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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1912)
Lbe H)ail IFlebraskan VOL. XL NO. 156. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1912. Price 5 Cents V L ANNUAL MAKERS HAVE PICNIC MISS BRANSON AND MISS WHITE HORN ENTERTAIN. DAY IS MOST ENJOYABLY SPENT Cornhusker Staff Served Strawberries and Real Cream at Riverside Place in Pen Woods. The CornhuHker staff yesterday celebrated the finishing up ' the ;l" limit by taking a day off Bernleo HraiiHon and May W'luie horn, art editor of the book, gave an all day picnic to the members of the staff at the Branson bungalow in Riverside Place. Although the Pan-Hellenic dance had kept most of the staff up until a late hour the night before, neerthe less the nine o'clock car carried a large number of the picnickers to the "Pen" Some of the more energetic members even started at an earlier hour and walked out from town The morning was spent in play ing ball and cards At twelve o'clock a picnic lunch was served on the porch of the bungalow. Delicacies, such as olives and real cream, made the stu dentB, used to frat house board, sit up and take notice. One of the saddest events of the day was "what happened to Sweeley Ralph Sweeley, accompanied by a lair co-ed, started from one of the sorority bouses at ten o'clock At three o'clock he had not yet arrived at Mrarison's. On the return of the staff to Lincoln, it was discovered that the two, after wandering around in the woods for a couple of hours lost had come back to Lincoln for a square meal at one of the restaurants. This Is the first Cornhusker staff at Nebraska which ever had any so clal "BtuntB" on the side. Besides the picnic yesterday, the staff gave a formal party earlier In the season, and has probably set a precedent for future contributors to the annual VAN DUSEN RECEIVES SABER Banquet Given for Recently Demoted Officers of Company "K" Much Spirit in Evidence Company K tendered a banquet at the Lincoln hotel last evening to its recently demoted olllcers, Dana Van Dusen, Don Wood and Altred Ken nedy. A great deal of spirit wiib in evidence and the company (Irmly re Bolved to do its best in compet, to offset as far as possible the handicap under which it will enter this atter noon. Private Gillnian, representing the company, presented Captain Van Dusen with a handsome saber; the latter responded brielly, expressing his appreciation of the support given him and the hope that the company would bo successful in its efforts for the cup. The banquet closed with the signing, by every man present, of a testimonial vindicating the otllcers in their actions and expressing their un Bwerving loyalty. NOTICE. All who have Single Tax petitions are asked to leave them at the "RagM office at their earliest convenience. PAN-HELLINIC CLOSES SEASON FOR UNIVERSITY DANCES Many Dances and Proms Have Been Held This Year Which Will Be come Only a Memory Now. Pan Hellenic Wcdncsdav night. closed the social season at Nebraska, as fai an dances are concerned From now on the students will turn their attention to the coining eami nations, with the exception of the one night on which the Senior Play occurs In all, twelve dances open to the public have been given tliiH year Of these, seven have been class hops Lvory class, except the senior, has given two hops this year. There have also been the two proms, junior and senior, two military balls and the Pan Hellenic dance There have also been several basket ball informals open to all I'niversity students. Private dances, given by fraterni tii-s and other organizations, have been more frequent than ever, aver aging six a night or more. Such a high average bears out the accusa tion, uttered many tunes, that .e braska is dance mad. STILL SOME PETITIONS OUT IS URGED THEY BE IN SOON All Petitions Will Probably Bear Over 2,000 Names of Students Who Want,the Tax. A- x-i-i With a number of petitions still out, by actual count over thirteen hundred names are ready to present to the Regents in favor of the single tax system When the remaining lists are turned in, as all having them are urged to do at the earliest possible moment, there will probably be a few over two thousand names, which was the mark set by the committee. The petitions are of every degree of com pleteness, ranging from !l to 114 names each. An interesting item about the sig natures is the large number of lower classmen declaring themselves, not withstanding the gttgcral idea that under clasHUHMi do not realize what is of value to the school The percent age of upper-classmen is just as large, however, showing that the proposition ih also favored by the more mature minds of the school The time for presenting these to the Regents has not yet been definite ly set but in all probability will bo June 1st. The petitions can be left in the ofllce of the Daily Nebraskan at any time of the day. Greek Theatre to Go Up. The I'niversity of Wisconsin is lay ing plans for the erection of an open air Creek theatre. T' n 'T T r ' t p 1 REMAINING BOOKS. All persons holding orders for Cornhuskcrs may receive the books by calling at the Cornhusker office today and to morrow from 11 to 12 and from 2 to 3. i- U "X- ls lf A, Lf Lr J k, f y T "h " T FUSSER