The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 31, 1912, Image 1

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TEbe SDail IRebraskan
VOL. XII. NO. 31
Price 5 Cent
Freshmen Make Slight Gains Through
Line, But Backs Return Ball With
out Delay Frank Makes
Long Run.
The team departs tonight for the
land of the Tigers in better physical
condition than they have been at any
time during the season. Potter and
Harmon will be in the lineup against
the Tigers, although the latter has not
been in scrimmage for nearly two
Coach Stiehm has made quite a
change Jn the line, shifting Mastin
from end to left guard. Mulligan has
taken MaBtin's place at end and 1b do
ing good work. This shift hap light
ened the team considerable, but hna
made it much speedier.
Practice last night was secret as
usual, and consisted of a good, hard
scrimmage with the freBhmen. The
freshmen backs, with the imsl stance
of "Turp" Frank, made several good
gains through the varsity line, but the
first-year men were uanble to with
stand the attacks of the Comhusker
backs. Captain Frank made a beauti
ful run of 90 yards for a touchdown,
and the other backfleld men found
little resistance in the freshman line.
The team will leave tonight over Jhe
Burlington for Columbia, accompanied
by a few rooters. They are due to ar
rive In the Tigers' camp somo time to
morrow in order to have a light prac
tice before going Into the game. Both
teams are nearly of the same weight
and free from injuries, so a good game
may be expected of them Saturday.
Commercial Club Will Open Splendid
New Dance Hall for University
Affairs. s
December 1 1b the date reserved by
the Lincoln Commercial Club for the
occupation of Its new quarters, now
nearly completed after more than a
year's work. Incidentally, one of the
finest ballrooms in the city will prob
ably be thrown open to the use of
University students.
Complying with the original plans,
thlB hall will be used as a dining-room
by the club. It can be easily cleared,
however, thus giving a hall 10Qx56 feet
with small balconies at either end, fur
nishing an ideal place for an orchestra.
The hall 18 beautifully finished In white
marble and waxed oak. Light will be
secured by the new system of reflected
illumination 'used extensively In all the
newept buildings.
An oak floor equal to any in the city
is now being laid throughout the entire
third floor. Secretary Whltten says
that it is nt at all improbable that the
hall can be secured for University af
fairs at a very reasonable price.
Annual Torchlight Procession Tonight
to Send the Team off to Missouri
Once again the "howling hundreds" will moot to give the
team the proper sond-ofT. Tonight at 8:!30 o'clock the campus
will bo the starting point of the biggest torchlight parade ever
held at Nebraska. At the head will bo the team and coaches in a
carryall drawn by fifty willing Cornhuskers. Behind will be a
long, snaky, sinuous line of torches, each in the hands of a rooter,
who would put a whirling dervish to shame. And on the side
lines will be banks of co-eds to lend encouragement.
From the campus the parade will proceed to the Burlington
depot, where the farewell will end only when there are no more
speeches to be made and everyone is so hoarse that not even a
whisper can be heard. The fact that it is Hallowe'en, it is hoped,
will not cause any dampening of enthusiasm or prevent any of
the usual stunts from being pulled off.
Those who have not torches from last year may procure them
from the Rag office after 11 o'clock today. And, say, don't for
get that booster button. The band still lacks enough to pay their
expenses to Missouri, although they are working hard. This is
the first time that the students alohe have attempted to send the
band with the team, so do your part. The band is necessary to
beat the Tigers.
Now, don't forget the time or place 8:30 o'clock, and at
the campus and we will give the team such a send-off that they
will have to beat the Tigers. Mick.
Gate City Organization Passes Resolu
tions In Derogation of Athletic Sys
tem at the University.
Relief from "molly-coddle rules" of
the Missouri Valley Conference, hin
dering the development of vigorous
athletics at the University was de
manded by the Omaha alumni associa
tion at a meeting held in Omaha Tues
day evening.
Resolutions to this effect were ad
dressed to the regents and to such
other authority as might have power
to act.
The alumni went on record as favor
ing the withdrawal of Dr. R. G. Clapp
from participation in the athletic man
agement. This action was expected by
those in touch with the situation, on
account of the known personal hostil
ity that has existed between Dr. Clapp
and those who are now trying to dis
credit him.
