'7p'-.' - --;-: THE DAILY NEBRASKAN TENNIS MEN ACTIVE University Seal Stationery AFTER YEAR OF INACTIVITY THIS 8PORT AGAIN 8TART8 UP. Hagenslck's Orchestra. Auto 9042. i Campus Notes : r i. 6 i FALL TOURNAMENT THIS WEEK Play Which Plck Tenntn Squad Com mence Wednesday Eight Men to Be Chosen Williams and Florry Back. Now thnt old Sol promises to shine aRtiin for a whlln. tnnnlH cnthuHlaHtH arc turning their tluniKiUs toward tho formal opening "f ,h( University courtH These arc In lino condition after the recent rains There are many dovoteos of the game, and (luy William n predicts that there will be no trouble In making out a hciujuI of eight men. It Is planned that from this nnunl team or three men Bhall be cIiobmi Two old men are In school, Florry and Williams, and there are six places to he 11 11 oil The tryouts commence Wednesday afternoon, and if poBHlble will be fin ished within the week Lots will be drawn for the order or play at the "Rag" offlco thin afternoon from 4 to fi o'clock, and tlio results will be posted Wednesday noon on the bulle tin board In front of Administration building. Only Blnglos will " played during the contests on accpunt of tho limited time. Dr Skinner 1b the official ref eree Next sprinH other aspirants to tennis honors will have the opportu nity of challenfilnK members of the squad. According to present plans, the team will piny with tho Universities and colleges in tho Missouri Valley Con ference Last yenr the meet was held at Columbia, Mo It 1b not deflnltel known where the meet will be hold this year, but it will probably fall be tween Columbia and Iiwronce, Kas. D 0 P K That drop kick of Potter's from the 40-yard line wan a bird, wasn't it? Mastln evidently does not believe in two hands this your, for h made live one-handed tackloB in Saturday's game Halllgan is HvInK up to his reputa tion as a lino smasher, for he sure did walk ovor tbe farmers. If Purdy lly .Ralnnt the Uophers as hard as he did against the farmers there won't be very much to it. Ernie Frank Is there on those back handed, twisting runs back of tbe op ponents' line; at least he docB It every line. Howard is developing into one of the classiest punters that ever adorned a Cornhusker machine. Now 604 N. 15 meanB Fifteenth and S across tho street east from the Ag House. That's where the Students' Suitatorlum holds out Phone In your order for us to press up that Bult after last week's rain. Dell F-3438, Auto B-1294. Got a club ticket? Adv. Winters Now Pharmacist. Karl Winters, pharmacy, who Is now proprietor of n drug store In Webber, Kas , visited familiar Bcenes on tho campus Monday. Ladles' clothing cleaned, remodeled and repalrod by an experienced drons nmker Satisfactory work at reason able prices. Mrs. Brlcka, 315 South 17th. Auto R-4844 Adv. 10-2 It Girls Hold Vespers. "Summer Camps for Girls" will be discussed Tuesday evening at the Y W C A vesper service at 5 o'clock by Miss Trigg Miss Trigg Is the ex tension secretary for the city associa tion and had charge of the summer camp at Crete last AuguBt. We have the best workman, the larg est, most sanitary and modern barber shop and bathhouse In the city. Stu dent patronage kindly solicited Croon's, 120 North Eleventh. Spend Week-End Here. Misses Mildred Revlns, Celia Malone and Meatrlce Longtin have been spend ing the week-end at the Alpha XI Delta house Call Roy O. Wardo, dance orchestra, Auto 7186, L-8152. Gym. Classes Start. Women'B gymnasium classes meet at scheduled hours beginning Thurs day, October 17. Meet in chapel in Btroet clothes and gymnasium suits will be delivered. Ina E. QlttlngB. JoneB' Orchestra. Phono L-8606. Chi Omega President Drops In. Mary Cove Collins, Chi Omega's grand president, 1b tho guest of the active chapter Mrs Collins iB on her way to Chicago to attend the National Pan Hellenic convention. Mpt mo at Qreen's, 120 North 11th Acacias Back In Town. .11 in Harvey of Aurora, Fred Schlagle of Auburn, J A Elwell or Springfield, and Joe Keifer of Rostwlck Bpent the week-end at the Acacia house. Cleaning, pressing, altering, repair ingwo do them all. No, wo don't take our work downtown on commis sion Done on the premises by oxpert student workmen. Auto IM294, Hell F-3438 504 No. 15th. Students' Suit atorlum. Adv. tr Miss May Teaches at Beaver City. Miss Pearl May, '11, has a position teaching In the Beaver City High School. Sawyers In Lincoln Sunday. V H Sawyer, '94, electrical ongl neer In New York City, and Hoy P Sawyer, '99, electrical engineer in Cleveland, Ohio, wore have over Sun day visiting their brother, E. B. Saw yer, '98, president of the Cushman Motor Company. Huntington Now C. E. In Tropics. L M Huntington, C E. '04, was a campus vlBitor yesterday. He tells many Interesting Btorios of his engi neering work In tho tropics. POSTERS OF ALL KINDS PENNANTS AND OTHER COLORS LARGE BRONZE SEAL CANDIES GOOD TO EAT PENS THAT WRITE The University Book Store 340 N. 11th Street LINCOLN, NEBRASKA You Can Save $25 to $50 buying a slightly used or rebuilt typewriter. Every machine backed by a po sitive two year guarantee. Have large stock of late Repairs and supplies for any Nebraska Typewriter Co. Auto 2080143 So. 12th St. Bell 1299. Home Made Baked Goods Cookies, Pies, Cakes, Holsum Bread, Fancy Pastries cyyyr Cafe Open after the Shows with "Good Things to Eat 1325-31 N STREET Classified Column LOST Delta yeta sorority pin. Kind er return to Rag olflce. Mary H. Camordn. LOST Delta Zeta sorority pin. Find pen in Unl. Hall, between 3 and 4 p. m. Friday. Return to this offlco. model machines for rental. standard make. W WANTED Four hoys to room and board at 1528 l St.; modern, hot water heat, electric and gas lights; board $3.50 per week, room $6 per month each. Kansas has Btarted Becret practlco this week, and Is working hard for tho Drake game, which is to bo played tho same day wo meet Minnesota. t i ft r Lfi ". ; WW Jl.- BJ-M & Mt.iMwMgw,tfiaelatawtewbMWaj rawwiCl: IRA