AWAKES IN CAR BARN AT HAVELOCK THE NEXT DAY Young Man Falls Asleep While on the Way to See His Lady Friend at University Place. There is one lusser in the driver Hit y who Is apparently not much per turbed by the prospect of calling upon his feminine admirer This unusual being had an experience the other evening which will undoubtedly go far towards curing him of indiffer ence As nearly as can be ascer tained, he was iir the act ol making a call in the neighborhood ol driver sity Place, but unfortunately fell asleep orr the car, and awoke to find himself in the dark recesses of the car barn in I lavelock The young man, or rather- the young woman, who divulged the secret has refused to give the name of the hero, but vouches for the truth of the story We do not atterrrpt to solve the mystery, but believe that the young man was fortunate in falling asleep before he reached his destnrat ion. arrd not in the presence of his talkative hostess, who would have probably done his feelings more injury than they received at the hands of the car barn COMPETITIVE DRILL TODAY ON NEBRASKA ATHLETIC FIELD University Companies Will Compete for Flag and Omaha Cup in Annual Military Drill. The annual competitive drill will he held this afternoon at 2 o'clock on the athletic held First call will be sounded at 1 . !." and the first com pany, B, will appear before the Judges. They will compete both for the flag arrd the Omaha cup, appearing in the following order. B, K, C, D, I, M, F, F and A. Following this, four men from each company will compete for individual horrors, for which two prizes of Bilver cups will be given The program will close with a parade of the entire regl rrrerrt and the presentation of prizes The young women sponsors of each company will present the sword to the captain. This is the eighteenth annual com petitive drill of Nebraska cadets. The tlrst one took place Irr 1 SIK!, Company I) winning under Capt. F. I). Fager Company U has taken honorB eight times. Company B four, Company A and Company C three times each. The Judges who have been chosen are Capt A. S. Cowan, V. S. Signal Corps, and First Lieutenant C H Farnham, Ninth II. S Infantry. It is useless to try to give airy pro dictions as to the outcome, for ex perience of former years has shown that companies are very uncertain organizations, and that the slightest mistake can throw the deciding point one way or another. Marriage Announced. The marriage of Mary Bowlby, for merly of Crete, and Arthur John Elu of Seattle, has been announced. .Miss Bowlby graduated' from Nebraska in 1107 and was a member of Kappa Alphu Theta. SENIOR PLAY IS BIG EVENT DANCING CHORUS OF UNIVER SITY GIRLS. MRS. IRENE FLEMING IS TO SING Many Preparations Being Made for Presentation of Shakespeare's Well Known Comedy. .lust one week fioin today one of the big annual events of (lie I'niver sity will be held The senior play, heralded each year as the clowning social activity of the school year, will be presented at the Oliver on Friday, June 7th, witli matinee and evening performances The play this year will be Shake speare's "A Mid Summer Night's Dream,'' a play in live acts, which Ib distinctive iir the' fact that It con tains three separate and Individual setu of characters that blend to gether to build up the play Miss Howell and the committee in charge have endeavored to present not only a dramatic interpretation of Shakespeare's verse, but they have gone further and enriched the play with a dancing chorus of twenty-live I'niversity girls This chorus has been under the training of Mrs. Thomas (iieen of Philadelphia and Miss Day of the I'niversity for sev eral months, and with the assistance of Prof Carl Steckelberg arrd his or chestra of forty pieces will render several sorrgs arrd some very new and novel dances .Mrs. I rem- Fleming Thurn will sing the solo selections of the score accompanied by the chorus, and in the second, fourth and fifth acts the fairies will present a series of danceB never before attempted by a I'niversity cast .MIsb .Mildred Bevlrrs, one of the I'nlversity's best known dramatic stars, will appear as Ilermia, orre of the lovers, with .Miss Marjorle Kirn kel. Ouy O Kiddoo arrd Ward Ruben- tCoiuTnuedonpago?!) MEMORIAL DAY QUIETLY SPENT Many Students Spend Day on Picnics or Enjoy Themselves by Taking a Well-earned Rest. .Memorial Day was quietly cele brated by I'niversity Btudents yester day No special exerclBes of any kind were given by the I'niversity. The library was closed all day, to allow the assistants to attend a libra rians' picnic, held in the "Pen" woodB. A few of the upper law classes spent the day in taking examinations which were scheduled by hard-hearted "profs " - Picnics were numerous. The Corn husker staff pichTc, given by Bornlco Branson, was probably the largest. Co-edB were at u high premium, as two prominent seniors can witness. These two young men called up eight different glrlB trying to get a date and then gave it up in disgust. Tire campus presented a deserted appearance and the majority of tho students were taking a well-oarued and much-needed rest. Honor System. The honor system Is the all import ant question before tho students of the University of Chicago. COMPET---THIS AFTERNOON 2:00 P. M