i,icT' lit Tn WliWipiiTK'lilBfciWtJi lMM WWMWMWWiiylpim "" THE DAILY NEBRA8KAN k Y. M. C. A. TO ENTERTAIN 7 4 'Olympic TryoutB to Be Made Occasion of Get-Together Social-. ' The Freshmen tryouts for the Olym pics to be held In the Armory Nov. 9 will be mnde the occasion of a big get together social for 1916. Plans perfected Tuesday contem plate a combination of the try-out stunts with a social time and a feed. The University Y. M C. A. will have charge of the refreshment features, which will be free. This innovation furnishes an oppor tunity Tor all men of tile Freshmen class to get acquainted, arouse class spirit and "pep up" for the Olympics. H G. II CAMPUS NdTES llagensick's Orchestra. Auto 9042 Telephone Yule Bros at once. Alppt me at Green's, 120 North 11th Jones' Orchestra. Phone L-8605 C H. Frey, University florist, 1133 O st. Ted Marrlner Cleaner, Hatter and Repairer. Auto B1799. 235 No. 11th. Call Roy O Wardo, dance orchestra, Auto 718G, L8152. "We have the best workman, the larg est, most sanitary and modern barber Bhbp and bathhouse in the city Stu dent patronage kindly solicited Green's, 120 North Eleventh Change in Prom Date. Chairman Sweely announces that the Benior prom will bo held January 18, not January 24, as previously scheduled. Ladies' clothing cleaned, remodeled and repaired by an experienced dress maker. Satisfactory work at reason able prices. Mrs. Bricka, 315 South 17th Auto B-4844 Adv. 10-2 It Junior Football Notice. All juniors who have ever played football, and who are eligible for Ju nior athletics, are requested to meet Frank Kruse today at 11 o'clock at the east entrance of the Armory. It is very Important that every husky be there. Leonard Purdy, Chairman. f v -& - vx x&9pSSJ ifrt m -IPS! lBPPKPj2S'Qp9IQf&?"&vPJpppppj IppBbSpjXsfpnJSuk. P'y'-- pppW GOVERNOR CHESTER H. ALDRICH O. S. U. '88 Candidate tor Re-eiection. The governor has always Bhown himself n true friend or the University V Z': 44PPPPPPPPaV t ifSapxabsw Wrei?&8BSsiPPPPPX InHppppH i - It sBM & jaPaaK.-'- VX"- w SSSaeKsiPPaaY bbbbVk ''QsaKaaMlpppJ KRLLaV&' ?"iMM&iWimKn W wWmMMmmNE. x ' '-s&KES? -Jpppm. x. vHappHpppppflpppaV pppppppam. jufeSflpppHappaH .Jpppppbpbw J mKJr ; f ' WG ' ' .pppppbpppB PPBBw .BPPHPPABuMtPPPBBH .ppHIpHpHbVbiPPbPPPbH MISS FLORENCE FISHEB. LEADING LADY WITH WALKER WHITESIDE in "THE TYPHOON" You will have to wear that drill suit In a few days. Let us clean and press It. Special price of 95c for this week only. We call for and deliver. The StudentB Sultorlum, 1504 No. 15th St. Phones Auto B-1294, Bell F-3438 Adv. Let Ted clean your garments. LET THE EVANS LAUNDRY DO YOUR WASHING fc Y. M. C. A. fc Antiseptic Barber Shop. -fc Any Style Halrcuttlng 25 cents, -fc Best Service. Try Us. -fc GOOD THINGS TO EAT AT WESTERFIELD'S CAF,E 213-215 North 9th St. MEAL TICKETS $2.00 AND UP LITTLE GEM HOT WAFFLES AND MAPLE SYRUP A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO VARSITY STUDENTS A Man With a RECORD for DOING THINGS CONGRESSMAN GEO. W. NORRIS Progressive-Republican Nominee for United States Senator Congressman Norris 1b a National Leader in the movement for a hotter and cleaner government, and his ten years of experience in CongreBB will make him a power for good in the United States Semite. Some of the Great Battles in Which He has been a Leader The overthrow of t'annonlsm Against Machine Rule and for Representative Government. Against the Standard Oil Interests, resulting In the pluoing of crudo oil and Its products on the Free List For a fair Investigation and against' a "whlto-waBh" of t,ne Balllngor Plnchot controversy. For an honest revision of the Tariff downward. Against the Canadian Trade Agreement (so-called Canadian Reciprocity). His single-handed and masterly exposition of the gigantic International Coffee Trust has attracted the attention of the erttlre world. Some of the Important Movements He is Now Leading For a Presidential Primary. Against Machine Control and Boss Rule. For Publicity of Committee Hearings. Aealnjtt Uxo "Secret Caucus" method of controlling legislation. To take the entire Poatal Service out of politics and placo It In th Classified Service, that the people may have the best posslblo service for the least expense and a business Postal Service instead of a hugo political machine. Congressman Norris has long been identified with the movement for a return to direct government by the people, and strongly favors such meas ures as the Initiative and Referendum, Publicity of Campaign Contributions, Direct Flection of United States Senators, etc Not only Nebraska the Nation needs Congressman Norris In the Unlteo States Senate. Mr. Norris wilTSpeak at the Auditorium this Evening, Thursday, October 31, at 8 o'clock. THIS WEEK ONLY We will make up our No. 1099 French Blue Serge with Serge-Mohair or Imported Venetian Lining FOR $2S.OO Regular $35.00 Goods. See our window. Jones and Dalling, ii5rh'eventh st