The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 15, 1912, Image 1

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XTbe Datl flebcashan
VOL. XII. NO. 19
I'ricc 5 Cents
Take First Placo In Kansas City Stock
8how Best Work Out of
Five Schools.
8tlff Fight from Aggies All the Way
Through Nebraska Weak In Line
The Score was Thirty
to Six.
NcbraBka defeated the Kansas Ag
gies Saturday in the second gamo of
the season by a scoro of 30 to 6. Al
though the score seems somowhat one
sided, It was far from it. The Aggies
fought every Inch of the way and gave
up only after the whistle was blown.
The Cornhusker machine, with tho ex
ception of the center trio, worked nice
ly, and probably tho weakness here was
caused by the shifting of Meyer to
tackle in the place of Pearson, who is
on the hospital list.
Ab for the number of yards gained,
Nebraska advanced the ball 407 yards,
as against the Aggies' 63. The Corn
huskers were forced to kick only five
times, while tho Kansas boys were
forced to punt to safety almost every
time they obtained possession of the
Industrials Play Good Ball.
Capt. Ernlo Frank and Purdy played
brilliant ball and carried tho ball
through the line for consistent gains
time after time.' Halligan as fullback
made two of the four touchdowns and
proved IiIb ability as a line plunger
when he went through for gains with
apparent ease. Potter ran tho team
in great style, and in addition made a
beautiful drop kick from the 40-yard
line. Mastin, the husky end, shared
in the individual honors with the back
field men. His tackling was of a high
class variety Ho broke up interfer
ence time after time, and Beveral times
got the runner with the ball by n one
hand tackle Howard, at the other
end, did good work, and when called
upon punted the ball into Bafe terri
tory His punts, although not an nu
merous as those of the Kansas full
back, were longer and higher, allow
ing the ends to get down under them.
Weak on Forward Pass.
Nebraska's showing with the for
ward pass was anything but favorable.
Out of five attempts but one was suc
cessful The otherB wore either wild
passes or were fumbled by the re
ceiver. On tho other hand, the Aggies
made but two attempts and were suc
cessful in both. Their pasBeB netted
them, over thirty yardB and a touch
down. The Manhattan ends were good and
very few yards were made around
them. Prathor, as fullback, and Sldorf
sky, halfback, were the shining lights
of the agricultural team and made
good gains through the center of the
The game showed up the weakness
of tho team which has been quite no
ticeable ever since the beginning of
(Continued on Page Three)
The Nebraska stock Judging team
returned last woek with highest hon
orB from the English Royal Stook
Show at Kopsas City. "Under the
leadership of Professors Ellis Hall and
II. K. RUbb; thoy took first placo out
of the five schools rcpreBontod, besides
flrBt, third and fourth placeB in indi
vidual Judging.
Four cups were taken In all by the
team, one granted to the team as flrBt
placo and one for each placo taken by
the individual mombers. H. P. Pior
was awarded first place in Individual
Judging, R. J. PoaBon third, and W.
WloBenand fourth.
Tho competing teams in order of
their placing were Nebraska, Amos,
Arkansas, Kansas and Missouri.
if Freshman Class 1 1 : 30 if
if Memorial Hall
if 8ophomore Class 11 :30 if
if Temple Theater. if
if Taft Club 11:00 if
if Faculty Hall. if
Professor Grumann Has Prepared
List of Speakers 8everal Weeks
In Advance.
Form New Club Which Meets Monthly.
Next at Home of Chancellor.
A number of Bcandanavlans of the
University mot recently for tho pur
pose of organizing a club. Chancellor
Avery, who had become Interested in
the movement, presided. Among others
preBont wore Professors Frandsen and
Tho club will meet once a month.
Its programs will consist largely of
talks and papers on matters of Interest
to Scandinavians her and In Europe.
It is hoped that It will engage the In
terest and co-operation of all Scandi
navians connected with tho University.
Tho next meeting will be held at
tho home of Chancellor and Mrs.
Avory, 2001 "Washington street, tonight
at 8 o'clock. Prof. C. C. Engberg will
speak and the Alexis Quartette will
furnish muBlc. All prosont will join
In singing Norwegian, Danish and Swe
dish songR Everybody connected with
the University of Scandinavian birth
or descent 1b Invited.
Professor Grumann has billed many
interesting numbers for coming convo
cations which perhaps will be some of
tho best numbers of tho season. To
day Professor Caldwell will continue
his lecture of last week on "English
Politics." His first lecture was so
well received that by unanimous vote
of tho audience ho was asked to con
tinue on thiB subject.
