reputation for re liability, that you need'nt do much thinking in deciding what store to patronize. Armstrong (Elntljuttj (En. Good Clothes Merchants CHARLES FROHMAN PRESENTS THE F EST OF ALL MU51CAL COMEDIES LIBRARY SECURES OLD BOOKS Two Philosophical Works of Ficino, Printed in 1561 and in Fine Condi tion, Added to Library Shelves. Two very old books have recently been received at the library which will take the place of the former "old est inhabitant" and claim that place for themselvoB They are two volumes of the complete philosophical works of Ficino, an Italian philosopher, and were printed in the year lfitil at Hasee, Switzerland Those books are now the oldest books on the library shelves, despite which fact they are in an excellent state of nreseivation Thov are nrint ed in Latin and the loaves are still irRj good shape, an indication that they did not go through the hands of any Cnl verslty student before coming to then last resting place The binding is m parchment, but of more recent date It was not learned what sum the library paid for these books, but a good price was undoubtedly aaked for them, as they are a valuable addition to the already costly collection of bookB In the library L H DONALD BRIAN in "THE SIREN" With the Original New York Brilliant Cant of 50 AT THE OLIVER TONIGHT