The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 06, 1912, Image 1

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    be 2)ailv IRebraskan
VOL. XII. NO. 35
Price 5 Cents
Students Compelled to Come to the
Aid of Perplexed Voters Many
Arguments as to Their
Political Choice.
ine university, or ramer, me uni-
versity Btudents, played quite an Ira-
mm. - I-- il t I
portant part in yeBterday's election
It is estimated that over one hundred '
studentB were employed in the various
polling places over the city. The na-'
ture of the work as a rule was the dis
trlbution of the political advertise
ments of the different candidates, al
though some studentB took a more
active part in checking up the voteB.
Some of the students report that
there was much excitement at the
different places, Biich aB fights be
tween too enthusiastic voters, and
matters of like nature. The work,
therefore, was quite enjoyable from a
psycologlcal standpoint, as the excite
ment of the voters made matters quite
amusing. Many voters became hope
lessly entangled in the intricacies of
the new ballot, and more than one was
aided In solving the mystery by
amused BtudentB.
"I don't see 119 presidential candi
date written on that," said a voter,
pointing to a sample ballot hanging
nearby. "It's a regular skin game.
How's a man to toll who he's votln"
fer? I can't find a president's name
"Why, my dear air," said a Btudent,
"you must vote for all the presidential
electors of your party, and you will
thereby vote for your candidate."
"Huh," retorted the other. "If I've
got to vote for the hull caboodle on
that. sheet of wallpaper before I can !
ote once fer 'Gene Debs I'll quit
right now," and he strode away. The
strongest inducements could not cause
him to return.
At another place a foreigner who
seemed to have just recently taken
out his naturalization papers wrote
his unpronounceable name with a
broad flourish at the top of his ballot
before he handed it to the clerk. The
ballot was, of course, torn up, and he
was forced to do the painful task all
carry X ai efec'tlon" TaTtholho
carry on an election, as all those who
took part can tell you.
J. A. Sargent, a Friend of Nebraska
Engineers, In the City.
J. A. Sargent, ono of the best known
men in tho engineering profession In
the early nineties, who has employed a
great many Nebraska graduates, visit
ed the campus last week on his way
from Seattle to New York. Mr. Sar
gent is at present interested In devel
opment work in the West Indies.
R. F. L.
Once more the gory "mid-Bcmesters"
are descending upon ub Even the
ihorrlble political melee that la now
being waged pales Into insignificance
'in comparison. "'Twill be the blood-
lest conflict of chriBtendom," accord
ing to some of the "grinds" who UBual
ly fear not the fiery ordeal imposed
upon them by the "profB" aB do their
unBtudious and recalcitrant brothers,
i Many a heretofore indifferent student
' 1b even now waxing pale in the con-
sumption of more than lila allotcd por-
tlon of "midnight oil" and Is perusing
thP excellent notebooks of BharkB on
the subject preparatory to entering the
dreaded contests
eaded contests.
The time specified for the disposal of
I the heterogeneous collection of gar
bled knowledgo gleaned by the student
from various subjects during the se
mester 1b November 11 to 14 How
ever, some kindly disposed (?) pro
fessors who do not belong to the union
are giving the exams early, and are
now dally Inflicting dire punishment
upon the shrinking forms of the per
plexed undergraduates. The days are
hideous by the groans of tortured Bluf
fers, rapidly Binking into the slough of
It hardly seems possible that we are
Former Circus Attraction Now Pre
served in Museum for Student
"Right this way, people. Step up
closely, men, and see the only living
boa constrictorus in captivity." That
must be a familiar cry to many Uni-
versity students, and doubtless some
took the spieler's word and paid their
little dime to see the fat woman, the
cigarette fiend, and the snakecharmer.
One afternoon when the tent was
crowded with staring yokels, his royal
highness the boa wrapped IiIb coIIb too
affectionately about the throat of the
young charmer and in a few moments
had her crying for breath.
Some yelled for Hunger and some
"or "Doc" Cutter, while one fellow
'stepped In and with his trusty Sears &
Roebuck sent Mr. Snake to his happy
hunting ground A professor with an
eye to business must have been in the
audience, for within an hour or so It!
was reposing In the basement of the
museum. Other "charmers" have been
caring for it since, and this week will
see It mounted In full gjory in the big
brick building JuBt north of the Arm
ory. ProfesBor Barbour will see to it that
the boa is mounted in natural condi
tions, a big canvas background with
lots of pictures and red paint, and
"Biddy" Meade as chief spieler. Per-
hapB a dime will be charged Just to Thursday noon for all University mem
prevent crowding. Fuzz. hers. w. F.
once more up against a mid-semester,
for we have Just begun to settle down
and burn a little midnight oil Then
you know there have been so many
campaign speeches to attend that It
wail utterly impossible to study, and
one must take Interest in his party
Thon, too, there have been bucIi fine
moonlight nights for a stroll with
Helen, and many other things to take
a fellow away from his studios. And
the thoughts of the coming Thanks
giving, of home and mother, with her
pantry full of mincemeat pleB. dough-;110" without representation," and this
nuts and other good things which in a,lmo froni Nebraska farmers' throatB.
few days we will be there to enjoy !Dut the Edmund Burke in this case has
nnimoH n follow in innk im from IiIk I appeared before It Is too late and
math book a good many times.
