THE DAILY NEBR-ASKAN to - Bailu NehraBkan Property of TIIK UNIVKKHITY OF NKIUIASK A, Lincoln FHKDKKIC (' McCONNKLU Kd II or In Chief MnungliiK Kdltor. . .Merrill V Heed AnHoclute Kdltor Kennetli M Snyder ABBOclate Kdltor Clod V Htewtirt HuhIix'hh MiiiiaKei . Ciri'iilntlou Mummer ( (' Hncliunnn .1 H Howen SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, 5 CentB Each. TKLKI'HONKS Onicc- H-IXHK NiKlit Phone n-1204 Kdltor H-IK'Jl Manager H 1K21 Entered at the poHtolllce at Lincoln, Nebraaka, iih necond cIuhk mall matter, under the Act of ConreHH of March ;, 187!) TIIUHSD Y. OCTOIIKU i!. P.M'J CONVOCATION. Jt Thursday 11 A. M. - Memorial Hall. -fc jf String Quartet Mendelssohn - No. 1, Op. 12. Andante Canzonetta -fc ff Molto Allegro e Vivace - - Edward Walt 1st Violin -fc Ernest Harrison 2nd Violin - -k William Quick Viola -fc -fc Lillian Eiche Cello -fc THE OLD TANGENT. At Harvard. (H C Waller K.uidiill, '." i A man enteiiim llaiaid should hear in mind that the "human uatuie" oi Harvard is the same as that of any other roiiiiiiiiiutv . so the Ireshinan .should benin 1 acting his natural sell lie should iut bein as a hero wot fthiper Some men are natuial ath lett'H. and others are capable ol being trained into aisit material, some have natuial literar abllit. olheis are .student m.iixels. but the great major it can not excel In the main branches of undei giaduale acthities, and must rest conient in the l.uue class ot who "also sci e I do not mean that abilit shniild urn demand ami icceuc .idmli at ion. i expert, and l ecogmt ion, bill thai the e tiibuies should not be rained to the extern ol accepting eveij thing as light because .someone of iindeigl aduate pioinllieuce has done It Aside !iom his specialty the great athlete oi brilliant literal man ina be made ot piettv coarse cla and he ;in unsafe model lor emulation The fieshman should not begin to su'heme or . dream of making the "Dickey" or "Pudding It is possible lie may make neither, in which case the wound I" h I h pride, and perhnpH to his dlHpoHltlori. inn) work uKalimt IiIh own bent InteroHtH Memberahlp in thene cliihH, n well aH In other under graduate nodal bodies. Ir an honor that every freHlmian hopcx to gain That is as It hIiouM ; f(,r tlu'He are clubs that recognize met it and ability, and are repreHciitnt Ive of the more active side of collide life Yet no one should leel that I'1' 'H "fiieer(d" because he falls of eh'dloii to one or another A few uieiiili'Ts run keep a man out of a cluli, and Hoinct iines do My taking his medicine ungraciously, the man who falls 1h likely to Justify the minority who oppoi"' him So he should learn to take hi11 medicine, whatever il may he. He shotiM not begin with the Idea that Ilarwird litis been waiting for him I'lidergraduiite spirit and opin ion as a wlnde are a great leveler, and geiierall.v tefiiMe to classify a man nn til he lieuliiH to prove bis rights by his work Hiiruird is his opportunity not his achievement in starting his col lege career, the ftesbnian plants his acorn, so I" upeak, along with all his fellow h, anil four eiirn later must ac count for II with an oak tree or a worm It is often oasler to tell a man to avoid things than it is to explain how this may lie clone There are a few suggest Ioiih, however, that might be helpful b the freshman He wouldn't think of goliiK to work for a big corpo ration ami starting in at the bottom with the Men that he was entitled to special consideration or prominence ahoe t hose who had served longer He uoiiM lake Ins place in the ranks and pa attention to business, learn nig Ills' b obscnution, hard hiiiK, ami N.petieiiee In entering 1 l;iraid. lie l- going into a great work ship, wheie cer man has to start at the hot loin and tmlif himself h ineiil before lie Is entitled to or le ceies aibiinceinetit Man a senior in college never realized tills, and is still a fienlunan in point of progress I think H is wise I'm a freshman to 'lie in l he Yaid, or as near it as he Can allonl. because it would gie bun 'better opportunities to become ac quainted :ind Keep ill touch He should also at nine meet the ad iser to whom Hie is asMimed, who will prove a gold mine to linn it he can gain his liiend ship, hec.lllse he knows from expeii em e the ihllw ult les and lllldel i;i .111 II. 1 1 e mav eiiconnt "i , and can ami will help avoid oi iconic t lieiu il given a chalice The I I'sh 1 1 1 ;t should go out leu loot ball, luiseba 1 1 . or any other spoil in Iwhhh he may have skill Kven if lie fails to make the class teams, he will have some tine exercise undei most competent tutors, and will become ac (iiainteil with a lot of worth while I'el lows in Ins class whom lie might not meet so in t imalel.v otherwise He should mind bis own business, but by that I do not moan no Interest should MUSIC! UNIVERSITY STUDENTS! Ab there is no longer any school of music connected with the State University you are at liberty to take your music with us. Every department of music complete. 22 ARTIST INSTRUCTORS IN CHARGE 22 JOHN RANDOLPH, Dean of the Faculty. ALOYS C KREMER, favorite pupil of ARTHUR FRIEDHEIM. GUSTAV C. MENZENDORF, AUGUST MOLZER, CHAS. E. EWING and AUGUST HAGENOW, FREDERIC C. FREEMANTEL and many others. REGISTER NOW. LINCOLN MUSICAL COLLEGE Oliver Bldg., 13th and P Streets. Auto B1494 INA HON " tisi (tii nom vfcr' rR ( miMS 1 flBiy j ?r ii 1 Don't Shift Responsibility If Nominated for a Class Office Be four square with all the angles Right angle S it pays in the long run. It's our motto, which combined with Merchandise that's Ahead, gets us the business. ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO. GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD RE FRESHMENTS in the city Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Fountain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch, 25c (7etrcfm aJnlti? (Continued on Page Four) Lincoln Hotel October 26, 1912 Senior Law Hop Jones' Orchestra Tickets $1.25 THIS WEEK ONLY WE WILL MARK HP Ol'R NO. 1099 FRENCH ,V. SKIUJK Will I SF.IUiK MOIIAIRORIMP. VKNKTIAN LINING FOR $25.00 REGULAR $35.00 GOODS. SLK Ol'R WINDOW. : : : : Auto 6067 Jones & Dalling, 135N0.11 th TO mi lii lihr yuur IBurlt. "TRY THEM" 2411 &u. lltlj ftt. Ctnrnlu. Nrli. Kprintimo,' IU0-M. WE WILL DIE STAMPING FOR YOU GIVE US A CHANCE 14th See ou r Sample