The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 24, 1912, Image 1

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    ICbe Batl flebraskan
Price 5 Cents
Tryouts for Debate Squad Will Be Held
Early in October Bibliographies
May Be Had Now.
Coincident Willi the slatting up ol
looiball and other college act n M iis,
llie follow cis ol debate ill the Ullivel
Ml) are gliding up then loins and pu
pal ing lor III' annual aiguinent As
usual, Nebraska will meet two trains
tins c.i-, one debate being hold here
and oiu at tlio oilier school To make
up the two teams that will ho required
a largo squad will be necossaiv, and
at tno trvouts, which will take place
toon, a nuinln'i ol nion aio expected to
Wisconsin and Iowa both old li lends
and friendly in.iN ol N'eluaska in this
toini ol activitv, ate the two schools
which the Nehi.iska will meet this
ji'iir Wisconsin will he mot at Madi
son, while the students hero at school
will he given ,in oppoi t unit v to heat
the Iowa deb, He s foi the date of
the meeting. It will be held Oil elllrei
tin t'.lh hi t!ie l.Jth ol l)i remix i, just
whit h date h,is not boon decided as et-
The subject of the argument this
ji'iir will bo, "Resolved, That all cor
porations' engaged irr interstate com
inert e should be requited to take out
ledeial chatters, it being nndei stood
that such a requirement would be con
stitiilional, and that lederal license
shall not be .iailai'le as an allornn
tive "
Six men were chosen hist June for
the squad, and it was lelt until this
fall for the lomaining members to be
chosen The men chosen last spring
weie .1 Huitiss ot Lincoln, Z
Clark Dickenson o Lincoln !uv C
Kiddoo ot South (nnalia. llaiold
l'linco ot Ci.uii! Maud. Otto Smke ol
Durii an, S D , .iinl C Soionson ol
hemp Cit '1 hi li ouls tin tin -quad
W ill be held i II 1 III )t lobel . .111(1 .lie
oi u to the school, It Is hoped a
huge number w ill tin n out to ti loi
places The sin t" ess of the Univeisit)
in debate has alwavs boon such as to
warrant the best possible support on
the pai t ot the students
'I lie ti)Oiits will be tonductetl along
the same rules as aio geneiall) used
in governing such events For those
Interested the rules base been posted
on the main bulletin board in Univer
sity Hall Among other tiling, carrtli
dates will be limited to a speech ot
neven minutes, on whichever side of
the question they choose to stand
Lots will indicate the order of speak
inn Biblograplnes covering both sides
ot the question will be toithcoming on
application ot an) who intend to take
part in the ti.vouts Thet,e ha e boon
prepaietl ami aie ready for distribu
tion at the olhce ot the secretin) of the
1'nlveihity debating board, room 206
Univeisity Hall
Y. M. C. A. Men Enroll Students in
Sunday Classes Today and i
Tomorrow. j
'I odav is the Hi st da) ol a personal
Mible stud) campaign carried on bj I
I lie moil ol the ,M t A All tTlort
i will be made to see over) man oir the
t.impus ami make it t leai lo him that
a weekly Hlble studv t lass will be lo
his advantage
This campaign comes as the result
i ol a week's work in lining up commit
teellien on the part ot Hob hollow,
(hanman ol the commuter lot the V
I M C A, Merle Arnold, president, Ua)
Reit.el, the secioiaiv, ami Slant 'I in
nor, who is assisting in the opening
weeks ol the association It will last
tor two das and b the end ol thai
time it is hoped that sovoial trundled
men will have signed up loi one ol
the Sinicla) c lasses.
hast night sixt) men met in the
Assembl) Hall ol the Temple and
mapped out the campaign Rev How
aid spoke, explaining the importance
of Itihle stud) Keit.el and Arnold
follow eel, telling of the work ahead ol
the association Turner spoke last,
finishing in a silent e which paid tiib
ut i' to the tone ot his remarks
Kniollmont t arils and outlines show
ing the oftciccl by the dilfei
out c hint lies weie then given to theiu,,lk " ,"'" chorus She has Issued
men and the campaign was launched
The classes ofleied aie taught, inanv
of them, b) University professor .1 and
the) are held In the different churches
instead ol m the Y M C A rooms,
as has boon done in the past The Y
M C has the cooperation ot the
religious organizations of the city in
the work of interesting the Univeisitv
(J()(J8-:i ouoi,i lupjoipjo .Hotrop
Call Roy O Warde, dunce orchestru,
Auto 718(5, L8152
Temple Gets In the Game.
Mr ami Mrs L R Temple of Lexing
ton were visiting among UniveisMv
1 1 lends Sal in dav and Sundav 'I eniple.
coiiimonlv known lo Univeisitv sin
drills as '.lack," was captain of tin
.1 1 t-M v 111 l!il l the instance ol As 1
sistant Coach Itathbone he dorint d his
old suit Saluiilav alteinoon and did a
little toughing
with the Hoshirren
"' ! me at (Jieen s, 120 North
Co-Ed Raquet
Iders to Organize
for Yean
s Activities.
All girle
and all othe
the Tennis Association ,
tirls interested irr tennis
are requea
eel to be present at the ten
niH mee
to he held lrrrmedlatel)
vocation on Thursday, Sep
2fi, in Nebraska Hall, room I in
e meeting olllcers lor the eai
elected arrd arrangements vv ill
made for playing. The court is al
.1. .,,,,1 ,l,t' ii'lll u.wtt. l..k
iuM reauj i" i""j'"h " dwh .
T 1
Over Four Hundred Students Take
Advantage of Summer Opportu
nity 39 Degrees Given.
