THE DAILY NEBRASKAN n n t J at ly Npbraakan I'ubllHliCMl by tbo Student Publica tion Hoard of tho University of No-braflka F (' McConnoll C (' Huchanan Kdltor HiihIiiohh Manager EDITORIAL 9TAFF Associate Kdltor Morrill V Flood Assoclato Kdltor Konnotb M Snyder 8UB8CRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR ' Payablo In Advance Single Copies, BCentB Each Entornl nt tlw pontofTlcp nt Lincoln, Nebrankn. iih hccoihI oIiihh mull mutter, under tin- Art of ('oiiKrt'H of Mutcli 3. 1879 WEPNKSDAY, OCTOHKR 2, 1912 Tho Nobraskan Ih In rocolpt of a statement from tho Chanrollor'H office presenting tho position of tho Univer sity anont military drill, which It taken pleasure in publishing. MILITARY DRILL. The reason for the preHonce, In tbo curriculum of the University of Ne braska, of military Hclence daten back to 18G2. when Abraham Lincoln signed the bill which oHtabllHhed the "land Krant colleges " This as well as later and similar bills granted certain lands and annual panionts to institutions maintaining instruction in "agriculture and the mechanic arts," with the fur ther )io ision that military instruc tlon must bo included In this ua such Institutions wore established In eer state m the Union In Nebraska the State UnUersity leeches the funds from the fedeial tieasur), and in re turn Is obliged to furnish the kind of Instruction, Including militar science provided for b these acts of Congress All the fedeial legislation on the sub ject, from lSOU to date, includes the words, "ineluditiK military training" From the arious federal funds the Unhersity receives about $100,000 a year From its landed endowment, also recehed from the national o eminent, it reeoUos about $2r,000 more Receipts of this entiie sum is conditioned upon the maintenance of a inllltar) depattment, though but a small fraction of the amount is spent for mllitar instiuctlon Moieover. the War Department furnishes the Unleisit. without charge, a regular armj otlicer who seres as piofessor of militar science, it loans the Uni verslt some $10,000 of arms and other mllitar equipment Perhaps this equip ment Is not worth $lo.uoo, but at any rate that is the amount of the bond for its safekeeping which the government requires of the University Would L8e Rating. If tne authorities were to excuse any great number of those now re quired to drill, or in any other way fall to keep the military department up to standard, the Institution would soon lose Its rating with the War Depart ment This would mean that the ofllcer now detailed here and the equip ment now furnished the University would bo withdrawn, In other words, Nebraska would bo obliged to main tain Its military department at Its own expense The national government might go farther, decide that the Unl verslty was not maintaining "military training" as required by Congress, and withdiaw the above mentioned funds If spending Its own money in main talnlng the military department neces sary to obtaining these funds would be bad for the University, losing them altogether would certainly be far worse As to tho value of drill Itself there is some difference of opinion To the average young American, however. It is safe to say that a little vigorous discipline and a little mild hardship are not Injurious Hoth the training and the exercise are likely to be a good thing Where religious scruples or physical disability interfere, or where a self supporting student, if compelled to sacrifice hi s working hours to drill, would have to leave school, exceptions may be recognized Where none of the exceptions applies the net result of a few hours' drill a week is probably beneficial rather than otherwise Favor Peace Idea. Most of the members of the Univer slty faculty are thoroughly committed ' to the peace movement America's geographical position lias simplified her military problem, so that even now our army, regular and militia is prob abl as small as it will be when world peace and international disarmament ' ,ivtx lealities A small defensive arm is all wo shall ever need Its duties' must be limited to resisting invasion! and preserving order For these pur ' poses a militia which can in case of necessity be called out has advantages over a standing army If in home cases less effective, It does not stimulate even the mildest form of Jingoism U is as olllcers of such a mi'Mia that drilled University graduates aie ex ! peeted to serve Since it enables the country to resist invasion and at the j same time makes unnecessary a stand ' ing army and the militarism which may accompany it, such a militia is in realltv one of the best guaranties of peace As in Switzerland, the Ameri ( an citizen soldiery must be a purelv defensive one. not to be used for pur poses of aggression Hence, in accept ing the federal grants which compel them to include military science in the curriculum, the University authorities feel that they are aiding rather than retarding the peace movement The authorities Intend to administer the rule requiring drill so as to avoid unnecessary hardship to anyone With the money received from the federal treasury much of the University's most effective work has been done As the report of last spring's government in sped ion shows, Nebraska's military department is one of the most elllcient in the country The University Is not THIS AD GOOD FOR $3.00 on any Suit or Overcoat in the House. LUDWIG'S 102 8 O UNIVERSITY STUDENTS ! ('an Now Take MUSIC With a Groat Faculty, Higher Standard. Hotter Instruction and Lower Prices, John Randolph, Voice, Dean of tho Faculty Aloys C Kromer, Pianoforte, Pupil of the Great Frledhelm, August Molzer, Violin, Chas E Ewing, Clarinet; Oustav C Monzen dorf. Violin, Piano and Harmony; August Hagenow, Ensemble, Or chestra, and Hand, Max Kidder. Counterpoint, Composition and Or chestration and Is Other Artist Instructors REGISTER ANYTIME IN THE LINCOLN MUSICAL COLLEGE Oliver Bldg., 13th and P Streets You Can Save $25 to $50 buying a slightly used or rebuilt typewriter. Every machine backed by a po sitive two year guarantee. Have large stock of late model machines for rental. Repairs and supplies for any standard make. Nebraska Typewriter Co. Auto 2080. 143 So. 12th St. Bell 1299. Everything the Student Needs in Toilet Articles Pennants and TRUSSES Stationery Athletic Supporters Gunther's Safety Razors Elastic Stockings Lowney's and Fountain Pens Shoulder Braces Guth's Candies BEST SODA WATER AND LUNCHES IN THE UPY eTrtih aJHlU e 504 North 15th Street THE STUDENTS' SU1TOR1UM GET A CLUB TICKET 4 Suits or 3 Suits and Overcoat pressed for 1.50 a month. BEl L F3438 AUTO B1294 Home Made Baked Goods Cookies, Pies, Cakes, Holsum Bread, Gancy Pastries u Open after the Shows with Good Things to Eat 1325-31 N STREET J) iiWw J. nKfiSArt (., SK