The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 24, 1912, Image 4
T ) T THE DAILY NEBRASKAN "V If 1 I NEW 8TUDENT ENTERPRI8E. Nebraska Undergraduates Building Up a Business to Help Pay Expenses Through College. II II Hewitt and I) D MaicelliiH. Hoplmnior ch In Hie I'nlvci hII, arc re sponsible for ( lie establishment of the Students' Siiltatoiiiim TIiIh Is the latcHt addition in the iij of student enterprises, and is open for business at r04 Notili Fifteenth street Although there Is no scarclt of sik li establishments in the city, these men bellee that there in loom for one more Thc aim to he their whole attention to handling student work Helrm students IlieinseUes the claim to know tin ca( t iitnount ol Hiiap which must he Instilled Into a newh pressed suit in ordei to s,itisl the most exaetiiiK followH of Hem ltnim mel Hoth men ale epei ienced III the business, and (hum to nie no liettei hoi vice than the lest, hut as uood as the best Spec tales aie ofleied to fraternities and to those outside the Greek woild the gie ( lubbini; i.ites The dcniociac of Nebraska I'nher sit has alwas icspeeted the enter pi ise shown l students who me will Inp; to work for their sheepskin It 1b for thlR reason that Hewitt and Mar eelhiH lay claim to the student trade LOST At Chancellors ieception, a pair of Ioiik white kid gloves Return to 1017 South Sixteenth, oi phone Auto CALL FOR CROSS-COUNTRY. Men Interested in Marathon to Report at Gym. Three Vacancies on Team. Cioss omit i woik will bein in earnest tills afternoon at 1 o'clock, when all men interested in lormdis tain e iiinniiiK will stait fall practice C.ipl.iin Houks, Sw.mson, and ("ales ol last eai s team stalled their workout eslei d,i '1 In l e will be at least three posi lions io fill on this fall s team This is the team which competes in the ton feicnic championship .it Chicago, and is w ell woi th ti j inn for I'r eslurreii and sophomores with de sins on the annual Maiathon, which is a p.: 1 1 of the Oh tuple s, ai e e pec ted to hi nn woiiuiiK out .it once Dr ( l.ipp .Hid Hi ed who will assist ill nn n inteKstid in c loss counti , H. G. HEWITT D. D. MARCELLUS ... I H E. Students7 Suitorium A new and worthy Student Enterprise. All kinds of Pressing', Cleaning and Repairing carefully done. Expert Tailor in charge of Repair and Alteration Work. Special Rates to Fraternities WE CALL FCR AND DELIVER Bell F3438 504 No. 15th Auto B1294 We probably J Too busy to write ads. have what you want TMK UNIVERSITY BOOK STORK, .HO No. Hth D. B. GILBTRT, Manager TRY THE TEAROOM tor BREAKFAST LUNCH HON AFTERNOON TEA ICK CREAM HOT CHOCOLATE AND LUNCHES Hoi'RS S A. M. TO 6 I'. M. ' S M MM MS (SW zJUUV& tZUtf BAS1MKNT may be reported to and consulted at the ni We have the best workman, the lniK I st most sanitary and modern baihci shop and bathhouse in the city Stu dent pratronaKe kindly solicited Green's, IliO North ICleventJi QJIjr 4f$jtrtlmtB jTjmmflry fflmtlh llltr ljnur lUurlt. 'TRY THEM" 2411 &ii. 1 ltl &t. Etttnilti. IVrli. Lowest possible prices consistent with good values in Supplies for Botanical, Zoological and Mechanical Drawing Departments. HARRY PORTER, 1123 O Street . O 42HHL V s. & L