T II R r A T L Y N K It ItARKAN CAMPUS NOTES OUR OVERCOAT SHOWING Florence Nnson of Omaha npent the week-end at the PI Beta Phi hoime HogenBlck'B OrcheHtra. Auto 0042 Sh -, i n t i ... Senior Prom Notice. The senior prom committee will meet in U. 102 Tuesday at 11.30. 1m portant. Telephono Yulo IlroK at once. College Girls' Meeting. The college, girls' meeting on Friday from 12 to 12:15 will he presided oei by MIsb Christine (Maiissen. Meet me at Green's, 120 North 11th Dr. Hitchcock of the United States Forestry Survey and former graduate of Nebraska visited the botany depart ment this week. JoneB' Orchestra. Phone 1,-800!) &j Soph Olympic Tryouts. Tryouts for the sophomore Olympic team will be held Tuesday night. Fur ther announcement will be made later O. II. Frey, University florist, 1133 O at.. A letter from Fdmond llerger, 12, locates him at Neodesha, Kas . where he has a position with the Standaid Oil Company of Kansas. Wftv A ;Zava r '. j -v. iVi f ' 11 f " j' ji Complete in every lespect, there isn't a correct style desired that we can't show you. Two-piece Scotch and English weaves with half silk linings. English Coats, Auto Coats, Convertible Coats and Chesterfield models with velvet or sell collars. See our new Chinchilla coat with shawl collars, belt ed backs, full belt, short or long lengths. Also our line of comfy ulsters in rich fancy mixtures. Many of the fellows have bought here already. If you want a real smart style come in. Suits and O'coats $10, $15,, $20, $25 and Up. FITFORM THE LARGEST AND MAYER BROS. CO. BEST LINE OF SWEATERS IN THE CITY. Ted Marrlner Cleaner, Hatter and Repairer. Auto B1799. 235 No. 11th. Bessey at Lotus Club. Dr. Pessey spoke yesterday after noon before the Lotus Club Ills .sub ject was "A Potanical Travelogue " Call Roy O. Warde, dance orchestra. Auto 718C, L-8152. This looks like winter and overeo-ils Let us get you ready for the cold The Students' Sultorium, Auto It I2!l, Itell F-3438. College Tea Today. Ml l'iu ern ':irl.s are requested to. bear in iiiiihI the college tea which will lie gien ihiH afternoon in the rt Hall Irom '' to !" o'clock You will hae to wear thai dull suit in a few d.ij.s Let us clean .uid pr ss it Special pi ice of H'ic for this week only We (all tor and deliver The Students Suitoi nun, 1."(ll No lath St Phones uto ItllMU. Hell F :U:iK d Chapm Sisters Entertain. The Misses Chapin entertained in honor of the Uichards-ltirkner weddniK party yesterday at their home Irom ." nil i; The quests were friends ot the eiiRaRerl couple Mr and T.ns- Weatiierly will enter tain the University students at then home, ivu South Twenty tilth street. We have the best workman, the lurg- at X o clock this e'iiing i ms is uic est, most sanitary and modern barber second of a series ot socials Held ea n Bhop and bathhouse in the city Stu ear, and students have come to know dent patronage kindly solicited I that they stand for a good time. Green's, 120 North Eleventh. i T K F Wohleiiberg, who has he n VP bbbbbbbbbbbbbbh K Hbbbbbb! bbbbbbhM abbbS BBBBBBBBh&-h' UlaBBBBBl MIH i f M nKK UBBBBBI bbkbbbbTCkSI s35S vbbbbs $1bbbM $L JbbbbI utKKkyn3Kr. AbbbbbbbbbbbbbI E.W4li?B'iX" r bbbbbbbbbbH &y&t$ ESPBUttEBlef V bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb iSSj-S . H BBBBBBBIBiK!s&1 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI w& -33? fcsn bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb1 y7is?,XJ-rt? '- jyBBBBBBBBBBflVSNaifct j'-bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI i$&&BJKtKtr bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI J"n5 2" j bbbbbbbbs1PP bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI !3y(v9V tm Hbm' Field Geography 21 Trip. stationed on the Missoula national for The class In held geography 121 will em during the past summer, has re make the ftoca trip next Saturda ,' turned to the University to take post November 2, leaving via the Union j graduate work in forest r Wohlen Paciflc at 11 a. m and returning via, berg and Fullaway, who returned last the Burlington at f : :$0 p. m. directions will be trance to U. 7. Further week, were together most of the sum- found at the en- mer getting experience tor tneir grau--N. A Hengston. uate work. CONGRESSMAN JOHN A. MAGUIRE FOR RE-ELECTION DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE Ladies' clothing cleaned, remodeled and repairod by an experienced dress maker. Satisfactory work at reason able priceB. Mrs. Brlcka, 315 South 17th. Auto 13-4844. Adv. 10-2 It W4 Jrr7, A5 I THE MOST ACCURATE .22 CALIBER Repeating Rifle in the WORLD. Made in two models: ono lor .ti Diion n. r. car tridges the other for .&2 Long Hillo R. V. STEVENS "VISIBLE LOADING" RIFLE NO. 70. LIST PRICE $8.00 rtffiulf tit 'iV V rlt Handles 15 .22 Short nnd 13 .22 long riflo cartridges. Send for handsomely illustrated Hide Cata log and "How to Shoot Well". Order Stevens Rifles Pistols and Shotguns from your Dealer. J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL COMPANY, P. O. Box B004, CHICOPEE PALLS. MASS. LET THE EVANS LAUNDRY DO YOUR WASHING BULLETINS on i MISSOURI GAME Will be announced play by play at HARRY PORTER'S The University Stationer 1123 O STREET