The summer session whlth closed
tlur ing August was one of the most sue
eessful the Universltv evoi expeii
oricecl according to the opinion of I'rof
A Hoed of the extension dopait
men) There w as an em ollinont ol l,',il
stutlonts, the inajorilv ol whom came
liom out in the state
The attendance consisted principal
I) o school superintendents, punt Ipals
and teachers ot mleiioi training, but
there weie mail) seeking dogieos other
than the A M degree
Conliaiv to the polit v adopted b
other universities, the slimmer school
'emplovecl members ol the loguhu lac
uliv and required the same entrance
Credits as aie demanded at matiicii
lalion into the Unlveisit) proper
Thirl) nine degrees wore gtanted
Mrs. Raymond Begins Work with Uni
versity Musical Organization.
Mis Carrie It llavmond, dnectoi ol
music in the I'niveisrtv, is beginning
an invitation to all I'niveisit) students
having some inclination loi that woik
to loin the choi u. lOgi- tratrorr w ill
),l,mil(' throughout this week with
I"1" extra charge lo the matriculant
I exceptional opportumt) is offered to
illu considerable musical education b)
v ""tue ol member ship in t ho Univ ersit)
!( hoi us. besides gaining one hour
hast )ear it worked up and present
ed several notable select Ions Among
the number were "The Creation," "The
Pilgrims," "The Messiah," "The Gate
of Lire," and "Romeo and Juliet."
The chorus meetB Monday. Wednes
day and Friday ut 5 o clock in the
Temple -r- "
nnlneers' Castoffs.
I eftovtr
JT-r Hollies In the Met lianieal
I ,, erlng building lock, is will lie
auction ir pnsei.t plans ol ih
Mr Loret . an catiied out
ry year a largo niimhor of g.u
rents are lelt in the lock, is b) sin
1 k 1
i 1
it; v
dents who are in a liuiiv lo leave loi , ,ia,)S ,. a ,,,tk. ,. )IK.kjllK for tie
home Foimeil) Mi horor has made I imsl,1(.h aH u,.i ilh lllt. beginning or
a bonfire ol the leftovers, but now hel,. wcking out of some rrevv plays,
is consult', ing the proposition of put Tll OIlly OIC. of thp worry ,HJgH ,oft
ting thorn lo some use f()r th(. coaci, h tu. lamentably small
Reports Increase.
Professor Hoffman of the M 10 do
partment reports an inciease in the
size of the preserrt freshman class over
that of last yeai, while the old men
arP hack with their ranl-s only slightly
In some cases the classes are
eomrortably large, but the teaching
force is now complete and prepared to
cope with the situation
q he laboratories have been improved
during the summer, new apparatus has
been installed, and the o'd machine! , n HU(., positions, and Marrager Reed
especially irr the experimental hora I reports that ho has enough equipment
tory. put irr better shape ,,f( toi a few more men.
Stiff Workout Started for Tonight
Rathbonc Sends Hurry Call for
Freshmen and Husky
I he Si. in I'aim was a busv placo
vesloitla) with the advent ol football
pr.nlice on Hie Kami campus It vv hb
made mine bnsv ami exciting by t lie
letiirn ol I'uidv and Clbson two or
last veai s men, whose presence on tho
team moans much for Nobinsku'u
hopes In all, sixlvllve men woiked
out in the llrst long piaotloe or tho
season ami the class shown in their
exhibition was pleasing to the crlticH
and lans ith the letuin ol Potter.
all the old men except Hmnhuigcr will
have lepoitecl, and the smile or tho
lans w ill be almost w 1 Inkleless
With seven in sit ) plav ei s in tho
running, then-lore, tootball .it Nebrus-
l ka looks to be voi) pi utilising With
1 'lie help ol Owen Kiank, last ye,.:'B
( whirlwind halfback and Itathbone. thu
plunging lullbatk or 1iii Coach
Stlohlll exists to develop the best
team that this Univeisitv has had lor
'I lie t oat h had 1 ,ui likely looklntf
elevens lined up loi signal woik last
night With the first team Krank and
I'urdy tilled the hall positions. Mulli
gan lull Hawkins quarter, Masllrr arrd
Mulligan ends. Mveis and Harmon
tackles, Pearson and Swanson guurdu.
and Allen center On the second ten
were Reese arrd Beck, halves, V
full T-....I.. , . 11. ..
11, .ui- iiuuu'l, xiuwarci 0' jXU.Tr
Ilk ends, Kouts and McCorml'gTcklcs,
Kouts and Ross guards, id Irwin cen
ter Moth teams showj(i p(.p a aonE
- Hrw. . . .'. ,
-rrrr-.- I HO IlllOh IIOLti lOOKOU UltO
a coiiile ot mountain 1.111 y, but it
was easv 10 see that the fieator part
... .1 1...1 . 1.
1 im-iii iiri-ot-ii t-Aii-iii-ni- v 1 mi; 11
.... 1 1... .1. 1 . .... . . . . ... .i
niieiini nas ini- uri'i, inn ii- a uaru
,,.,.1,1,.... ,n ..,..1, ,. ..., ..,... ... ,,,.
,, VNjn i,e available
T1'. ,.inlj p,i(c-tiee was taken up
NSllll dulling 111 the rudiments ol the
KlIll(. tihIsin Hi- schedule will per-
lrumber of rreshmen showing up for
practice Saturday brought forth an
insufllcient number to muke a full
tearrr, and Freshmen Coat h Rulhhoue
is sending out t lie hurry call Tor more
or the llrst year huskies and speed
1 men As the coach says. A man
'N' is woir in his freblunan year, not
when he is plaving a star game Ilia
last year "
' Another problem for Rathhone to
j solve is that of heavy men Tor lino po-
1 sltions An excellent opportunity la
' given this fall for men to make good
j. .. v-
. .1