Xlbe SDatl IRebraskan VOL. XII. NO. 36 UNIVKRSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THLRSDAY, NOV. 7, 1912. I'ncc 5 Cents. TRY NEW TACTICS I THE KOMENSKY CLUBS WILL ERECT STATUE ' ON TO OMAHA IS CRY .Kf-r. A W 8TIEHM INTRODUCES POPULAR S A RESULT OF RECENT AGITATION A LARGE MONUMENT TO FACULTY AND STUDENTS GOING KOMENSKY, THE NOTED BOHEMIAN EDUCATOR, IS TO BE PRE SENTED TO THE UNIVERSITY FOR THE CAMPUS. PASTIMES TO FOOTBALL. SHIFTS YIELD TO TEXAS TOMMY UP TO ANNUAL MEETING. Kansas the Main Object Now Doarte Not Feared, But Is Not Forgotten by Coaches of the Corn- husker Team. The football s(tial last night in dulled in a series of freak perform ances consisting of the renowned "turkey trot. I'exas Tommy" and the "Ronton dip " Captain Frank sat out the dances with a fair coed from Grand Island, and I'urdy was absent from the hop on account of his name knee. Coach Stiehni bellows that a series of these glibby glides is just what the team needs at this period of the season's practice After these pei formaiices a snappy signal practice was indulged in, in which the coach's famous pla was worked up Most of the week's pra tree is in preparation for the Kansas game, as only straight tootball will be used against Doano. The hospital squad does not seem to he diminishing ery fast, but has been growing steadil I'urdy, Harmon and .Meyer are still nurbing their injuries, but all will be ready for the Jayhawk ers a week from Saturday. A half hour's scrimmage was in dulged in with the freshmen in which the pony back Held did good work for the varsity by pushing over three touchdowns. The freshmen were given the ball on the Cornhuskers' five-yard line and were told to push it over in four downs, which they failed to do. The varsity was then given the ball on the freshman live-yard line, and one of the bantams carried it over the first down The Doane Tigers have the strongest team they have had for years and are seriously thinking of holding the Huskers to a low score Last Satur day they defeated the Hastings team by a score of )f to 0, and there is little doubt but that they will be champions of the secondary colleges. Tract lcally the same teatrr as the one which met the Missouri Valley Champions of last ear will meet the Huskers this year The score of last season's contest was 1!5 to 0, but it did not show the rela tive merits of the two teams, for the Tigeru suffered severely from fumbles. The people of Kansas and the stu dents of the University of Kansas are preparing to send ,a special train to Lincoln for the annual game between the .lay hawkers and the Cornhuskers. Arrangements are being made with the railroads for a strictly Jayhawker train, with all conveniences, including Pullmans. Over Witt have signified their intentions of making the trip, and before the time comes more will probably join the "thundering thou- "Jimmy." THE KOMENSKY STATUE FACULTY MEMBERS ON PROGRAM Their Classes Will Be Taken Care of by Other Members In Departments Alumni Banquet at Rome Thursday Noon. Yesterda a large numbei ot laculty members and l'nieisit students went to Omaha to attend tire Nebraska State Teachers' Association. Quite a num ber of the members of the faculty irro to take an active part in the program of the association These are Prof. J. II Framlsen, Prof F M Fogg, Or. K. II Wolcott, C II Cornell, Dean Charles Fonlvce, Prof A A Heed. Prof. II. W. Caldwell, Di Louise Pound, Or S. Lef schet., Filer W Davis, Dr C F. Bes- sev. lleihell liMiWIiell, Dr l C Clnpp. Those who hold olllces in the'different sections an- Piol II (' llradloid, vlco president ol the association, I-'. I). Parker, Piol II K Wolle. Dr Solon K Tonne, and Di PC Clapp It has been aiianged that other members in the difleienl depaitmeiits i 1 take rhaige o Ilit' (lasses (it thoie who ha v e goih to t lie asso( 1,1 1 ion One ol the events at the association which is ol interest to the I'nlvetslty is the alumni banquet, to be given Thursday noon at the Home Hotel. A brief program has been piepared for i the occasion )ii which Prof II F Brad ford is to act as toast master arrd Pro fessor Caldwell as representative of the University faculty. I The University is to have a booth for exhibition purposes, where the dif ferent departments of work will bo Illustrated This booth always serves as a rallying place for graduates who have joined the profession and alumni In other work, attracted to the associa tion in the hopes of meeting old friends A movement was started several "ig material, probably marble, which weeks ago by the numerous Bohemian will be made in Bomehia and shipped societies in this state which has now to this country as soon as possible crystallized into a definite effort to The cost is estimated to be between I ward erecting a monument to Komerr $2, 000 and $15, 000, including the expense sky orr the University campus The ol transportation and the custom du-twenty-one Konrensky clubs in Nebras ties The superintendent of grounds 'ka and adjoining states have pledged and buildings will pick a suitable loca- ' their assistance and will be headed by Don for the statue, which will probably ENGINEERING GRAD MAKES TEST the local organization. be here some time next spring. i Miss Hrbk, protessor ol Slavorm Ian KornensKy, or ( ornenlus, as lie Is ,guages, has been active in securing known among the Bohemians, was a the co-operation of the different socie rroted educational reformer of the sev- tles arrd in directing the efforts of the enteenth century He is popularly C L Meyer, mechanical engineering local society The work of the Univer known for his religious interest In ' '07, president of the Concrete Engl Jsity Komensky Club has been quick the Moravian church, and his work in t neering Company of Omaha, was in 'and thorough, for the propositions was ' practical and theoretical education. He Lincoln several days last week mak 1 first broached but recently, and the is also the author of a large number lug a test on a parrel constructed from 'plans are now mature. Subscriptions of books in the Bohemian language his company's patented steel-form floor for the monument are now being re- The marry Komensky clubs In the construction. This flooring is to bo celved by the club, arrd iro trouble iB United States date their beginning used in several Lincoln school build- C. L. Meyer, '07, Handling Project for His Firm In Omaha. anticipated in securing the entire Horn the year 1892, when the 300th ings. amount. anniversary of Komensky was cele- The panel far surpassed the requlro- The statue is of heroic dimensions, ' brated by educators all over the world, merits of the test, and will be turned some eight or nine feet high, arrd will. There is arr apparent scarcity of the over to the University for the use of be placed on a pedestal about nine artistic about tire campus at present, j the students. The test was made at feet high, so that the entire monument and several such gifts as this would do the structural steel shop of John West- i i will stand about nineteen feet The much to enhance its general beauty over. original is tire work of a noted Bohe- and offset the evil effects of the shah- Harry Cain, '11, is associated with nriarr sculptor, and it is standing trow bier buildings. A more fitting memo-' Mr. Meyer in the business and accom as a lasting tribute to the greatest of lial to the great educator and a bet- panied him to Lincoln. Herman i the Bohemians in the small principality ter reminder of our benefactors, the.Goetze, Phil McCullough and A. C. .of Moravia. The club is planning to Komensky Club, could not have been , LlndBtrum, all students, assisted in the sands." .purchase a copy of this in some laBt- selected i Fuzz. ' test. R. F. L. S v