THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ail IRebvashan Published by the Studont Publica tion Hoard of tho Ilnlvoralty of Ne braska more real interesting material than has any of Its predecessors, the breadth of its scope is generally grati fylng. although this very fact caused some to cringe at Its exposures Per haps the most novel feature is the profusion of snap-shots and cartoons which fill the "College Life" section The Idea of the annual being a pic torial review of the year seems to be a good ono. EDS TOGGERY A NEW NAME NOT A NEW INSTITUTION Successor to W. E. Unland & Co. EXCLUSIVELY HEN'S FURNISHINGS Buy here your Hats. Collars, Ties, Shirts, Underwear, Socks and Men's Jewelry. Everything the Best quality. Prices Lowest. Try Us. 1042 O Street EDITORIAL 8TAFF Editor HFARLE K. HOLMES Managing Editor F. ('. McCONNELL Associate Editor ..IH'RTON S HILL Associate Kditor ..RUTH MUNUKIl EDITORS TO BE CHOSEN iV Jl I R BU8INE88 8TAFF Manager C. C. BUCHANAN ARH-t Manager J. V. MOIUUSON Circulation Manager LEO UHEKN SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Coplet, 6 Cent Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. Night Phones Auto 1888; Editor, 1035; Manager, Auto 1821 Auto KntiMPd ut the jiostolnco at Lincoln. NeliniHkii. im BMMMii! clivBB mull mutter, under Urn Act of Congress of March 3. 1879 WEDNESDAY. May 2!. 1!U2 A YEAR OF PROGRESS. From th standpoint of student :ic tlvitl(H tho year Ih practically com pleted. It Iuih been a very successful year, one of which Nebraska can well bo proud, for It Iuih witnessed a marked advanco In every line AthletlcH were a groat booHt for tho school; the band did Its Hhare of ad 'ortislng during the football season, and showed Its willingness to recipro cate when it gae cainpua concert s The dramatic efforts, which are year ly becoming more pronounced, were marked bv tho entrance of a new phan( of college dramatics which bids well to become permanent 1'nher sity Night drew too large a crowd showing that the interest therein is on the rise The "Trail" proved as lucrative as in former years The girls' gym exhibition was novel and attractive The Idea of establishing definite dates for all university af fairs was carried out, thus paving the way for the establishment oT tradi tions. Tho Cornhusker banquet was made a success under an entirely new scheme, the campaign for "Rag" sub script Ions has given that paper more subscribers than It has had for sev eral years The Cornhusker sold more copies by nearly two hundred than it did last year those who could not obtain a copy expressed greater re gret than In former years In these, and many other respects. Nebraska has forged to the front Its llnal stop which is yet pending will form a fitting climax to such a year of progress The Last of Next Week Will Deter-I i mine the Fate of Newspaper i Aspirants. The editorial Htaff of tho Daily Ne- ! braskan will not be chosen for a feu dajs as Dean Stout will bo out of the city until after May :tl Nothing can be done until ho gets back and tho "lucky" men will not know their fate until the last of next week Ten applications for editorial posi tions are now in tho hands of Score tary Reed These include ono for editor In chief, two for managing edi tor, five for associate editor and two applications for positions not speci fled The main contest is for the asso ciato positions and It is anticipated that the board will have difllculty in ' selecting these from the large mini her of applicants Rumors have been flying around the campus tho last few weeks that a, now job Is to bo created, a sort of general gills' activities and social edi tor. VAN DUSENJIYIAKES. STATEMENT Editor of 1912 Cornhusker Gives Credit to All Who Took Active Part I In Getting Out Annual. At the request of the editor of the Cornhusker. the following paragraph is here inserted "lleeause of the fact that Rurton llill'8 picture Is not shown in the group picture of the Cornhusker staff, I would like to hero give the credit which is due to enthusiastic and ef ' flclent labor by stating that he has j proven one of the most valuable men to this Cornhusker that any annual could desire. i "I also wish to take this opportunity to publicly thank every fellow student who has at any time helped in this work, and also those who were so kind as to furnish pictures or m an other way display an interest in the success of tho Cornhuske'- " NO PAPER TOMORROW. In view of the fact that tomorrow is a national holiday, there will lx no "Rag" This Is duo not only to a strike among tho reportorial staff, but also to a refusal on tho part of the printers and linotype men to labor on a holiday. ANNUAL CAUSES COMMENT. The Cornhusker has at last made Its appearance It might bo safo to assert that it has caused more crlt iclsm than has any recent edition. This criticism has been In ho main very favorable; tho unfavorable com ments have como mostly from those who suffered in tho pages of tho "Col lego Llfo" section, and who failed to seo tho humor connected with a re vlow of their own weaknesses or peculiarities. Without a doubt tho book contains MEMORIAL DAY TO BE QUIET. Memorial Day will be quietly cel brated at Nebraska this year No classes will be held all day Thursda in honor of tho old soldiers The Library will bo closed as in fornu i years. Some of tho Cniversity cadets will march In tho annual parado of the old soldiers and state militia, but as this is not required of the would be soldiers, tho number of those partici pating will probably not he very large No special convocation exercises in honor of tho day will be given Thit fcilows tho custom of former years as no special convocations have eer been held on Memorial Day A few groups and individuals are planning picnics for Thursday One of the largest of these will be a picnic for members of tho Cornhusker stalf, given by Pornleo Rranson at her bungalow In tho "Pen" woods. Senior Play FRIDAY, JUNE 7, Oliver COLLEGE MEN Should have their Clothes Made to Order We have the finest fabrics and make the best fitting clothes in Lincoln. Spring and Summer Suits $15.00 and up FLODEEIN 8c BRET HO UAER merchontTollora: 129 So. I It h St. More Commencement Suggestions New Leather Goods. We have some new Fobs. A select line of new Hat Pins, small and dainty A few Senior Pins left. The University Book Store 340 North 11th Street OLIVER, FRIDAY, JUNQ 7th A-Mid-Summer Night Dream (HKNIOK PLAY MATINEE AND EVENING Engraved dunce programs done in Lincoln. Ooker Engralng company Hrownoll block. For your orchestra call O. L. Jones. Auto L-8605. YOU FAIR DAMSELS a pair of my nifty kicks $2.50 and $2.95 BUDD 1413 O UPSTAIRS Try Cur Luncheonettes They are always the best We serve hot and cold drinks all winter lonjr. LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN South West Cor. 14th O Washington University Medical School Admission requirements two years of college work Including English, German, physicB, chem istry and biology. Full time staffs In leading clinics as well as in laboratory branches. lifri tranco examinations September iJ4-2f. Session begins Septem ber 30. For catalogue and in formation address Washington University Hedical School 1806 LOCU8T STREET, 8T. LOUI8. MO.