THE DAILY NEBRASKAN i v ATHLETIC TICKETS ON SALE. Black Masks and Innocents Aid In Stu dent Ticket Campaign Saving of Six Dollars Possible. Student .itllletlc tickets uele pill oil tie Mntnl.iv .it both the hook stoles' Second Semster Man li K l'ni(MKit Night The .Iiiniot phi, Kosmet Cluh ihi and C.lee Chlh dates wete undetei iiimed lat spilng, ani I the will h gien in the as noon as t he ai e (In ided upon l'lli el sit and the Y M (' biisk sale lepoitccl so fai. hut theie aie inan students et who hae not availed themsehes oi this opport mi 1 1 v In or d t to make this ve.u a record breaker in the nuinbei ot tickets sold the Black Mask and Innocent societies are aid ing in the campaign An estimate of the number of ath letic (ontests during the eni would be twentv font, the geneial admismon to vvlinh would othei w ise cost at least $' 'I his is offeied to students and facultv lot the sum ol $ ! so that evetv one m the I niviisit shall find himself flnan i.illv able to not onlv be piesent at all i ontests but be a onuiiK booster as well I'oi the benefit of the coeds it is announced that the management is planning to have a mils' section this ai . lullow iiik the list om of pi ev ions v e.u s The holdeis of the season tickets aie gncn as good seats as the lcseived section the onlv diffeience being that thev are oil the south .side of the field If Mm wish to have voui seats lcseived 01 gam. it ions vill be untitled in ad value in oidel that thete will be no other events upon palticnlai nights A levised Calendar will appeal in the Nehiaskan as othei less impoi taut ev cuts ai e ai tanged foi HAINER AWARD GOES OVER Cup Offered Last Year for Fraternity Scholarship Stays in Possession of Delta Tans. Speculation between seveial iival I i.itei nit les as to which one would ie ceive the llainei cup has taken a drop with the announcement that theie would be no awatd Huh eai The cup was offered last fall bv Mi I; .1 llainei of Lincoln to the (Jieek lettei fiaternitv maintaining the best lecoid dining the veai past t the time theie was no public announce ment or the gilt It was given to the Delta Tan Delta ftateiintv foi them to hold as long as the condition of schol r ,T7iHij pi "If,.- TT fj m ' ill1 jiii -' js THEATRES ..OLIVER THEATRE.. Friday, Saturday and Saturday Matinee September 27 28 II H. TRAZLE Preaenta Jnme. Jamei Montgomery' Comedy READY MONEY Now Playing New York and London Night, $1.50 to 50c; Matinee $1.00 to 25c the tickets aie hoiloled foi the pi ice ' ,1 1 shi p was lived 111) to It seemed to ot gem 1.1I admission foi t he pat t iculai be the nutlet standing among fi atei rut v game men at that time that the competition The "Ini" is open for an other year, .1 sure siijn that fall is here in earnest. Are you thinking about fall clothes? Come here and we'll spare no pains to help on make the best possible selection. No sajreriner collars, no hap havard shoulders or "lazy" fronts to our KFNSING TON clothes. 520 to 40. LINCOLN ORPHEUM Ad vance d Vaudevill M inrr. rxiUt ila 2 III I rlillim II K 10 II II I I I r ll, Allt I 2M Lester Ed. Wynn W M. Raynore, Wola Keene & Co. O'Meer Sisters &. Co. Frank Wilson Brothers Joe Maud Ronair and Ward Joe Flying Weavers Coming Venita Gould Bargain Matinee at 2:1515 & 25c PRICES 15, 25, 35 and 50 Cents CALENDAR Thi'V shind tin :ind lit :ind was then in foice, and i: was with , , .-. . . . . .i . .i ,,,,,, in II keep nirht on nttinir. some suipnse that the announcement . h - was made that the awaiding of the' First Semester pne would be defeiied until next l',NM()RS are Stlisll, S.ltuiclav, Octobei 'JS Opening C It Is' Sept etnliel I WC'l 1 till 1 OTCtl Clothes With Club ellteltaimnenl Temple ' 'I lie clolioi of Hie Clip was desirous spCUlJc VallK'Sat S.ltuiclav. October ." Y C ie that some public ltv be attached to Hie - "M) ception Covetnoi's mansion Igitt befoie the contest isenteiecl into, - ' ' - Novembei 2 ,aud has thdefoie expiessed the wish j Satuidav. Xoveinhei L"! - Di ic that nothing be done about it at this, I IatS, nil IlCOatS, lliacklliaWS, Club )lav Itime It is piobable thai some time m su caters e'er tiling ill CIl- Decembei C oi 1! Int el c ollegiat e de Jheneai I lit m e t he fi atei nit v men w in Hcm,M1 ' rambles forta bate Decembei i; or l.'l Coinhusker ban cpuM he called together and a foi mill pi esen tadon and acceptance of the trophy made The New Young Men's Store Welcome all lTni students to inspect its new Fall Line of Fxclusbe Young Men's Clothes, Furnishings and Mats, with stle and quality and sold at prices that please. : : FULK CLOTHING CO. 12 3 4 O MAGEE & DEEMER LINCOLN AURORA OMAHA Visit the most enjoy able and up to date Moving Picture. Programmes given at ImKwb 1329 OStr., South Sia The Daily Nebraskan I hereby subscribe forthe AILY NEBRASKAN the first semester 112-f913 and aKree7opav ior me iirsi emeier i-iz-iaij ana agre for the same at the current price of $1.00. Name Lincoln address Send this to Room 7. Basement Adm. Hall pay Botanical-Zoological-Mechanical Drawing S-U-P-P-L-I-E-S HARRY PORTER, 1123 O -a. I