E THE DAILY NEBRASKAN w1 I Camp Fire Girls Meet Today. Tho Camp Fire Glrla will meet at 5 o'clock in the Y V. C. A. rooms Thurs day evening All girls Interested in this meeting are Invited to come Campus Notes Hagcnslck'fl OrchcBtra. Auto 9042. V w i'r u. kftrirf Tennis Association to Meet. The Mcn'H Tennis Association will moot Thursday, 11 o'clock, U 102 Remombor thoHO. 11-1294 Automatic, K-3438 Roll; 504 North 15th; $1.50 club ticket; BatlBfaction guaranteed; deliv ery Bervlce They're what you ought to know about the Students Suitorlum Adv. Botany Pamphlet Popular. The third edition of tho botany pam phlet iBBued by the department of hot any Ib now ready for dlBtrlbution The pamphlet containB the latest classlfl cation of plants that Dean Hessey has been able to make Only nine copies of the second edition are left, as there has been so much demand for the book from outside sources Call Hoy (). Warde. dance orchestra. Auto 7186, L-8152. Alumni Coming for Visit. Mr and Mrs L M Huntington are spending their vacation in Kearney and will visit the University in about a week They are both Nebraska alumni, Mr Huntington graduating in civil engineering In 1!I04 Ills experi ence since graduation has been wholly in the tropics, and he is at present in the employ of the Dominican Ladies' clothing cleaned, remodeled and repalrod by an experienced dress maker. Satisfactory work at reason able prices. Mrs Brlcka, 315 South 17th Auto B-4844 Adv. 10-2 It Foresters Returning to School. The upper claaBmon In the foreBtry department are returning from their work on government foreBt roBcrveB These men have boon working on the reserves In the west as well aB In Kentucky They are highly pleased with their summer's work and are ready to take up graduate or continue their undergraduate work JoneB' Orchestra Phone 1,-8605. Bulletin 130. The Nebraska Agricultural Kxperi ment Station has just Issued Bulletin 130, which is No 11 of the North Platte Substation series This bulletin gives tho results of growing thirty coltB. Some colts were grown almost entirely on alfalfa, while other colts were not given any alfalfa. This bul letln will be mailed free to residents of the state on request to Director K A Burnett, Lincoln, Neb. Botany Department Gets Charts. A number of charts hae been re cehod b the botany department and will be used by botany 3 and 4 These are ol foreign make and their con struction is unusually fine. Dramatic Club Meets Tonight. The Dramatic Club will hold the first meeting of the season this even ing in their rooms in the Temple At this meeting preparations will be made for the trouts which will be held soon GREAT SPECIAL SALE Regular History Note Book Covers, 10c. Reduced prices on bronze shields and Uni Pins. We also keep the latest University novelties. The University Book Store 340 N. 11th Street I). B. GILBERT, Manager. LINCOLN, NEB. I DOPE Freshmen girls at the University of Kansas are reported to be extremely husky this year Two athletic records for girls have already been broken by the yearlings. THE UNIVERSITY MEN'S TAILORS Wcould make them ''Cheaper," bul we "Won't " Wewould make them "Better," but we "Can't." LARGEST STOCK OF WOOLENS IN THE WEST AND AT POPULAR PRICES, TOO. CLEANING PRESSING REPAIRING Auto 60A7 RUN )Y OLD U. OF N. MEN Jones & Dalling, 135 No. 11th Chicago University has the distinc tlon of possessing one of the heaviest football players on record His name Is Craig Redmond of Peru, Ind , and his weight is 238 pounds. Redmond is a candidate for the freshman team Meet me at Green's, 120 North 11th Pass Civil Service Exams. The eight foresters who took the civil service examination last spring all passed with good marks This is an exceptional case and one to be proud of The Unlversit of Nebraska wishes them great success in their work. We have the best workman, the larg eat, moBt Banltary and modem baibei shop and bathhouse in the cit Stu dent patronage kindly solicited Green's, 120 North Kleenth. Pledges Announced. Sigma Phi Kpsilon announces the following pledges T H Strain, I. K Kwing and Elmo l.ehr Wisconsin's opening game of th.e season revealed a weak line, but a very strong backtleld Two touchdowns were made on forward pasess back of the goal line, which show the adan tagea of the end zone Classified Column STUDY MUSIC in an establish school where the standards of instruction are given the same careful thought aB in the best departments of the University. THE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC offers splendid instruction in Pipe Organ, Pianoforte, Voice, Violin, Clar inet, Flute. Saxaphone, Cornet, all Theoretical branches and Public Music. Department of Dramatic Art Apply for full information at School building 11th and R Streets Opposite tho University 0 jflferri?antB IQamtbry "TRY THEM" 2411 &o. lllli &t. Cinrolu. Nrti. PRINTING fi-iH rzX, I uiKoui-nttR. WE WILL DIE STAMPING FOR YOU GIVE US A CHANCE 128 N. 14th See ou r Sample LOST In the library, a Waterman safety fountain pen, owner's Initials ind liat name on the pen Return to Ibis otllce at once lit Jl- 3t Entertain Students. The Pl mouth Congregational Church will entertain the students of South Lincoln Friday, October 11, at the church parlors, Seventeenth and Q streets. GOOD THINGS TO EAT AT WESTERFIELD'S CAFE 213-215 North 9th St. MEAL TICKETS $2.00 AND UP LITTLE GEM HOT WAFFLES AND MAPLE SYRUP A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO VARSITY STUDENTS You Can Save $25 to $50 buying a slightly used or rebuilt typewriter. Every machine backed by a po sitive two year guarantee. Have large stock of late model machines for rental. Repairs and supplies for any standard make. Nebraska Typewriter Co. Auto 2080.-143 So. 12th St. Bell 1299. . &&$&m&X 5SI- WHSSSSSET mSZLtrsi., c-x. XJ. v u - o-A-te. ( M M