The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 01, 1912, Image 6

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    --'""'r''..-ifafcaM. ..fth.,.
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n ,i. -y i ir-air;lTTrTiriU flr.iwtiOTiiiPiiiiwftii
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T If H I) A I I. V K l, H S K V
J ' r IllT r"l" '"n l1 raWMhT, v.
HARMON'S SPRAINED ANKLE IS slalMiienl now ( nines from a ,MIh
ONLY WEAKNESS IN TEAM "' IM'"1 who1inn seen both MisHouii
iikI K, ins. is teams in action to tin
lh(t llial th'1 ( '01 iilinskt'iH slll s in
POTTER GETS BACK IN GAMEji-".,. Missou.iin i ,h,i..n- .....i
I in tln'i 11101 e .ihsciIs Hi, it KaiiH.'is will
I, ill befnte tin 'llgets 'I In- Kansas
leen appeals to lie ill din cstlm.l
With Unusually Heavy Line to Duck,
Stichm Depends on Speed of
Tackier, and Ends to
Win Victory
lion lilt pool rut in twelve seasons
llouesei HiIk shoiildnt lie (onsidend
(oikIiis( ,is the Kansas bun h is
known In nine ha l e epl ionalh
stmng win n pilled against N'elnaska
oi I liw esl el n coeds will lieiealtei
lie compelled to attend the loolhall
games iinatt.K lied 'Mils i canon is not
that the mi lies don I shout, hut it is a
known l.ul the pieent the men fiom
paing sulll( lent attention to the com
bat II is 1 1 commended b some that
In win but (piessid no loud hopes ol the N'ebiask.i boat d do llkew ise 'I hell
malum; nioie than l!'i points against . i easou does not oriopond to Hie one
the 'I IM l The ( o.n lies gave out II t Noi I h w est el n, howeei, u hot e the
'I he ( oi n husk ei s di pai ti d this inoi n
im; ahoui I In loi I he .imp ol the
Tll'els, , ( olllpallU (I b the (O.n lies
and li.iineis ll ol the u ei e
in hue olid it ion e( epl II. union who
1MM1I' 1 bl1' .illkb again eilin sda
e ell I II L, III pi ,n 1 1 e ('(),(( ll St i 1 1111
pei ts (hi Si.uht and ('iciim w.iuiois
Inn up as mini will be ( hosen until
tin It im is ii.nh to appeal upon the
Mild S.iluiili I he hue has been the
n al( s 1 oiln I lo the co,n lies the past
Hick, and most of iheii attention has
been diiechd towaid tile loiwaids
'I lie b n klleld loll is el ph as
iiu; loi llnie aii two good men loi
( ,n h posji o In Pol li i and 'I ow le
'ibia-Ka has two ol the lust ipiaileis
thai (ii donned the moleskins 'I he
loi im i i tin onl dt peiidable (hop
kn ki i tin ( oi nliii Ai i s h,i e had loi
i,iis lowb inns th li.iin with lots
ol pi p .111(1 im-llls into them the glllgei
hli h ( .III es I In 111 lo 1 1 .1 1 up t lie op
I en 'Its line
'I In I i i i Inn i quite a hi lb
li i ii i I 'i i ii i In oin I mill Sin bin
will i ml i i in-t t In m S it in il i I In
i ( llt( 1 is ll ;hl, bill I suppoi led b a
i ouple In a giiai ds and la kb's '1 lie
'I iget em's has been pl.ning
with tin 1 1 .mi- the hae met Ibis I, ill
'I In ).,( t down mult i punts with ama
III spei ( mil at e sin e tacklel s
'I In li kin Id oulutighs Hie Coin
husk i' I ul .im not as speed) Mac
Williams .ind Knobel ait d pi ndeil on
to lug tin ball loi sine gains although
Shtphaid has shown up pi oiinin nl 1
in tin Mi cut ganu s Shephaid hi
done all ol the lu lung - lai tin
si ason He is a gooil puiitei his punt
n i aging lo-1 to the .n ai d nmi k
'lln sijii nl hi li stalled was com
posed ot Ml. in M.isliu Swanson l'eai
miii Mulh '.in How. ud Pnetag liwm l'uid llle He k Haw
kins, Towle I'oitti llanlik Magoi
1 lai mini and Captain Flank
-".Iiinnn '
Hance and Beakly, of U. S. G. S,
Visitors at University.
Mi .1 Hance of the United States
(ieologieal Sune) inked the local do
puitinent within the last few da)B Ho
is about, to make an exhaustive stud)
of the alkali lakes of Nobi.iHka Mr
A I, Health, '1)7, also IT S (! S, has
bwon ionouing old acquaintances in
tlit geolog depaitment dining a shoit
sta) in th' cit Ku7
Klngle ta is In fore e Oh, U '
Dl.ike s e ham oh lot the Missom 1 al
le) Championship would look piett
slim if Washington i'nieisit should
e.iteh them napping and slip a few
ton hdow ns over on em This is not
all impiobabl as Coach ( ,iou ol
Washington is t poi t I to ha a will
de elopod team and one w In h is unit d
foi its sliced
fudging f nun low. i. s show in miiiim
the (ioplnis last wtek wouldnt tin
llliskeis pla liao with sunn ol llio t
teams of the Dig laglit. In '
S i m
Miss Zola I )elleekoi . Kappa Mplia
'1 beta, and Robei t (imit, 'il'i, aie lo be
maiiied Noeinbei 14 at the lionn ol
t he bi ule iii Omaha
'I he mamago of Miss I lael renin.
Delta Delta Delta, to Ceorge lleedei
1 Mi I Delta Theta, will be held at the
homo ot Mihs renin, I'imeisit) l'',n in
Noeinbei L'S
Mi Hugo llnknci, 1)8. i'hi Delta
Theta. will be married to Miss Ma)
Louise Ul balds at the Lin oin Hotel
Noeinb'i li
- Sljr
ID mi lb Ukp ijmtr IDurh.
24U u. 11 th &t. ffiiurolu. Nrb.
Shoes for Drill
Up-to-Date Styles
Button or Blucher
The best tan Russia Calf
$3, $3.50, $4
When you go to sec the
Don't forget to take your colors along
A full line of
The University Boole Stcre
no nth sin. t
Lincoln Shoe Co.
of Broken Bow,
Candidate for
United States Senator of Nebraska
By Petition
I am a farmer and was educated at the University of Michigan
and am running for the office of United States Senator by request of
business men and fair-minded farmers, and I stand pat against, and
for the repeal of the PARCELS POST LAW, as it now stands, and I
ask the support of every jobber, traveling man, merchant, railroad
man, rural route carrier, drayman and every fair-minded farmer, as it
is a vital question to all of them.
I have not asked for a penny to help me in my campaign, BUT
DO ASK the support of every fair-minded voter in Nebraska.
Respectfully yours,
Broken Bow, Nebraska.