The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 05, 1912, Image 1

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    Tlhe 5)ailv IFlebraskan
VOL. XII. NO. 34
Price 5 Cents
Members of Student Body Encouraged
to Give Vent to New Ideas by
Writing a Setting for Musi
cal Comedy.
The Kosmet Klub will again open
to University students its annual com
petition for the play to be produced on
the evening of April 25 at the Oliver
Theater. This idea was introduced
last year in oider to stimulate in the
University the writing of musical com
positions to be produced by the "klub."
In view of the fact that there are
at present being written several operas
to be submitted, and much interest is
being shown by the University public
at large, the "klub" will offer a prize
of $7f for the best manusi ripi of a
musical comedy written b) students or
faculty of the Univeisity, to be in the
hands of the "klub" by January 1, 19K5
Rules for the contest will be tew
The "klub" resen es the right in
case of the acceptance of a manuscript
to assume complete control of the
same for producing purposes, to re
duce, to add to, or to make such
changes as it deems fit
All manuscripts must be original
and submitted in the name of the
TluP "klub" as a whole will sit as
judges to determine the relative mer
its of manuscripts submitted, and its
decision will be final. Announcement
will be made of the accepted manu
script as soon thereafter as definite
action is taken.
All unused manuscripts will be re
turned. Iast year the Kosmets produced
i in- uiiuumni, wim-ii inmi-u m in- i,I1HtruclorH. ABHOcsiutlon at Chicago,
decided success. It is felt that the ,H,1(1 ,n ( OI1Ile(.tion w m, th( National
success of last spring's production will
piovide quite an impetus for aspiring
oung authors. "The Diplomat" was
wiitten by Prof R D Scott of the de
partment of English literature, and
the music fop the same by C L Con
nor. Several men have already begun
work on manuscripts, and it is ex
pected that quite a few will enter the
The "klub" will hold its annual
initiation banquet in the course of the
next few weeks, and at that time defi
nite plans will be laid for the perform
ance next semester.
Straw Votes in Candidates' Colleges
Show Student Sentiment.
Straw votes at Yale, the president's
alma mater, give him a substantial
lead over the other candidates. Wood
row WIIboii is the overwhelming favor
ite at Princeton, and he is also ahead
at Harvard, where Colonel Roosevelt
received Ills education.
Farm Team Takes Laurels From Oppo
nents by 6-0 Score.
The football team representing the
School of Agriculture played Cottier
University second team Saturday after
noon and won the game GO The team
bb a whole played good ball for such
little practice, although there are many
improvements impossible Aker and
Gould, tackles, and Rice, quarterback,
who made the touchdown, showed up
The team will play Temple High
School and the University sophomore
teams for .practice games this week
Their next scheduled game is with
Aurora High School J. R W
First Big Hop of the Year to Be Strict
ly Limited.
The senior hop will be given next
Fi ulay evening at the Lincoln Hotel
with Hagensick's orchestra furnishing
the music The limit will be placed on
the numbei admitted to the extent that
only 12.r couples will be allowed on
the lloor In past eais the woid
limited has been used about dances
any thing but such, but the chairman
of the committee in charge of the
dance, Jeiome Foibes, decl;uuiUuu4
this hop will positive!) not be stuffed
beyond the limit set The committee
consists of Jean Cain, Agnes Russell,
Floience Schwake, Arthur Geoige, and
J G Halt well
The tickets for this dance are going
fast, so those wishing to attend had
best see some one of the committee
within a day or two -Sn
Head of Dairy Department Elected
President of National Dairy In
structors' Association.
At a meeting of the National Unity
Diiir) Show, Prof J II Frandsen, head
of the dairy department of the Uni
eisity of Nebraska, was elected presi
dent and Prof V A Stocking ot Cor
nell University was elected secietary
of the ascociation.
This is an association made up of
practically all of the dairymen con
nected with agricultural colleges in the
United States, and is one of the most
important oMfociutions in connection
with thiB industry. McC.
Tea Served at 3 P. M. Business Meet
ing to Follow Later at 5 P. M.
A tea will be given this after
noon from U to 5 in the Y V C A
rooms in honor of Miss Katherine
King, who represents the university
asbociutions of Nebraska, Minnesota,
and Iowa in China. At 5 o'clock Miss
King will preside over the regular
Tuesday afternoon meeting. All Uni
versity glrlB are invited to both the
tea and the moetlng. W. S.
