The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 01, 1912, Image 2
t ' THE DAILY NEBRASKAN - Batly Nfhraakan Published by the Student Publloa tlon Hoard of the University of No braska F C C MoConriell (' Buchanan . Kdltor Business Manager KDITORIAL STAFF AbbocIiUo Kdltor Morrill V Hood AHBodato Kdltor Konnotb M Snyder 8UB8CRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance 8lngle Copies, 5Cents Each Ent(ril at t ho puHtolllof at Lincoln, Nohranka, iih Hoonntl class mall mutter, undor the Act of Connies of March 't, 1879 TUKSDAY, OCTOBKR 1, 1912 ATHLETIC TICKETS. Today Ih "tag day Students Hhould bo allvo to tbe Hit nation that Ih being placed before thorn by the athletic management The suc cobb of the ticket venture Ih dependent upon the number of tickets Hold It Ih In every sense a bargain, and Is offered with the view in mind that the Halo will be a largo one The Nebniskan realizes that the pullH on the purse string ate many, that college students in general are tin lctlms of all sorts of worthy stu dent enterprises For this ieason it does not endorse the present proposi , tlon just because it is worthy It Is! more than that It is a necessity The institution of athletics is the biggest factoi in stimulating and sus i taming college spint It is the most natural and convenient medium of bringing a gtoar number of students together upon some oinmon ground It, above all other things, creates a spirit of unity It is something that most eerhody can concentrate their I mind upon A common Interest is thereby moused, and this in turn m spires a common Impulse The coopeiation that exists between the students, it can be fairly said, is caused by their common interest In athletics Take away from them, then, the subject of their interest and there Ih little impulse left to do those things which tend to bring the students to gether Hence we look upon athletics an a necessity in order that we may have any community life at all The Btudents. therefoie, should deem it their duty to encouiage and support athletics m every legitimate way This season ticket plan is not a sen tlmental proposition, save as it induces Btudents to support athletics Bargains are not based on sentiment They appeal to folks because of the advantages offered In the present Instance there Is a value of nine dol lara offered for three Don't let the initial expenditure dis courage you The investment is a good one and Is worth the money IdealH, you can do more than any one oIho to make them ready, even anxious, to contribute the material and moral support necessary " Very true and very well said No braska has a right to expect and does expect returns on Its investment in the University in the life work of the young men and women It educates It expects the college or unlverHlty course to Influence these students for right living, not only broadening their scope of learning, but also deepening their devotion to moral principle Why spend a period of fruitful years in ac (Hiring high IdealH If not later to main tain those Ideals7 By impressing these lessons on the young people entering the University, the Chancellor does much toward mak Ing them understand and appreciate the exceptional advantagoH they are freely enjoying Omaha Bee Giraro 1 in. Milton 2.H in. Annow COLLARS 15c each, 2 for 25c Cluott, Pcabody & Company, Makers HOW COBB SPENDS OFF DAY Ty Cobb's diary for the day, accord ing to a Philadelphia sport scube j Awakened at it It; Cold shower at , !i 17 Safety razor shave at ! fifi Lets shaving brush fall at ! fit! Says "piffle" at ! f7 Pajamas off at 10 02 St t clothes at 10 Of. Breakfast at, 10 ltd Newspapers at 10 111 Chest nut stieet constitutional at 11 Tour of Independence hall at noon Imbibed a root beer at 12 lf Motor iide through the park at 1 ;?o Howl of musical soup at 2 Shook hands with friend at 2 IH Turned up cuffs of trousers at 2 l'.t Used a handkciehief at 2 20 Swatted a fly at 2 21 Shot a game of pocket billiards at 2 .'iO Paid for the game at 2 If. Went into a movie at :i Stayed there until 4 Imbibed another root beer at 1 10 Returned to hotel and dashed off twen 'ty letteis to other famous Americans at 4 .'0 Changed his necktie at F Beaned a mosquito on the window sill , with a fast ball at f 10 Helped carry away the remains of the mosquito at f 20 Oldeied the bellhop to give the mosquito a titling buiial at f 110 Put on a black necktie at ." 10 Took it off again at fi io Per for mod his v es per ablutions at t Warmed up for dinner at f 20 Sat down to dinner at (' :i Finished his dinner at 7 'M) Head a tome on Kgyptology until 8 In the theatur from overture to pie Hires Leaves theater at 11 No root i beer establishment open Buys a but I termilk at Charley's at 11 lf Hears Aubrey sing at 11 20 Watches Moore's imitations at 11 :0 Hotel at 11 40 i Shoes off at 11 45 Kings for ice water at 11 50 Looks over batting averages I at 11 55 Makes a sensational one hand catch, after a hard run, of a puzzling mosquito at midnight He bumps into the chiffonier and falls to the floor, but is not hurt, and resumes University Jeweler and Optician C. A- TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 0 St. YELLOW FRONT YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED YOUR RUSH X WEEK DATES WILL RESULT IN YOUR BEING PLELGED BY THE BEST FRAT. Fratmen are smart dressers and keen judges of styles and quality. As you visit their homes glance at the hall-rack, count those marks of quality, HART, SCHAFFNFR & MARX on their better looking coats, "KNAPPFELT" and Schoble on the smartest hats. AND YOU ARE PLEDGED WITH US. ARMSTRONG CLO. CO. GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS UNIVERSITY STUDENTS ! i the game Turns off electric light FRUITS of EDUCATION - i b d at Vl 512 1 Snores at 12 07 Record Herald Can Now Take MUSIC With a Croat Faculty, Higher Standard, Better Instruction and Lower Prices, John Randolph, Voice, Dean of the Faculty Aloys C Kremei, Pianofoite, Pupil ot the Great Friedheim, August, Violin, ('has K Kwing, Clarinet, Gustav C Meiuen dorf. Violin, Piano and Harmony, August Hagenow, Fnsemble, Or chestra and Hand, Max Kidder, Counterpoint, Composition and Or chestration and Is Other Artist Instructors RKGISTKR ANYT1MK IN THK LINCOLN MUSICAL COLLEGE Oliver Bldg., 13th and P Streets INDIAN SERVICE OFFERS MUCH. In the course of his opening address j to the students of the University of Nebraska. Chancellor Avery said I "If the people of the state hesitate at all to provide these things (better grounds, buildings and other equip ment), it Is a natural hesitation aris Ing from their desire to feel sure that . the students are worthy of these ad vantages By successful study, by clean living, by maintaining high Wilson Men Meet. There will be a meeting of the Uni versity Wilson Marshall Club at the clubiooms at 1220 N street Thursday at 7 4f p m to make final arrange monts for the club's pai ticlpation at the reception to be given to Governor Wilsen at the depot and at the Temple, wtiere he will probably addreBS the students. Promising Positions with Department of Interior Open to Nebraska Men. Frank Thackery, supervisor of In dian schools, has sent letters to a number of colleges in the middle west urging the students to train them selves for the numerous civil service positions open in this line of work Appointment is made by competitive examination, and salaries range from $500 to $3,000, the last being secured by promotion for merit Particulars as to the time and place of examina tlon may be learned by addressing the Civil Service Commission, Washington, D. C. AG. ENROLLMENT TO INCREASE. Amount of Correspondence Received from Prospective Students Points to Increased Registration. Although registratiou at the State Farm does not begin till October 4, it is thought that the enrollment at that time will exceed that of last year Ac cording to Principal Bradford, a greater amount of correspondence is being re ceived from prospective farm Btudents regarding the work than last year, which is pointed to as an Indication of the increased intereBt in thiB part of the University. -JU..