THE DAILY NEBRASKAN I F 7 V i.TT ! - . r Sailtj Nrhraflkatt Published by the Student Publica tion Hoard or the University of No-braflka F. C McConnell C. C Muchanan .10d I tor Business Manager EDITORIAL STAFF Associate Kdllor ...Merrill V Reed AHSoclatc Editor. .Kenneth M Snyder 8UB8CRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR Payable in Advance Single Copies, 5Cents Each Entered lit tlie pnstofllee ut Lincoln. NehrnHkii, a hitoiiiI-cIuhh mull matter, under the Act of CiniKri'Ki of March It, 1879. THURSDAY, OCTOBKR 3, 1912 OWE DEBT TO STATE. By Edmund J. James, President of University of Illinois. Many failures In the college work of th first two years can be directly traced to alcohol and tobacco. The only safe thing for college students In such matters is, taste not, touch not, handle not. Senior and Junior might build up a most excellent college tra dition If they would prohibit freshmen and sophomores from smoking and drinking, on the ground that they are atlll infants, at least, in the academic sense The habit of treating and urging Tel low-Htudents to learn to smoke and drink on the ground that it belongs to good lone in student societj, is unworthy of the American college stu dent, and should be consigned to the Umbo or klddish tricks, to he sufTercd. IT ut all. onlv in high, s'tl"'-- ,,-,,i academies s t n 1 r ' niaiiu S Here every man should un his own feet, and do in these I things what his own sound common sense dictates, without being bulldozed or cajoled into the formation of ' Injurious to hit)"- -If T'" ,.s..mony of science is over Whelming to the effect that the habit ual use of tobacco or alcoholic drinks during youth or the carl years of manhood is destructive alike to the development of habits of study and sense of lesponsibilit y, and thoiough ly weakening to the fundamental ele ments of moral and Intellectual char jicter College students should follow the Himple economic principle or doing at college the thing which i the most advantage to them at that time and places the acquiring or habits and the doing of things for which other places offer better or, at least, as good oppor limit ics. , Dance at Home. You can learn to dance at home as well as here I believe, indeed, that there are better dancingmasters in Chicago, or even Bloomington or De catur, or Springfield, than In Urbana Champaign ir you wish to excel in this art, therefore, it would be better to Belect some other place or resi dence You can learn to drink and smoke at any small town In the state of Illinois, and the elements of poker may be learned even at any cross roads You can learn to play baseball fairly well at many places in the state though I must concede this is per Maps the very best place for that par ticular subject It is certain that you can acquire skill in football at other places as well as here The one thing you can do better here than at home is to develop your Intellectual powers Here you have vastly greater facilities to assist you In this particular work than are to be found, with few exceptions, in other towns In the state. Hut you can not secure this development except by se vere mental discipline on your part, by study and work Dawdling along over your books or your problems or your laboratory work, and thinking chiefly of social or athletic matters, will not bring to you the specific ad vantages which university residence ought to bring. If you fall to take ad vantage of these opportunities you are wasting your time and money, what ever else you are doing, no matter how skillfully you may lead the German, or edit the college paper, or pitch ball All these things have a place and a proper place in college life, but they should not be permitted to interfere with the real purpose for which col leges and universities exist Have Public Obligation. Another thing should not be Torgot ten which is or special importance to you Students in the State University! owe a peculiar debt of obligation to the great public or commonwealth Tor! the wise use of their time. Every citi zen or this state, no matter how poor, contributes to some extent to the sup port of this university. If he lives in a house at all, wears clothes and eats food, he contributes, indirectly at least, I to the support of this institution The miner In his gloomy pit, the wear washwoman over the steaming tub, the tired mechanic at the plane, one and all are doing their share to help provide you with these opportunities and facilities, placed so rr,r(1,y a',' ()ln. disposal ,- . Mi STAKE MAKE IN ARTICLE. We wish to rectify a mistake which occurred in the Saturday's Nebraskan There it was stated that Dr Condra was the president of the Nat inn.-. I Conservation Congress, whereas it should have been president of the Na . tonal Association of Conservation Commissioners. The Sigma Chi are entertaining a number of alumni this week Among, them are Waldo Dennis, Walter I, an bach, 10 II Mailer, Frank Parr, all of Omaha; Nye Morehouse, Fremont, and (Jlen I, eRoy of Fairbury - WMwyr . -. im TTOGOW Notch COLLARS TMO BELMONT STYLE IN POUR UriOIITS GLASGOW 2H In. UEXMONT 2H n. MGDORA 2H In. CHESTER 2 In. 2 for ?5 ct. CI UETT. PEADOHY A CO.. M,lr ' r University Jeweler and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 0 St. YELLOW FRONT YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Lawrence, Kas Coach Mosse can see only clear skies for the Kansas V diversity football eleven of l'llli "The prospects are as bright as I have ever seen them," he said at a mass meeting of the students today "We are going to make the teams in the Missouri t Valley hurry to beat us " One hundred men were on MeCook Held for practice today While half the number are not active contestants for the varsity, they make up the freshman and other class teams and furnish good material for the varsity and scrubs to line up against. Columbia. Mo Coach Chester Iirew-ej- of Missouri is still using heavy work for the football squad and has not slackened for the opening game today with Central College The team's aver age weight Is lGf) pounds, 2 pounds more than last year Iowa football prospects took a sud den bound yesterday, when Trickey, the stellar guard or last year, appeared in unirorm The Iowa team Is going good and the next two weeks will make a great difference in the lineup Meet me at Green's, 120 North 11th. Jones' Orchestra. Phone L-8605. s , ynw IN THE GYM. YOU HAVE THAT SAME AMOUNT OF PRIDE SA JO YW APPEARANCE THAT YOU HAVE ON THE CAMPUS. As specialists on Gym. clothes we are prepared to supply you with those easy-fitting, natty-look-ing outfits that keep the worry bug oft your bump of pride. Just received, a shipment of regulation Gym. Trousers. ARMSTRONG CLO. CO. GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS Everything the Student Needs in Toilet Articles Stationery Safety Razors Fountain Pens Pennants nnd TRUSSES Athletic Supporters Gunther's Elastic Stockings Lowney's and Shoulder Braces r.nth'c r-w. BEST SODA WATER AND LUNCHES IN THE CITY . UNIVERSITY STUDENTS ! Can Now Fake MUSIC With a Great Faculty, Higher Standard Better Instruction and Lower Prices, John Randolph, Voice, Dean' of' the faculty Aloys C Kremer, Pianoforte. Pupil of the Great Friedhelm August Molzer. Violin; Chas E Ewlng. Clarinet, Gustav C Menzen dorr, lolln, Piano and Harmony, August Hagenow, Ensemble Or chestra, and Hand; Max Kidder. Counternoint , v ""FUOIUUH illlU ur- chestration and Is Other Artist Instructors REGISTER ANYTIME IN THE LINCOLN MUSICAL COLLEGE Oliver Bldg., 13th and P Streets QJljr Vdoulb lilir ijuur Iflurh. "TRY THEM" 240 o. Utij &t. Cinrulii. Nrb Iprimtiho; itr M uncoin-mtH. WE WILL DIE STAMPING FOR YOU GIVE US A CHANCE 128 N. 14h See ou r Sample. '":f1' ri