Sophs Football Team "Put It Over" the
Freshles Freshmen Win
Of the forty or moie foresteis who
attended the annual pow-wow Satur
day, oven the football players say the
got their money's worth. The football
game, which the sophomores won from
the freshmen, was without doubt one
of the most novel of the season
Though the freshmen played a good
game, they had no chance with a bunch
that used such names as dlcotledonae,
pinus slexilis and pseudotsuga taxifolia
foi their signals The score was 12 0
In the woodcutting contest the fresh
men showed a little deeper cut than
thi' other classes, but the time was the
same Aftei the big feed, which was
piepaied in camp style, the entire
crowd went to the Oliei and attempt
ed to rest, een if the) could not put
Iheir feet on the railing --W (J
Stock Team Travels to Out-State Barns
to Get Pointers.
The squad foi the sto k judging
team isited the horse Impoiting bams
- "f - Vilsn ti Stream of Cieston. I.i
and the bains of Hart Bios of Osceola,
Li, Fi Ida) and Salurda of last week
A huge number of good hoises of the
dtalt type weie inspected and a class
judged for practice work
The men who made the trip weie
' I'osson. Wisenand. IMer, Raymond
Rltche and Schulte, with Prof Kills
Rail as coach Professor Rail says
the men are progressing nicely, and he
is much pleased with their work in
Iowa J R. W
Only Possible Way to Get Money Back
to Present Button in
Sufficient funds to take the band to
.Missouri were not raised through the
sale of "booster buttons ' The boaid
wishes. Iherefoie, to hae the lo)al
Nebiaskans who did contribute get
their money back The only plan b)
which the money can be refunded will
be for the holders of buttons to present
the button to the man from whom he
bought it and the money will be re
funded F. A. T.
Experimental Apparatus Installed in
M. E. Building for Class Reference.
An experimental apparatus for test
ing pressures, velocities and horse
power of air moving in galvanized iron
ducts has been built in the mechanical
engineering department under the dl
rectlon of Professor Hoffman. It will
also be used in classroom demonstra
tion in the course in heating and ven
tilating. R. F. L.
8core Made After a Brilliant Pass to
Howard and a Quarterback Run
by Towle Purdy Hurt
Toward Finish.
Nebraska s first game with a MIs
houi I Valley Confeience team wa
played on Rollins Field last Saturday
and ic suited in u 7 to 0 lctoiy for tho
Cornhuskets As the Unhertitty MIs
sourlan sas, It was the best game
seen on that field for man) yeais Tim
Tigeis fought, and fought hind, for the,
entlie game, but they lacked a scoring
machine, that combination of winning
plays and the abllil) to carry thorn
out, that the CoinhuskeiH hac worked
up In the last few eais
The da) was almost Ideal for foot
hall, but the field was sllppei), espc
( lall) aiound the east goal, where tho
sod had been taken up for the baseball
diamond A numbei of times when It
1()()k(.(1 alost (ettain that a Coinhusk-
M would g-t iwa) on an end run his
foot would m p In dodging the taut op
ponents ,u he would fall
The Tigers opened the game with a
rush and pushed Nebraska into thflr
own terntoiy, wheie the) btayed tho
lii st quart ei Missouri had three
chances to score, but failed nt tho
critical times, and from then on tut!
game became a defensive one for them.
Nebraska's failure to run up a lorger
score Is accounted for by a number
of leasons besides the slippery field.
The trip to Columbia is very long and
disagreeable, over poor roads and
with a number of changes. Some of
the Nebraska phi) em were still both
ered by their injuries, and although
the) played hard, they couldn't take
the chances with their weak limbs thut
the) otherwise would have done.
The Cornhusker machine didn't got
together and work right until near tho
end of the game The line is often
blamed when the team falls to make
file necesBar) gains, but it requires tho
perfect working of both line and back
field for the plays to succeed. Somo
of tho holes were not taken advantage
of by the backs, and sometimes tho
hole was not opened up quickly enough
so neither department can be criti
cized. The Mlsbourl team went Into tho
game with a terrible determination to
win, and the result of their hard fight
1b Bhown by the low score the Nebras
ka team made. Willi the help of the
splendid cheering the rooters gavo
them they played the best game a Mis
souri team lias played for quite a
while, and Nebraska could not be ex
pected to walk away with the game.
The Nebrusku interference was
much superior to that of the Missouri
team, and made the end runs and runs
from the punt formation possible.
(Continued on Page 2.)
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