The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 30, 1912, Image 1

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ZLbe Batl IRebraskan
VOL. XII. NO. 30
Price 5 Cents
-r-;FnT' T?,,,W"T
Second Victory for Nebraska's Team,
Like Result In 1909 Ames Takes
Second Place, with Many
Nebraska's dairy stock judging team
returned Monday from the National
Dairy Show with a glorious victory of
over 200 points over their nearest
competitor the Iowa Aggies. Remark
ably great ability was shown by the
members of the team, not only collect
ively but as individuals, carrying off
the highest honors in the Holstein
contest, two individual scholarships, a
trophy In the Guernsey contest and a
prize of $50. The scholarships and
the money prize were won by Steven
Whlsenand, while the second place In
the Guernsey contest went to R. H.
Tamp. In the big contest they were
assisted by Arthur George and L. C.
Robertson, alternate.
Three members of the faculty of the
College of Agriculture accompanied
the team to Chicago as coaches Pro
fessors G. C. White, J. II. FrandBen
and O. H. Licbers.
This victory is the second one which
has honored Nebraska's dairy stock
judging team. In the fall of 1909 the
same award came to the team for the
first time, and every year since then
those picked for the squad put In
many hard days' work in a hard fight
to repeat the same performance. No
small amount of effort is necessary to
even make a fair showing In such a
contest with teams entered from all
parts of the country, and great credit
should be given the men who brought
home this honor.
Fourteen other colleges were repre
sented In the contest. Michigan, Mis
souri, Kansas, Cornell, Kentucky, Dela
ware, Maryland, Pennsylvania and
South Dakota all made strong show
ings, but yielded to the Ames bunch,
who were placed second to Nebraska.
The trip, which Included the Chi
cago show, extended over almost a
week's time, the team leaving last
Thursday, making a two dayB' stop at
Waterloo, Iowa, putting in a day at
Waukesha, Wis., another at Milwau
kee, and the remainder of the time at
the national show. Sn.
Komensky Club Entertained.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Safarlk will
. . ' . , , . ... !EUa Bocher, Columbus; Julia Miller,
entertain the Komensky club at their,
home, 2545 R Btreet, next Friday even
ing at 8 o'clock. This will take the
place of the regular meeting.
Wilson and Roosevelt Discussed at Phi
Alpha Tau Meeting Marcellus
and Raymond Speak.
Theodore Roosevelt and Wood row
Wilson came In for discussion at a
meelng of Phi Alpha Tan hold nt the
Lincoln Hotel last night. Incidentally
a few remarks were made about the
progressive and democratic parties,
and before the evening closed the is
sues that separate the two parties wore
pretty clearly drawn.
Speaks for Wilson.
Hyrne Marcellus, in defending the
New Jersey governor and the demo
cratic standard, declared that Hie tar
iff question Is playing the most im
portant part in the campaign, and that
the democratic policy of a tariff for
revenue only was the only solution of
what seems to have become a national1
economic problem. His contention
was that the American consumer is
buying his goods at a greater price
than the same goods are sold for
abroad, and the only way to protect
this exploitation is to reduce Hie tar
iff to a revenue basis.
The progressive cause was espoused ' sentative of the seventh district. Mr.
by A. R. Raymore, who declared atjnoiien also received a 11 Sc. degree at
the outset that he was not n devotee, u, Fiemont College in 1897
of Theodore Roosevelt as a pcisonal
ity, but more a believer and advocate
of the progressive propaganda He
declared that the country was com
initted, through international neces-
sit , to a protective tariff po!l y. and
that for this reason it was not the is
sue in the campaign
Trust Problem Paramount.
He declared the trust question to be
the essential one and urged that the
progressives are the only onefi that at
tempt to outline their solution. The
main contention Is that corporations
cannot be dissolved, and the best way
to handle them is by regulation
Through the economies of monopoly,
the cost of production Is reduced, and
by the proper supervision and regula
tions prices could be correspondingly
reduced. -McC.
Eleven Girls Follow Footsteps of Sis
ters RC6t Pledge in
The several soroltles have some so
lace In the fact that they can at least
pledge their slBters before tlio first of
February. They sooni to havo taken
advantage of the privilege as the fol
lowing list shows:
Alpha Chi Omega Clara McMahon,
Alpha- Phi Vivien Ayers, Lincoln.
Alpha Xi Delta Madge Daniels,
Chi Omega Louise Piper, L,yona;
Mabel Roberts, Alma.
Delta Gamma Ruth Clark, Omaha;
ueuuice, muiiun waiKiuo, "'"wii
Genevieve Wesner, Lincoln.
