-i? f fij j" r - .j- l v 'f - . - " "ii be SDatlp IRebtashan VOL. XII. NO. 18 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, OCT 12, 1912. Price 5 Cents MEET AGGIES TODAY JUPITER PLUVIUS WAXES WRATHY AG SCHOOL STARTS COVER8 CAMPUS WITH PUDDLES OF MUDDY AQUA AND BRING8 UP REPTILES FROM SOAKED CAVERN8. PLAY FIRST STIFF GAME OF SEA SON ON NEBRASKA FIELD. REGISTRATION IN SCHOOL OF AG RICULTURE BEGIN8 MONDAY. V If COACHES NOT OVERCONFIDENT Nebraska's Chances Have Gone Up, But Stiff Proposition Expected Is Trial for Gopher Game. NebraBka will meet the Kansas Ag gies this afternoon in what will prob ably be one of the hardest games of the season The team is confident of victory, but expect to fight all of the time The coaches did not have any thing to say last night about the game, except that it would be a fight from start to finish. The team will go into the game in fine physical condition with the exception of Pearson, the husky tackle, who will not be able to play out at all. Last evening's practice was held in one corner of the field, for the High School lads were monopolizing the re maining portion, and they sure did root up the sod, too. If the Bun comes out this morning the field will be in good shape this afternoon, otherwise it will be Bllppery and heavy The game laBt night was very destructive to the field, for the grass was torn out and holes made in the soft earth. No Overconfidence. The practice the last week has been steady and hard. Nebraska's chances have gone up as the result of the show ing made last Saturday, but It has not imbued the players with overconfi dence A stiff proposition is expected today, and if the Cornhuskers come out with flying colors the practice next week in preparation for Minnesota will be entered with a vim. The Gophers have been holding Becret practice the last week in preparation for the con flict with the Cornhuskers next Satur day The following Is the. lineup which was given yesterday and will start the game this afternoon. AGGJES. NEBRASKA. Schafer RE Mastin Loomis R T Harmon Cusic R.G Robs Felps (Capt.) C Allan Wheeler L.G Swanson Burkholdef L.T Meyer Holman L.E Howard Sims Q.B Potter Schuster R.H... .Frank (Capt ) Sldorfsky L.H Purdy Prather F.B Halligan Employment Bureau Busy. The employment bureau of the Uni versity Y. M. C A is kept more than buBy filling the applications of Btudents who want work for Saturdays and leis ure hours. Over 200 have applied so far, and quite a large per cent of these have been provided with suitable em ployment. ' Rain' Rain! Rain! Jupiter Pluvius (or is It Neptune), has Indeed allowed his wrath to descend upon the city and on our beloved campus In particular. The very atmosphere is surcharged with the drizzling moisture which al lows ws no haven from Its sogglnesB. Deep puddles of the muddy aqua lie upon all Bides so that the emerald hued frogs croak from their dismal depths, and other heliotrope or cerulean-tinted reptiles of complex zoological nameB emerge from their subterranean cav erns In the soaked earth, disputing our passage through their domains like veritable mythological monsterB of an tiquity. The torrents continue to descend (aB this is written), and the sun is ob scured by low, overhanging cloudB, ne cessitating the donning of "slickers" or "slIponB" and high artlcs or gum boots. The co-eds even appear on the campiiB in subdued colors, and, forget ting their prevlouB promises to stroll with ardent "fusserB," run shrieking into the library to seek solace In study Ono fair damsel had the audacity to venture upon the campus with a liver colored bathing cap, with astonishing fringe on the edge, perched upon her Bhapely head She is extremely fore sighted, however, aB we are all dally dreading the moment when we Bhall be forced to don bathing buUb for protec tion against the flood Let the sun shine again in the old familiar way lost we forget the appear ance of hiB smiling old countenance, and lest our grand old Institution go silently floating out Into Salt creek' C. N B BASCOME HEADS JUNIOR LAWS Elected In Close Contest with KeitH Two Honest Men Found to Col lect Ballots. When the laws are crooked they are crooked, when they are honest they are honest, as evidenced by the recent junior law election. Two aspirants for the presidential plum, Vernon Bascome and Fred Keith, announced their inten tion to run. Byrn Marcellus described the manly qualities and excellent standing of his candidate and placed him in nomination after which fol lowed a prolonged demonstration. When the tumult had subsided W. C. Schaper followed with a short but well delivered nominating speech for his candidate. This demonstration lasted as long as the first, andvtho politicians began to look around for a "dark horse," but