The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 11, 1912, Image 1

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Ibe Dailv IFlebraskan
Vol. xii. no. 17
Price 5 Cent
Aggies' Average on Line Less, But
More Experienced, While Nebras
ka Lacks Weight In Support
of Green Line.
On account of wet grounds and a
continuous rain in the afternoon, yes
terday's practice was held In the gym
nasium All of the regulars were out
for work but Purdy, Mastln and Pear
son, the latter still suffering from a
bad ankle. The big, husky tackle will
not be able to get into Saturday's en
gagement. This will weaken the al
ready too weak line. The Aggies in
their game last Saturday played a line
plunging game and made good with it.
This will hit the Cornhuskers' weak
spot, and we will have to light all of
the time to get away with the large
end of the score.
The Aggie aggregation is heavy, the
line averaging 175 pounds, and the
backfield weighs about 1G7 pounds per
' man The Cornhusker line averages
180, with the backfield about 160. This
gives Nebraska a heavier line than
the Kansas team, but our line is green
and theirs experienced. Coach Stlehm
said yesterday: "We have a com
paratively new team, as compared with
that of last year. They have an old
team with a year of experience, and we
will have a hard game Saturday."
The freshman team did not practice
yesterday as the weather was too bad
for outdoor work, and the gym was
given over to the varsity's signal run
ning Hard work and continual rough
lug has been the part of the poor,
abused reserves this week, for they
have had a good deal of straight scrim
mage with the varsity bunch The
strength which several of the first
year men have been showing of late
promises well for next year's varsity,
even with all this year's veterans leav
ing. While no especially fast showing
has been made as yet by any individual
among the youngsters, they are keep
ing at It with terrible stlck-to-itive
qualities, and some of these days they
may show the older squad some point
ers on playing the game, xaB did the
famous reserve team of 1911, the mem
bers of which are the strongest regu
lars this year.
A regular game between the fresh
man and varsity squads Is to be insti
tuted every Thursday on the athletic
field. The band will be out and the
cheer leaders will be there with their
howling hundreds to cheer the varsity
on to victory. The coach thinks the
players will do better in practice and
get more life into their work through
this innovation By having a day set
aside for the weekly freshman game
the studentB will have a chance to
practice their yells and songs and get
the co-eds more Interested In football.
The officials for Saturday game
(Continued on Page Two)
fa Miss Gittlngs' plans, as an- fa
fa nounced In the Daily Nebraskan fa
fa Wednesday, of having swimming '
fa classes for the co-eds in the Y. -fa
-fa M. C. A. pool, Is not meeting -fa
fa with as hearty co-operation on -
-fa the part of the Y. M. C. A. men fa
-fa as might be desired. Although a fa
fa side entrance could be used fa
-fa which would eliminate the unde- -fa
-fa slrable feature of the girls pass- -fa
fa Ing through the lobby, the objec- -fa
fa tlon Is made that the association -fa
fa Is strictly a men's club, and for -fa
-fa this reason the feminine element -fa
fa would be out of place. Formal -fa
fa action for or against the propo- -fa
-fa sltlon will be taken October 15. -fa
Americans Lose, Though Getting Mar-
quard for Seven Hits, with One
Run In Ninth Inning.
Rube Marquard won tho game for
the Giants yesterday against tho Red
Sox at Boston by a score of 2 to 1
Each team made seven hits, and New
York made one error. Buck O'Brien
worked for Boston, but wb somewhat
unsteady and was replaced in the ninth
by Bedient. Murray started the scor
ing for the Nationals by getting a two
base hit off O'Brien in the second in
ning. Marquard held the Americans
scoreless for eight innings, but eased
up a little in the ninth and allowed
them to run in one score.
The crowd yesterday was as large as
that of two days previous, either due
to tho rain tho night before or because
two days in succession was too much
for them Tho game today will be held
at New York, and Tesreau and Wood
will probably oppose each other again
Successful Reporter Goes Notch High
er Is Well Known In College.
At a special meeting of the Student
Publication Board yesterday Cloyd V.
Stewart was elected associate editor
of Tho Nebraskan to 1111 the vacancy
n the associate staff
Stewart is a sophomore in the Col
lege of Arts and Sciences and has been
on the staff of The Nebraskan for a
year previous to this Ho 1b a member
of the Dramatic Club, of tho Delta
Upsilon fraternity, and Is well known
on the campus His promotion comes
as tho result of efficient service on the
reportorlal staff, where ho has made
good on tho daily grind of covering
Tho Dally Kansan says "Coach
Frank thlnkB that Nebraska doesn't
know anything about football " This
distinguished gentleman may have a
chance to change his mind about No
vember 16.
