The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 25, 1912, Image 6

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Miss Mary Jameson, u former stu
(IciiI but not a graduate of the Uni
vcislty, was married September 2 to
('. L liavlH, 'HI!, at Hie home or the
bride's parents, lllllshoro. Ore The
couple will reHlile at Tonopali. Nev ,
where Mr Davis Ih eleclrbal cunineet
with the Tonopali Mining Company
Arthur L Selzer, '11. and MIhk Willa
Irene Wallace were married at the
Wallace home at Scot tsblufT on Octo
ber li ! Mr Seler Ih enlaced In irrl
gallon engineering and th"y will make
their home at HcoltHbluff
Heat rice Moffett, Mil, ;t married to
Ralph V. Wenverling, Ml, on Oc.obor
fiat the brlde'H home it Lincoln They
will Kettle at North llend, where Mr
Weaverliug Ih an attorney
Carl F Hpellmeyer. M. marrlel Miss
Clara Woodard of Denver at the home
of the brlde'H sister at urora 01: Sep
tember lb They will lheat Los Ange
Ich, Cul, where Mr Spclbeeyer H an
engineer with the Los Angeles que
duct Company.
Young Men's Clothes
Rich beaut ful woolens in all the newest patterns with only one or
two suits ol a kind and every garment sold correctly fitted by an
expert tailor.
That is what you will find here in The Home of Good Clothes.
Suits and Overcoats $15 to $40.
FARQUHAR 1325 O Street
Abble Stewart, 'i8, or Blair wi.h mar
ried to Mr. Lyle I). Ml'.liken at the
brlde'H borne on October f Their
home addreHH will be Ord, where lie Ih
in the hardware biiHines.i
F.dward .1 Patterson, Ml, or Central
City married MIhh Maud Conkling of
Grand Island on September lit; They
will make their home at Central City,
where Mr Patterson Is practicing law
w 1th his father and brother
() S C.ilmore, Ml, married Miss
lleliyi Conant at Kdgar, September 21
They will reside at Kdgar, where Mr
Cllmore is a member of the law (lrm
of Corey Air Gllmore
Tbukla Kni'ii. Ml, of Omaha was mar
ried to Walter 1-' Draney or Lincoln, at
Omaha, September LT They will live
at Lincoln
Michigan Aggies and Depauw at
Northwestern University and Indians
at Indianapolis
Notre Dame and Wabash at Notre
Oberlin and Western Reserve at
Syracuse and Michigan at Syracuse
Chicago and Purdue at Chicago.
University of Cincinnati at Colum
Iowa and Minnesota at Minneapolis
May Dion, MO, was married to Mr
Howard S Miltonberger at the home
of the bride's parents at North Pond
early in September The groom in a
druggist at Anselmo, where they will
The athletic committee at Missouri
iH sending out invitations to all "M"
men for the "M" men's reunion to be
held at the Missouri Nebraska game
November L' A banquet will be held
the night before the game, and it is
planned to give the old letter men "M '
diplomas which are suitable for fram
Florence Moose, 'Oil. who was elected
to Phi Peta Kappa, was married on
October 10 at Falls City to Mr J. M
Holferty of Pontiac. 111. They will re
hide In that city, where Mr Holferty
iH In the shoe manufacturing business
Theresa Pearl Murphy, '08. of Homer
was married to Dr. Kdward X f'rowly
or Lincoln on October 0 at the home
or the bride's parents. They will make
their home at Lincoln.
Pelolt and Cornell at Mount Vernon.
Carroll and Northwestern College at
Case and Ohio Wesleyan at Dela
ware. Missouri and Oklahoma at Norman
Kansas and Kansas Aggies at Law
rence. Drake and Simpson at Des Moines
Ames and (Jrinnell at Ames.
Loyola and DePaul at Chicago.
Lake Forest and Knox at Lake
Marquette and Lawrence at Mlhvnu-keo.
Coach Wiftranis of Minnesota has
been working his men very hard for
what promises to be a great battle
witli Iowa at Minneapolis tomorrow
He has invented a number of new
shirt formations which will be used
against the lowans
An exchange defines a kiss as "A
heaven-given power by which a man
can stop a woman's mouth without
knocking her in the head "
The Drake Daily Delphis has the
Missouri Valley championship problem
solved The scribe places Drake at
the head of the list with A in PH7-Nebraska,
Washington, Missouri, and
Kansas rollowing in order. He rur
ther says, "We'll predict anything now
arter our luck in forecasting the result
of the Jayhawker game." He wants
to be careful about predicting the
Ames game or he might accidently
step off.
wmmmm&asr & msssmsp.i-
.3a!?Si!2rSTSfW i &S ... j ' ' " ' :
:PS- - .' -V.' , '
Fields brown and sear and yellow
Tell us or fall with harvest past;
The golden sheaves are in the shock
at last,
Skies are clear and sunsets have a
ruddy glow
Best season of the year. God surely
meant it so.
I. D. W.
of Broken Bow,
Candidate for
United States Senator of Nebraska
By Petition
I am a farmer and was educated at the University of Michigan
and am running for the office of United States Senator by request of
business men and fair-minded farmers, and I stand pat against, and
for the repeal of the PARCELS POST LAW, as it now stands, and I
ask the support of every jobber, traveling man, merchant, railroad
man, rural route carrier, drayman and every fair minded farmer, as it
is a vital question to all of them.
I have not asked for a penny to help me in my campaign, BUT
DO ASK the support of every fair-minded voter in Nebraska.
Respectfully yours,
Broken Bow, Nebraska.