T HE DAI L Y N 10 RRAflKAN CAMPUS NOTES CONTINUED CLASSIFIED COLUMN I ?! m Qlft for Engineers. A ropy of tin' Hendricks Commercial Heglnter of (ho United States, nnd a handsome filing cabinet from the Cata log Equipment nnd Supply Company of Ronton ban been received by the engineering collego and 1h placed In Professor Hoffman's ofllce for the use, of the HtndentH Ladles' clothing cleaned, remodeled niul repnirod by an experienced dress maker Satisfactory work at roaflon nhlo prlceH Mrs Ilrlcka, 315 South 17th Auto IM844 Adv 10 2 It WANTKD- A room mate by a fresh man engineer 534 No 12th fit Phone Auto I, ASM Ii4 2t ROOM and board at "Ladies' Home," 1029 It st 10 30 fit I FOR RFNT -All modem furnished room for two gentlemen 235 No lfith Ht 10 30 3t McDonald a Visitor. Dale I' McDonald, foimer student at the Unheisit) and now second lieu tenant in the United States Aimy. was a isitoi in Lincoln this morning Mt McDonald giaduated from the Uni vernlty in l'Ul and immediately ai cepted .i position in the go eminent service In Washington Hi- had re icived military training while in school and about a ear ago was tendeied a commission In the ninn Recently he has been stationed at Foit Leaen woith. but is now on bis way to Salt Lake on transfer Lieutenant MH'nn aid's home is at , oik. Neb mmmtxnmamnaammiunm See our University Seals We have a new line of N Fobs Bar Pins, Belt Buckles, Steins and Brass Novelties. UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE 340 North Eleventh Street Lincoln, Nebr. REMEMBER JAMES E. DELZELL For State Superintendent of Schools when you vote today. Y. M. C. A. fc Antiseptic Barber Shop -fc fr Any Style Halrcuttlng 25 cents, -fc - Best Service Try Us Clarence E. Harman ( f Holdrtgc, Neb Candidate for Railway Commission2r Democratic Nominee You need linn, lie needs vou Vote for 1 1 1 lit A life lonjj N'ebraskan. Asks Your Support N. Wi'if PtMNTIHfl V - M K fUi ril LIM.UIH TllK WE WILL DIE STAMPING FOR YOU GIVE US A CHANCE GRANT G. MARTIN ATTORNEY GENERAL Candidate for Second Term GOOD THINGS TO EAT .- - A T WESTERFIELD'S CAFE 213-215 North 9th St. MEAL TICKETS $2.00 AND UP Renominated without opposition by Republican party at April primary. indorsed Sept .", b Progressive part Klection. Tues day, Nov. .", 1012. I rant i Martin, llic law officer d' the state, was born in Iowa IS vears aj;o, graduated from Simpson College, Indianola, Iowa, i ri 1SH,"), and three vears later received the decree of Master of Phi losophy He was admitted to the bar in 1HH!), and since has been 128 N. Mih Sec our Samples j continuous! v enaied in the practice of law For seenteeii vears lie resided at Fremont, Dode count . ebr,iska, and seived two terms as count v 'attorney of that countv Former Attorney (Jeiieral Thompson solicited Mr Martin to become his assistant. He served two tears as assistant attorney general, and two vears as deputy attorney general. Mr Martin was elected attmnev general in l'Ml, ind is now a candidate for reelection, having been reiiommatd without opposition by the Republican party at the April primary and indorsed September ."dh by the progressive party. His son, Wade Martin, was graduated from the State University in 1911 LITTLE GEM HOT WAFFLES AND MAPLE SYRUP A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO VARSITY STUDENTS i Lincoln Hotel Tickets $1.25 Hagensick's Orchestra Friday, Nov. 8, 1912 . - - STUDY MUSIC in an established school where the HtandardH of instruction aie given the same careful thought us in the best departments of the University. The University School of Music offeis splendid instruction in Pipe Organ, Pianoforte, Voice, Violin, Clar inet, Flute, Saxaphone, Cornet, all Theoretical branches und Public Music. DEPARTMENT OF DRAMATIC ART Apply for full information at School building 11th and R Streets Opposite the University