The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 24, 1912, Image 2
1 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 7 Sut I u Nrbr an luut1 J l-l,l,., II... Sh.,1,.,1 I' CONVOCATION II 00 A. M tloil Itn.llil ut the I r 1 1 V i'I , (it Ni brash a V C M( i 'onm-ll C ( ' Mm liaiian CHANCELLOR AVERY Memorial Hall Kilnoi -k Mil-mess Mniiam-, KIH'I OKI l, ST U-V Ahhoi lal Kdil ni Mi-itill ' lOed I. ii kum b-i ii Last eai 1 1 1 ;t 1 1 a mi Ahhoi lad- I'dltcn Kenneth M Simlei l"'i km team was successl ull tied b SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER '"' ""'"" '""' !-- n - tin- ten atds YEAR Payable In Advance Sinylc Copies, 5Cents Each Knic ii 1 1 i"T7i ikpi nilli i Ti 1 .1 in id ii. til 111 I'll I II I ll III tllliili flflllllLi 1,1 I , .,1 l'" ' P7 . . , , III I . . . , 1 1111(11.-1 in 111 I II . loo lonn a distance tin even a si longer ' ".nil in ii i.i hi- sue cessiuiiv mi an I i i ii-.. i. t i ... M..I.....I. I h in. ill 1.1. III. I num." . i'I mil.--, ttllll mill IIOWI1S Ulidci Hi- ' I "I iiniii -"- "T M.mli . (Ills dllllc lllt Will he (lone awa Sllll i 187. , , " , - - In a siniilai mamii'i tin- attacking loice TUKSDAY. SKl'TKMMIMt li -i . l'. lli is aided inatciiall h benm .allowed Jr" -,-ix points on a touchdown instead ol Applications for managing editor of 'lie, tin- oi I unit to make anotliet the Daily Nebraskan will be received Mill on a lui k still beiim allow ed by the secretary of the Student Publi '!" well placed kicks siicli as al , cation Board, Prof L E. Aylesworth, lowed mes to tie Nelnaska hist eai ' U. 103, before 3 P. M. Wednesday. when the oinlmskeis made the onl touchdown o the name will no loimet NEBRASKA AND THE RULES. , ,"' Po'W'1 H''i' auaui is seen an ,,.,,, ., . . . . ,i. i I. ,i adsantane to the stioim attackum Will Nelnaska be benclitcd b (lie ,. ., ., ,,, , ,,,, ele en The same rule holds lor the now loolball niliims oi will she llnd .. , . ., .... , iulul(' allow liiK the defendeis to lirmi; them Inn densoine .' I his iuestion m, h . i . i i i ,i "Hi II"' 'mil onl to the twenty anl worrln the student body much these , '',',' , .. ... ... ...I.. Hi"' instead ol (he twentv llveaid 1uh when the team is first bi-um J .' mie iiiH'i i in- iii iuckiiil; team nas tost UNIVERSITY STUDENTS ! Can Now Take MI'SK With a (licit lacull. Ilmhci Standaid, Metier InstnHtion and l.owei Mines John Randolph. Voice. Dean of the Faculty los C Kit mi i, Mi.'inoloi te, Mupil of the (Meat Kiledheim , iiKiist Mol(i, mini (has I-. Kwum, (laiinet. Mista (' Mc-n.en cloif. Violin, I'l.ino and II. unions imusl llaenow, Knsemble, Or chestta and Maud M,i Kiddei. Cnuntet point , Composition and Or c bestial ion and Is otlut itist Instiuitoi- mkcistkh n 1 1 mi-: in Tin-: LINCOLN MUSICAL COLLEGE Oliver Bldg . 13th and P Streets it on an attempt to kick a noal Thus as tlie inles stand, compared lo the standaids set lor last season, tin this season is with the team thai pimes anKn-ssu ,., the team that has a line that peiinits the hacks sent out lo knock oil the numb c-oi ikth l-: en Coach Williams' annual tale ol tlie iinpeiitrable kIooiii over luuiKiiiK Minnesota s ('.cipher camp cannot keep the woll won awa lioin the thoimhl of the Neln.iska Ian The in w iMidiion, ten aids shoilei than the held of la-t ol II" Na.ds. '" s,i"1 ""'U l,1'h' i""1 ""' ",J"" m,sl Will, ., l.llXill.l OH- allowed h,k nt " :l11 "" ''" ""' """- and speed) tin- I""' ii"" "In." a Ioiw.ikI l,,l,U "' '"' ""' '""'' ,,,1"l,1 ""' ,'1"1 pass mas b- s.