Of pent Interest to University stu
dents, Uie Omaha alumni went so
far nB to suggest that Nebraska with
draw from the valley conference, if
such action was necessary to obtain
the desired relief from restrictive
Dr. Clapp, In the course of an inter
view last evening, declared that the
criticisms levied against the confer
ence were misdirected, that in reality
the rules complained of were adopted
at the instance of the presidents and
regents of the various Institutions that
comprise the conference.
"The rules forbidding the training
table, ajad the playing of gine,8 pff
the University campus," ho said, "were
drawn up tiy the presidents and, "re
gents, .of. the colleges in the Missouri
Valley Conference, and were later
adopted by the conference to provide
a uniformity of rulings. As to the
Other charges, although they are in
part inspired by personal feeling, there
is nothing to be Baid at present."
Annual Y. W. Event Comes Saturday
Night Musical Program This Year
Year in Charge of Mrs. Helms.
Plans are now being completed for
"The Trail," which is to bo held the
coming Saturday evening In the Tem
ple Theater. The program 1b a musi
cal one, in charge of Mrs. Lillian
Dobbs Helms. It will be composed of
American songs In four groups songs
we found, brought, borrowed, and
They will be given in coatumo and
with appropriate stage BettingB. Other
musical BelectionB will he given be
tween Bcenes, further particulars of
which will be announced later.
"The Trail" Is an annual Y, W. C. A.
event. Last year "stunts' were put on
by the various organizations about
school. The program this year Is of
an entirely different nature. While
the school as a whole is not taking
part, the program will be as entertain
ing to everyone. W. S.
Morehead and Maguirc Given Floor at
Wilson-Marshall Club.
A meeting of the University Wilson
Marshall Club was held last night In
the. Temple. John H. Morehead, demo
cratic candidate tot governor, and John
A. -Mjigulre, candidate for congress,
made brief addresses.
' Itobert Harley presided over the
meeting: , V. M.
Lieutenant Bowman Inaugurates Con
ference Between Himself and Com
panies Every Night New Non
commissioned Positions.
Eacli day now there are new appoinC
montH being made In tho military de
partment by nontenant Bowman from
among the third-year men. The latest.
appointments are the promotions of
Osknr E. Edison to tho rniik of quarter-mastor-Borgoant
of Company I, nnd of
L. E. Wettllng to the rank of ordnance
sergeant. Tho latter Is a new office
created in the dopartmont this year,.
the ordnance sergeant being under Ui
ordnance captain, and having charge
of guns, equipment nnd tho rifle ranges.
The second-year men have not yet
been sufficiently tried out for further
appointments, and nothing can bo de
termined at the present time rpgard
ing the positions they are to hold iff
the companies Tho "second-year awk
ward B(iiad," under the leadership of
Sergeant Johnson, Is rapidly rounding.
Into shape as a well-disciplined body,
and all the company "non-comH" will
bo selected from It. Every evening:
several men are selected to act as ser
geants, corporalB, and (lie cloeerB In
the Bqund, and others are assigned
temporary positions in their own com
panies. By this method the relative?
status of the men In the companies
can Boon be determined.
An innovation of Lieutenant Bow
man this year 1b to bo a conference be
tween the commandant and the com
panies before ench drill period, at 4:65
p. m. By this means It Is believed that
the men and the commandant will be
commandant will bo brought Into
closer contact than by any other meth
od and the routine of drill will present
a more Interesting aspect to tho met
in the ranks. C. N. B.
Sunday Dinner Will Be Served, if
Desired, in West Room.
The Cafeteria has inado arrange
ments to serve dinner at noon on Sam
days to such as may desire. The ireet
room will be reserved for this purpose
and there will be as prompt service as
can be had at any restaurant or hotel.
, The regular menu will be available, er-
a regular dinner served for 35 ceals,.
chicken dinner 40c. This dinner la
eludes meat, potatoes, one vegetable,
milk, tea or coffee, bread and butter,
pie or ice cream.
' This special arrangement will jtst
in anywise effect the regular Cafeteria ;
plan of service. The line will not be.
interrupted, neither will it bo dclayeA.."
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