as none came galloping along the nominations were closed by motion of the candidates themselves The motion was then made and car ried that there Bhould be two really honest men elected to take up the bal lots, and G. S Brown and Guy Kiddoo were unanimously elected to these po sitions. Forty nine votes were cast, Bascome receiving twenty-seven, and therefore he will shape the policy of that turbulent body for the coming semester. LATIN CLUB ELECTS MEMBERS. Thirteen Girls Chosen to Membership in Organization of Latin Students. At the first regular meeting of tho Latin Club the following were elected to membership: Nora Nelson, Hazel Shue, Ruth Lindley, Lorena Blxby, Edith Parrish, Katherlne Cannell, Mar jorle Lichtenwallner, Winifred Out house, Ruth Hanford, Mina Maudlin, May Letham, Irma Blanden, Annabel Good, and Miss Gordon. HOME .OF LAWS GOING UP FAST Contractor Now Pushing Work of In terior Finishing Will Cost All of Appropriation. Tho new law building, which is to be completed by December 1, accord ing to contract is now being pushed rapidly through the extreme efforts of the contractors Plastering on the first floor is well under headway and from now on the program will be finishing work. Eighty five thousand dollars has been appropriated and It 1b assumed that this building will eat up the entire amount The first and Becond floors are to be equipped with instructors' offices, class rooms, and a moot court room. Tho third floor will be entirely devoted to the library Skylights are to bo used Instead of tho ordinary windows WILL PASS LAST YEAR'S MARK But Few Changes in Teaching Force Activities in Athletics and Band Starting With a Vim Among Farm 8tudents. Komensky Club Meets. There will be a meeting of the Ko mensky Club this evening at 1439 R street, the clubhouse of the girl mem bers, taking the form of a Boclal In honor of Miss Eva Ptack, U of N , 512 This is tho Becond meeting of the year, tho first having been held laBt Friday at the home of Mr. and Mtb. Janouch, at which a literary program was mapped out for tho ensuing year, and tho following officers wore Installed: President, Joseph B. Kuska; vice presi dent, Joseph Formanek; secretary, Mil dred Cerny; treasurer, Thomas Stlbal Sophomore Meeting. There will be a sophomore class meeting Tuesday at 11:30 in the Tem ple. Tho minor officers will be elected at thlB meeting and candidates should give their names to the Registrar to mako sure thoy are eligible to hold office. Registration at the University Farm starts Monday morning and the ma chinery of the agricultural school Is now ready Tor Its six months of routino work Under the direction of Princi pal Bradford the sork of assembling the Instructors, providing school sup plies and answering inquiries from over the state has boon going on for several weeks, so that now everything is in running order Registration will continue through Tuesday and possibly Wednesday, and classes will begin Wednesday or ThurHdaj, according to the heaviness of the registration New and old stu dents have been arriving for the lost few days, and the prospects for a large registration are good Credit for Hunter. Correspondence from new Btudents Indicates that the hope for an Increased enrollment Is Justifiable The crops throughout the state have been good. and the only reason for many staying away could be the home dlsense which swept the state However, the pros pects Indicate no decreased registra tion with this as the cause Principal Bradford gives the credit for the largo Interest taken In the school this fall to the efficient advertising of ex-Superln-tendent Hunter There are a few changes in tho teaching force this year. Mr. E. W. Smith, former principal of schools at Grafton, is the new Instructor la physics The new department of man ual training will be in charge of Mr. R W Eaton, who comes to the Farm from Geneva, where he was superin tendent of schools. Student Work Begins. AsBoclation work at the Farm com mences next week, and -the usual prep arations are being made to take cam of new students. Arnold, who is presi dent of the local department. Is also secretary of the State Farm branch, and will be in active command at that place Other student activities are already looming up, football being the one of most vital Interest at present. A coach will bo secured during tho week. Oa account of the shortness of the Farm term, basketball Is the feature of tho year and work on It will start soon. A School of Agriculture cadet band Is to be organized with the opening of school, under the direction of Mr. Cr nell, leader of the University band. Kansas Aggies Today, 3 p. m., Nebraska Field -A. - ' V h'-J" .'.r . -- iir L lil!lZlL Jiy.- -& &!&falA&krMib&-." - itiLm.,w. i.c-.'. ?V? tUu.. r l.A.- ,1