THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Campus Notes MUSIC! UNIVERSITY STUDENTS! As there is no longer any school of music connected with the State University you are at liberty to take your music with us. Every department of itiubIc complete. 22 ARTIST INSTRUCTORS IN CHARGE 22 JOHN RANDOLPH, Dean of the Faculty. ALOYS C. KREMER, favorite pupil of ARTHUR FRIEDHEIM. GUSTAV C. MENZENDORF, AUGUST MOLZER, CHAS. E. EWING and AUGUST HAGENOW, FREDERIC C. FREEMANTEL and many others. REGISTER NOW. LINCOLN MUSICAL COLLEGE Published by the Student I'ubllra tlon Hoard of the University of Ni braBku IlntffMiBlck'R Orcbcfltrn Auto 9042 Chemistry Examination. A makeup examination for thoHo con dltioned in chemist 1 and 2, second Hi'incHtcr 1!UL will be Kivc-n Saturday moniiiiK. October 12. at 10 30 BICNTON DAI.KS F. (' McCounell C (' Hue linnnii 10d I tor Business MlUUlH'T FIHTORI I STAFF ABHoelntc Fdllor Meirlll V Hood Associate Fdltor Kenneth M Snydei SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, 5Cents Each Jones' OrcboHtia I'bone Iv-8P05 Oliver Bldg., 13th and P Streets. Auto B1494 I t" .? ; i . f j t ') i ;? ;r 5 ' V Entiiri'il at llir hnIii(IIi nl Lincoln, NolirftHka. hh hccmimI Inns mull nialtci, under t In Act of Cniiui fMi f Mnrcli .!, 1879 TUESDAY, OCTOIII R X, 1 VI 2 -frOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-A-O O O CONVOCATION O O O O Tuesday, 11 a. m., Memorial Hall. O O ENGLISH POLITICS, O O By O O Prof. H. W. Caldwell. O O O -jVOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AcaclaB In Town. A number of visitors were enter tained at tbe Acacia bouse this week Among them were Dr French, Hoston, Mass , H K Flllott, inspector of schools, H. 10 Falllnger, of Iowa City, H 10 SteckelberK, Lincoln Meet me at Green's, 120 North 11th Betas Visit Local House. Max Wyinan, Hall Helden, Heed Peters, Walter Klopp. all of Omaha; Ward Sims, Hastings; Mlsor Loyd, York, were visitors at the Heta Theta 1M house this week Call Hoy O Warde, dance orchestra, Auto 7180, L8152. VOTE TODAY. The Nebraska!1 uies members of the fieshmen and junior classes to get out ami ote today The Austtallan ballot has been se emed for Nebraska only after several yeais of agitation It is the duty of tbe student bodv to make1 it a success If the real I j believe It to be an im provement over the old hj stem Theio is little incentive for the se niors and sophomores to exercise their right to vote on account of the absence of contests in their respective classes The University looks, therefore, to tbe junlots and freshmen to make the first trial of the new voting system a success Annual Governor's Reception. i A large number of University girls ' attended the Y W C A reception at the governor's mansion Saturday even ing from 8 to 10 o'clock A short pro gram consisting of musical numbers was given and later refreshments we:e. served WILSON'S VISIT. Woodiow Wilson was a guesof the students for a short while Saturday, and the tiibute that was paid to him at the time is indicative of the esteem In which he Is held by college men The1 Wilson visit to tbe Temple was inspired ! a non partisan desire to extend a welcome to a great man There need be no political significance attached to the demonstration accord I'd Governor Wilson y Mebraska stu dents. Governor Wilson is tbe most con spicuous living exponent of the college Idea in politics, and the enthusiasm manifested over him by college men is to a considerable extent an expression of their appreciation of Ills stand, as a college man, for higher Ideals In pub lic life We have the best woikman, the larg . est, most sanitary and modern barber! shop and bathhouse in the city Stu dent patronage kindly solicited Green's, 120 North lOlevontb j Forestry Grad. Gets Good Job. II II Greenaniayer, who graduated from the forestry department of the University in 1 1 0. has recently been promoted to the management of a for est experiment station near Quincy, Cal This station is the sixth of its i kind in the United States, others be ing located In Arizona, Utah, Colorado and Idaho What relation the state ex periment stations bears to agriculture Is analogous to the relation of forest i experiment station to forestr Ladles' clothing cleaned, remodeled i and repairetd by an experienced dress maker Satisfactory work at reason I able prices Mrs Hricka, 315 South 17th Auto 114814 Adv. 10 2 It BOOK STORE CHANGES HOURS. Verein Banquets Wednesday. The Germanla Verein will holdits first meeting In the banquet hall ey the Temple on Wednesday evening, Octo her St. at 7 30 All German students are cordially invited Open Now from 10 to 12 and 3 to 5 ,Open All Day Formerly. Shonka Visits Nebraska. Visiting at Delta ("hi house last week were several alumni Karl Powell of David City, Sylvester Shonka of David City, and Karl Trump of Omaha neginning with this week the He gents Hook Store, in the basement of, $1 f0 for ticket to press four suits or the Administration Building, will be I three and an overcoat Isn't that too open from 10 to 12 in the morning and , cheap to justify wearing those wrin from 3 to f in the afternoon kles7 Phone your order and our de Formerly the store has been open livery service will bring your ticket to during the entire day After the first your room no extra charge Auto few weeks of school it is not found necessary to keep open all of the time' B 1294, Bell F 3438 Sultorium Adv The Students' IV 11 11 ' You CAN Pledge Yourself WITH A FIRM RECOGNIZED AS UNI OUTFITTERS The increased demand by University Men for caps and cloth hats has led us to put in a seperate department for goods of this kind. SPECIAL -Received today, a new shipment of 'm ported Velours at $3.00. ARMSTRONG CLO. CO. GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS Everything the Student Needs in Toilet Articles Pennants and TRUSSES Stationery Athletic Supporters Gunther's Safety Razors Elastic Stockings Lowney's and Fountain Pens Shoulder Braces Guth's Candies BEST SODA WATER AND LUNCHES IN THE CITY Gefrtih aJTlcr '&:. 1, TMmW JMMmM 9 ka-i J OmTm BtwJ Khml Home Made Baked Goods Cookies, Pies, Cakes, Holsum Bread, Fancy Pastries cy Syr Cafe Open after the Shows with "Good Things to Eat" 1325-31 N STREET i i I i I y dl