Kappa Alpha Thea Dorothy Wal
lace, Lincoln. W. F. Q.
Investigation Shows Larger Number of
Ex-Nebraskans As Aspirants
for Office. .
Upon further Investigation It has
lM)en found that five university gradu
ates who nre candidates for state of
fices were omitted In a previous
article. This makes the total num
ber thirteen instead of eight. The five
candidates on the state ticket that
were omitted are:
Otto W. Meier, '98 A. H.; '00 LL. P.,
at present well-known lawyer in this
city, democratic candidate for state
senator from Iincaster county.
Allen Johnson, '08 LL. n , at present
a lawyer at Fremont, progressive can
didate for presidential elector.
Joseph C Cook, '95 LL. P., the act
ing county attorney at Fremont, re-
publican candidate lor congressman of
the third district.
Robert P. Starr, '02 LI.. 11, at pies
ent a lawyer at Loup City, republican
candidate for state senator of the
twenty-second district.
F. L. Pollen, '00 LL. P, , of Crofton,
democratic candidate for state repre-
The other eight c andidates. on the
state ticket mentioned before are
I) R (Jilbeit or Fremont, Paul F
Clark ol this city, John A Magulre ot
this city, congressman of the first dls-
trlct, CluirloH M Skilcs of David City,
K. K. Placek of Wahoo, J. II Kemp of
Fullorton, Frank W. Hartos of Wilber
and Walter V Hoagland of North
Platte J. K. F.
Omaha Club Adopts Resolutions
Friendly to Coach And Supporting
Alumni In Their Attacks On
Valley Conference Policy.
At a meeting of Omaha students
held yesterday morning, a set of reso
lutions endorsing Coach Strehin and
repudiating some of the sentiment
that has been created against the ath
letic management were passed.
The meeting was presided over by
Stuart Gould, who was later made
chairman of the Omaha organization
The resolutions were drawn up by
Gould, Chandler Trimble and W. E.
Kavan and were sent to Omaha to be
presented to the alumni who were ad
vertised to have mot laBt evening at
the University club.
The resolutions, besides endorsing
Stlelun, freed the athletic mentors
from responsibility for the poor foot
ball schedule, declaring the same to
be caused by other forces out of the
control of the managers.
The club went on record as endors
ing the attitude of the alumni who are
opposed to the narrowness o fthe pol
icy pursued in tho Missouri Valley
conference and who declare for a more
broad and liberal policy in Nebraska
athlotlcs.- CUT.
Torches to Be Placed On Sale Today
By Innocents at Dally Nebraskan
Office Dime Apiece.
Next Thursday night the annual
torchlight sendoff for the team will bo
given. The team leaves for the Tigers'
lair about i) o'clock over the Murling
ton and the same kind of a rousing;
rally Is expected as came last ear bo
lore the Kansas game. Eveiy indica
tion now points to a victorious out
come of the struggle, although after a
light to the teeth "and tills expectant
enthusiasm is expected to make tho
event a success.
The -torchlight parade is an annual
custom which has extended back a
number ol years When the game with
the Jayhau keis Ih at Uiwrence. tho
squad gets its semloff then, but when,
as this .ear, the Kansans come to Lin
coln, the ttip to .Missouri gets tho
boost liimiciiM- Hpiilt Is 1 Id- ever
present lemilt j the rally and seem
ingly vhtoiy ih always easier lor tho
The Innocents aie in charge of tho
affair They will have torches on salo
today in the oIic e of the Dally Nebraskan-
-price ten cents each. Oil
and wlc k will be lurnlshed Tho
parade will be formed on the campus
at 8.30 and a circuitous march by way
of O street will probably consume an
hour or so. Every effort will bo made
to give the citizens of the burg of
Lincoln a thrill which will comparo
favorably with the ordinary mortal'ft
conception ol the eruption of Vcbu
vlus or the last republican convention.
A number of cheer leaders will be ap
pointed to act for the occasion and uo
one wants to buj a torch II he expects
to talk above a whisper at recitations
the following morning.
At the train Coach Stlehm, Captain
Frank, Purely and all the rest of Ne
braska's warriors will be given a
chance to tell their supporters liow
large the score will be in the MisBouii
game and the promising chances of
winning tho Valley championship.
A feature which always makes this
procession of intense Interest is tho
large number of fair ones which lino
the highways on the pnth to the sta
tion. A man naturally feels more llko
waving a torch and shouting liko a
wild Indian if he knows that Bomeono
realizes the amount of oil he is get
ting on his clothes for the sake of his
team. While the Innocents do not ex
pect the girls to shoulder torches tkoy
do ask that they get out and In this
manner help mako tho sendoff the best
of years. Sn-:.