OurBeB why do examinations have
to efflno at such a time? why not have
them when it is cold and snowy and a
fellow has to stay In?
But no, the delinquent committee
knows best when It can make its big
gest harvest.
But yet it does make it a little more
nandy to have them before Thanksgiv-
ing for in many cases it saves car
fare back to the school.
-One Who Has Been There
Annual Meeting of Pedagogues Held in
Omaha This Week University
Headquarters in Rome Hotel.
The State Teachers' Association will
hold its annual session in Omaha
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of
this week. The central theme this
year will be "Economy and Efficiency
in Education." Tho several speakers
will expand the different phases of this
I subject.
I Among the speakers are Hon 1'. I'
(Maxtor.. United States Commissioner
. ,, , .. ,, . ,. ,, ,.
of Education; Dr Frank M McMurry
of the Teachers' College, New York.
Dean Eugene Davenport, University of
Illinois; Dean Charles 11. Judd, Uni-
versity of Chicago; President J. W.
Crabtree, State Normal School, River
Falls. Wis.; Hon. W. J. Bryan; Dr -
i W- Kllpatrick. Columbia University.
The Superintendents' and Principals'
Association meets on Wednesday; the
I ,,.,,..,. ,
college section also meets on that day
The general sessions will be held
Thursday and Friday evenings. The
forenoons of Thursday and Friday are
to be given over to the different sec-
tlon meetings. Friday afternoon ex
cursions about Omaha will be made. '
The election of ofllcerB will he held
The University of Nebraska head
quarters will be at the Rome Hotel. A
luncheon will be served at the hotel
The New Plan Thoroughly Organized
Three Former Reporters Go Up
In Rank Plan of Training Re
porters for Positions.
Once more the cry Is heard, "Tnxa-
Ifnlfoa tlui fnrm f I Iwi ii'1Jj. M , 1 ....,, I, , .
m ' iiiv i wiiu wi in nuun ii uj nnrvii
force. Here Is the proposition For
the last few years the subscribers to
the Nebraskan at the Farm have
grown In number until thore are over
100 copies regularly subscribed for out
there, In spite of t ho fact that Farm
news has a secondary place in It.
Their position is jiluln, and they are
clearly right in the stand they are
Ulklng Tlll, N(.braskan, therefore,
)ro,)OH(,H to Klve tho KurmerH their
'fnr hare of representation and fol
lowing up Its good Intentions lins ap
pointed a Farm staff to take charge
of the work with a reportorlul staff
choHen from the four classes.
Heretofore the Farm new section
has been in charge of H (J. Hewitt,
'VV, , MHK Abigail McConnell and .1
It. Wood In charge of assignments and
college news. These three will hold
.their respective ranks on the new
I , . . ..
(staff and be directly responsible for all
Fann m.WH KoIllR ,,Uo ,,e NenraskHM
Those whose applications for places
on the reportorial staff have been ac
cepted are T I, Holding, senior, MIsb
Ramplin. sophomore; Miss Ruth Webb
and II. Keener, freshmen. These re
porters are to receive credit for satis
factory work the same a has always
""" lv(" for reportorial work
"l "' emu iiuohi'h to nave eacn
...,,, , , ,
department at the Farm visited at
,0ft8t oncc. a day am, u U)(l newB
gleaned and written by as early an
Hour as possible in the afternoon. The
,(,Py wl" be rtia(1 "(1 corrected, and
lifter milll ifMl t trwi rntllrlint t r tho vn-
I aiding them In avoiding the same mlb-
liuiu-io iui icicirni'i: wiiu ine view lo
takes the second time. The plan thus
formed will be very Instructive to re-
! Porters and bear Its fruit In the next
generation of the Nebraskan staff.
Tills is regarded by the Nebraskan
force and those Interested in the work
as a decided advance over past years,
the addition of a whole new depart-
ment of thc paper and its attendant
force of workers, and the thorough
training in the work. Stew
Tegners Will Meet Saturday.
The Tegner Society will meet Satur
day evening, November 9, at 8 o'clock
at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. O. N.
Kolcomb, 2135 Iv street. A cordial in
vitation is extended to all Swedish
I ' ' ' 'J
-Y -