On Tuesday, October 22, ProfesBor
Maxey will talk on the Balkan situa
tion. Professor Maxey has alwayB
been one of the headllncm at convo
cations, and tho topic he has chosen,
of tho recent eastern uprising, will
bring out hlB customary audience.
Another mimber, billed for Novem
ber 7, which will attract a good deal of
attention, is Professor Lee's lecture
on "The Electra of Euripides." The
play will be given by tho Coburn play
ers the following weeks, so his lecture
will be of particular Interest.
On tho following Tuesday Mr and
Mtb. Coburn will speak on Shake
spearean plays. It will be recalled
thnt both Mr and Mrs Coburn spoke
at a special convocation last fall and
the news of their coming before a Uni
versity audience again will be well re
ceived This couple Is touring the
country in Shakespearean repertoire,
producing their plays principally in
university towns.
Dramatic Club Will Give Two Playa
This Year Kosmet, Junior and
Senior Play Plans Not
Yet Formed.
Nebraska Will Send Strong Team to
Compete In Annual Meet Nov. 9.
The Missouri Valley cross-country
meet will be hold this year at the Unl
vorsity of Missouri at Columbia on
November 9. All the Missouri Valley
schools will bo represented In thiB
meet, and the admission of several out
Bldo schools Is being considered.
Nebraska Ib working hard to win in
this meet, and with her large cross
country squad working to tho limit
under Captain Boggs, she should be
able to come out strong lathis event.
CroBB-country meets have not received
the stimulus which other athletic
events receive at Nebraska, but here
after this phase of athletics 1b to be
considered more seriously.
Moore Takes Advanced Work.
C. T. Moore, C. E. '11, who haB boen
In California tho past year, has re
registered, taking advanced work In
Drlscoll Asks Co-operation .of Students
in Correcting Changed Addreses.
Tho University Directory will be
ready for publication by November 1,
according to J. L. Drlscoll, editor of
this year's edition.
In order to make this possible the
editors are asking the co-operation of
the students. Those who have changed
their addresses since registration are
requested to have their corrected ad
dresses in the box at tho information
desk in the Temple by 6 o'clock
WednoBday, October 16.
Engineers Will Hold Smoker.
The Engineering Society will hold
Its flrBt get-together Bmoker Friday
evening at the Delta Upsllon house,
1G25 II street. Arrangements are be
ing made for a big turnout. All engi
neers, especially freshmen, are expect
ed to be present.
Tryouts for the University Dramatic
Club will be held Thursday evening,
October 24, in tho Tomple Theater.
This announcement was made Monday
by the committee In charge.
As in previous years candidates for
membership in tho club will bo re
quired to present a selection from
somo dramatic work. A list of sug
gested plays may be had by applying
to Miss Alice Howell, president of tho
club, in her office, U. 100 Candidates
are also requested to register for
places with the secretary of the club,
MIbs Alma Piasters, between 11 and
12 on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
With the announcement of the dato
set for the Dramatic Club tryouts, to
gether with tho known arrangements
of other organizations, InteroBt in dra
matics among the students assumos
now life.
Tho Dramatic Club will be the first
to produce a play thiB year. This club
wos organized eleven yoars ago, and
up to the time of the forming of tho
Kasmot Klub has boon the only organ
ization to encourago college dramatics.
During these eleven years many of its
members have gone Into acting as a
profession. Among those who havo
achieved fame Is Miss Julia Nagl of
the class of 1910, who Is at prosont
touring the country us loading lady In
"OHlcer 660."
Each semester the club usually pro
duces a play. Last your only one was
given, that being "The Amazons."
Tho first semester play this year will
ho held In the Tomple Theuter the
evening of Nqvembor 23. Tho title of
the play and the cast picked to pro
sent it will be announced within the
next few days.
The nowly organized Kosmet Klub
has begun preparations for its annual
performance. This club was created
for the purpose of producing original
comic opera to be composed by the
students of the University. Tho first
production was givon last year and
proved ouch a success that its con
tinuance seems warranted. Somo of
the music for this year's opera has
already been written.
Other dramatic productions given
during the year are the senior and
junior plays. However, these do not
come until later in the year, and prep
arations for them have not begun.
Graduate Club to Banquet.
The Graduate Club will hold an In
formal dinner Thursday evening at 7
o'clock in tho banquet hall, Temple.
All graduate students are invited.
Leave orders for plates with C. B.
Cornell, room L. 111.
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