The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 25, 1912, Image 4

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A literary depart incut In a live Htu
dent publication fna hcciii at Arret
UioiikIiI onl a aiiation III "r.pue c (111
cih," vvliieli in to be lead with the ad
vei tiHcmentH and the petHonalu I'er
liaiiH dial is in fa t the idea, for we
aie not sure but that In our active
lives llteialuie In cHHcntlall a "Hpace
llllei," and an Mich (Ichcivcm no lietter
place In out public atioiiH CiantliiK however we still (onlend that
the hp.n e 1h at leant well tilled, for we
believe, ow IllK rlorrht Iohh to ceitaln
piejudbcH we inbeilt from the punt,
that llteratuie Ih at leant better lead
liiK than the nthcrtlxc incntH and inoie
"Hiiappj ' than the hcwh Itenin Ncwh
1m a di and shriveled apilcot of Life
it bent What ueenJo is "Jnlc will
iiiK" the wilting that Is riejuent to
actual lile
You lemenibei t llOHe Kiwanh Htoli(H
in the I'okI last eai vet, do oii not7
Tin wi te litei.ituie Tbe weie close
to lile A naiiow and shallow life, to
be sine, but that was whj ou laughed
at them those with that
othet soi of ( ollt-nc life, nillk Stovei
at Vale" We sa that the lattei is
the betti l piece of wolk, although I
doubt it urn will net a single heart
l.iurh out ol the whole affair Hut in
I pile ol the t.i t (OI it 111:1 be because
ol in we teadih H'Kinnic that the
lilt I ! is the tiuei pHtllie of college
lile It has not the cMiier uteel and
aiiiusiiir 10111, nice ol the lighter woik,
In In sine, bill oill lllleichl is lielil, 111 bei ausc the aiithoi is talking
'-i 1 ion- I ,1 bou I the ei tilings we ate
llilliKmr ol ouisi'hes Tile thinns
Slim 1 does .mil the ihnms he thinks
aie .'Iniosi ol the loin eais
oil spend III collene here
l.ilei ,il in e. II seems, to I cad 1 1 (III)
enllieh scliish motives We demand
that It be inlei est iiik, which, b the
ei delinltion ol the wold leipi'ues
that it Heat oT things that Intiiuateh
i oncei n us The tiiilh of this is up
p. 11 cut when von stop to consider what
kind ol stoi ou enjo and wh you
inio it We ic.ison b analog and
const. intl coiupaie the actions and
pioblenis and pleasuies of the people
in the book with those of a similai 1111
tine in 0111 own lives nd tins is what
it means to "iindeistand" llteratuie
Thei e aie some w ho hav e nev ei leai ned
to live and thev will never iindeistand
.iiiv thniK that n'es on bevoncl the lini
of their hat Safe to sav then that
nothing ol mm h importance will trans
pile within that cncle Hut foi one
who is not shut up within lunisell, one
who is ol nenetous, sociable nature,
alw.ivs leadv to n out ami meet his
fi iend.s and luain of them that he nia
be able to adjust himself to larger
ends and fuller undeistandiim of what
noes on about him; one, in short, who
Is Interested in having a nood time
dm inn the lonn years that are left
when collene days are over, will find
congenial and worthwhile fellows In
the writing business While it is true
that IbHen writes literature and that
Shakespeare wrote liteiatute, I feci
bound to point out thai Robert I, unit
Stevenson's "Kidnapped' is litci.itute,
and that Kipllnnand .lack London tn.iv
also be classed as such so that tin
term may be seen to denote sonn vc iv
sensible writing not lead in thedep.ut
incut of Kngllsh liteiatute 1
Tiro point I am tilnn to make 1
that this woid liteiatuie stands foi .111
entirely harmless and. in tact, vmv
pleasant pastime I want toe ten it ol
the reproach of those who like lo live
well." or as w e sa 'to c njov lili ami
go to the musical comedies now .mil
then," for thev often think that litem
ture Is a tathei slow, pimlish soil,
with little 01 no life Thev aie veiv
far wrong indeed In 1 1 nth. quite tin
opposite is the case, loi I think I it
our books should step out ol tin 11
pagoH Into life the town would In
either enviouslv shoe keel 01 hold n
sides for laughing at the enein in ami
dioll characteis chopped into the hum
ell mil midst of evei vclav lile
'I'll N
(('ontmued fioin I'.ige '1 In ee)
to Hud out the attitude of Ins home
candidate, and. if possible, to net him
to expiess himself f,ioi,ibl to 111.1k
lug Nebraska Univeisit.v at le.isi ,is
good and big as some of oui sist 1
Chicago. Presents Slavonic Depart
ment with Valuable Books
Louis Novak ol ('!.. ago has pn si id
ed the Slavonic depaitment with e lost
to $100 wot th of books m the Hohe
mian language The list m lude s ,1
nuinber of litemiv and scientific 11 I
erence books, in addition to a sixteen
volume encyclopedia
Mr Novak is the donor ol several
other important gifts to the depait
ment, but this will piove the most use
fill ot ail received for some tunc
Will Be Only and Original "First"
The onlv anil oiiginal "Inst social
event ol the season' will lake place
October "('., Satuidav ol this week, ami
will be known as the senior law hop,
contiaiv to all Illinois eonieiiiiim
other "tlist" hops The dance will Ik
held at the Lincoln Hotel, and tickets
can now be obtained fioin .1 It Cam
or H L Hyde
Following the' practice at Illinois,
membership in the athletic association
at Chicago University grants the holder
the use of the tennis couits as well as
admission to all home games
The best dressed men are never
noticeably dressed. Yet the first
glance gives you the idea of
That is the effect of this Regal
With the prevalent English lines,
it is simple and reserved, but it
looks gentlemanly. You can't
help thinking well of the taste
of the man who has them on
his feet. ,
Furthermore, every bit
of leather, of lining, of
thread every detail
of finish is of
the best.
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Tan Russia Calf
Button. Stout singlo
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I law larij;e stock of late model machines for rental,
Repairs and supplies for an standard make. .
Nebraska Typewriter Co.
Auto 2080.-135 No. 13th St. Bell 1299.
50c Off PARTY SLIPPFRS 50c Off
$4.00 Values For $1.50
Sec our window and you will find something new.
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