-fa The annual tennis tournament -fa
fa will begin next Wednesday on fa
fa the newly completed courts fa
-fa north of Nebraska Hall. This -fa
-fa event will be given under the fa
-fa auspices of the University Men's fa
fa Tennis Association. This asso-
fa ciation is a new acquaintance in -fa
fa University circles, as it was fa
fa formed Wednesday night, when fa
fa the following officers were elect- fa
fa ed: President, G. H. Williams; fa
fa secretary-treasurer, E. L. Meyer., fa
-fa An entrance fee of 25 cents will fa
fa be charged. Entries must be fa
fa made at the office of the Dally -fa
-fa Nebraskan before Tuesday night -fa
-fa in order to have games sched- -fa
fa uled for Wednesday. -fa
Prominent Place in German Day Fes
tivities Held by University Musi
cians Show Good Form.
One of the chief features of the Ger
man Day parades was the University
of Nebraska Cadet Band The boys
were at their best and, despite the
fact that they were only one-tenth of
the muslclal force of tho parade, were
given the "glad hand" by the large
crowds This Is perhaps due to the
earnest efforts of Director Cornell and
Captain Wilson.
Major Cornell Is now serving his sec
ond year with this musical organiza
tion and deserves a great amount of
credit for turning out ono of the best
bands In the history of this Bchool
Captain Wilson is also accountable for
the appearance made by the band
The striking feature of the boyB'
appearance was the way In which they
marched Every line was perfect,
every foot came down at the Bame
time, and every one acted strictly mili
tary throughout This Is a vnst im
provement over the way the band ap
peared at the football game laBt Satur
day, and whether or not the band
shows up as well from this on In at
tendance and uniformity will be the
determination as to whether they will
accompany tho football team to Min
nesota, the game following tho Kansas
AggleB it Ib alBO rumored that the
band will go to the Missouri game.
Innocents Conduct Investigation Re
sults In Agreement by Which Car
nival Is to Move Out of the
City Today.
Girls' Club Breakfast.
Don't forget the GirlB' Club break
fast at tho State Farm on Saturday.
Take 8 o'clock Bethany car. If It
rains the party will bo held on the
Becond floor of the Temple.
Freshmen Candidate Notice.
All candidates for minor offices in
tho freshman class must file their
names at once with Professor Engberg,
who, as a member of the committee on
student organizations, will determine
their eligibility. A meeting for tho
election of a vice president, secretary
and treasurer will be held In Memorial
Hall on Tuesday, October 15, at 11:30.
PHIL. A. WARNER, President.
As a result of tho agitation started
by the students Wednesday night
against the carnival on Twelfth street,
it has seemed best to tho city authori
ties to do away with it, according to
the laBt reports at the time of writings
It Is billed to leave the city this morn
ing, and with its departuro quiet will
fall on the campus.
This action came only after a lone
consultation between the city authori
ties and the forces opposing the car
nival Chief among the latter were
the Innocents, Dr Condra and the gen
eral attitude of the student body.
Moved by their demands, Mr. J. EL
Miller and Secretary Whltten or the
Commercial Club affected an agree
ment with the Eagle lodge whereby
the carnival 1b to vacate
The movement of the University stu
dents, starting In the disorder Wednes
day night, was a general protest
against the indecency and cheapness
which was characterized by the car
nival A grouj) of students mot pre
vious to the uprising, and as n self
appointed committee voiced the senti
ments of the student body In saying:
that It ought not be permitted to run
in such close proximity to the campus.
This movement erystallzed Into an
Investigation of the lawful right or the
carnival to block a city Btreet and oper
ate so close to the campus, conducted!
by the Innocents. The committee ap
pointed by them for the investigation
consiBted of Carrier, Meade and Sinkle.
These men represented the voice of
the students, as entrusted to them by
Chancellor Avery, who gave then
power to act
In the Investigation it wan brought
out that the riot of Wednesday night
had been precipitated by one of the
"spielers" of the carnival He hadf
taunted the University boys In the
crowd, reminding them of a bruising:
which he claimed the show had admin
istered to them five years ago, and
their fighting blood had been brought
to a boll.
Furthermore, It was charged that be
cause or tho nolso accompanying It
study was impossible In the women's
building JuBt across the street.
During the investigation It was
found that no license had been paid
the city and the committee asked why
it was lawful for the street leading to
the campus to be blocked. This was
uBed further as a baBls for the objec
tion to its proximity to the carapm.
However, no reflection was cast upon
the Eagles' lodge, which brought the
carnival to the city.
After a full consideration of t&e
(Continued on Page Two
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