-ni. is aiU ......u-eous lo " l'1' " "P-n 'iU uiih Hi - lb. :. '..m that is .inm.-ssiM- in Us ni.-ih " """,h 'l ,lu ,,hl "" ' "'"' ' -" oiIh and slum-. in lis M, l Id '"" "'l'iM- 'I he lineman .ilsu( Stiellllls wol.d-.llll senium eleM-n ol lh'" ''11 "I"" "I'a I.MH' h'de Mil III. Mill showed he is capable ot de ''"'' "' tt"l' H.ioin;!. Mil a K,iiii ol velopi.m a ailackim; eleM-n, one '' and a hall to tin,-,- aids will, .- ii.iiliiiiialM at'e. Vni " 'unr 1I1X - 1 - 11- The bac-klield men .mist be i iikk-I ' Tl"' 'I'l''lon asked, Does It look, and -t lleet. slioim active, and pos -' H"nh Nelnaska would ha.- a HC'Ssed ol a working knowledge ol,"'"" Hint "! '" these ICillllle J football The b.-icU not onM does tin- n"'iiis- The mil Coi nhuskei s would m-calei p.ut ot the attacking but lit- lui e i e ,-led in such i ulc-s 'I lieu s w as , das, n, beat an cm epl lonallv hea ' t'''"" "'at was stioim m attack, it l,aie ol tin- delense when his team asa le.iiu thai was almost a peie,t l,s (h.ui.e di lencliim ii- II on it.spccnuiK mac-nine, siioiik in nie inn- , i,,,,. 'i'I,,. ba- k - v. ill no and with a lleet baiklleld able to , .ilb-d ii'ion to .-tie. milieu I'iuk h holes lor it -ell in tin- line, oi toi i two backs ii 'i .ir-! will icnind tin- end, and aain i ouhl tuin i ....I . i i.. .ii .i..i );l '- i( ,ic k ten ll'! HI l-,ual(l .ii'"!"'! "iki simw .1 iiiiiii.ini 11.1.11-1 aii.iin I a loi wa i 1 pa1 ben i el oei .main-l a team aiManc um with the bal the vo.ll NMtlM.i the new-,."' U.MljLol"X(j.'lh Sl"'hl11 I'lliM'il he lould which would allow lh.- iippoiieiu- to l iii n ()IH.'-iULina kl"'ld and a hue i on N I piobablv lie b.oks will that wa- a -lcMii'wauNlr ""'l h,,,s hi ill I lid i I'll i n ii i i , in . n 1 1 1 . i i i "i iii 1. , ,,.i.i .... i . . J I i nan i ' "'""'i1 iim iii.iii- ,t leaill " & Hllppol I Im I In- lllii ploll- plovidi-d (he lll.iti-l , Mill lead and sIhmiIiIi i . abn. all toiiiul iu ;( u ( l'.ll i In- one m ik K I.i IK i o el I h '" I'a 'I lew -iliads III moleskins, (, i, ,,. .-ilM oil; tii down- pu- Minida nmhl for tin .uds di-ianie to be i;auiei. tin i will In tic iovps oi coui-e on, mum thai t llles one (I III lie loill III! at omul iln i.. ih,. inateiiJ ie loi a lean i, a -1 1 1 1 1 h; teai team ha- loin nials m whnh to make held aln-aih I n 'I In- back ooks umiil and w ill look thai di-i.iiii., and on the huh down ln-tiei with the letiun ol' ( the bal' p.i.s o el lot he opponent -, I " n ibsiin, 'U I as lliei' ti i down Tin- i- without men im the tar Mill' iloubi a decided ad alii are to the al ""l. all thlee ideal bai ktleld qnuv. JfMT,l You Registered Last Week FOR YOUR SCHOOL YEAR IN THE BEST COLLEGE IN THE WEST : : : Now Register for your Clothing needs at Lin coln's best Clothing Store. A store that makes a specialty of satisfying the wants of Universi ty men. :::::::: Armstrong Clothing Company GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS mM I SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, BOOKKEEPING, ol nihil i ollllliei ( lal -uliject- call be takill 111 ( oil ikm I loll Willi I 1 1 1 I -ll Wolk W In II t ill I ionise is made up at the I'm, let u- explain how w i ( all hel p (iii Mali- and hoiu- can be arraimed lo lit the spaie tune ou hai I la s and 1 1 1 -lit c out - i - Lincoln Business College ( Kstabli bed -H veals I ()liei Muildiim C Mm'ir, Mies. V II W'atMin. iceMie Mllh and M Sts W Mobbins Sec IBiSZEKISEIl s c BOTAN ZOOLOCiY iircr rrn nTmrMTP ta i vr STUDENTS CARRYING WORK IN i 1T citppi if TALK TO US ABOV U HARRY PORXX1 1123 MECHANICAL DRAWING m