Xlbe H)a(h IRebraskan VOL. XL NO. 155. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1912. Price 5 Cents COMMENCED PROGRAM OUT BACCALAUREATE ADDRESS TO BE FIR8T EVENT. JUNE 12TH TO BE ALUMNI DAY Commencement Address In Auditorium Instead of at St. Paul's Church as Was Last Year. CHAIRMAN CALLED TO ACCOUNT FOR DEFICITS ON CLASS PLAYS i INTEREST IN Y.W.C.A. CONFER ENCE HELD AT CASCADE, COLO. Outstanding Debts of Hop Committees Have Been Handed to Professor Chatburn by the Lincoln. Several Other States Will Be Repre sented and a Qood Time for All Delegates Present Is Assured. The program for commencement week waa yesterday given out from tho Registrar's office The first event of the week will be the baccalaureate address to the class of 1912. Rt. Rev J. Henry Tlhen, Bishop of Lincoln, will be the speaker The address will be given at Memorial Hall on Sunday, June 9, at 8.00 p m Admission Is without ticket On Tuesday, June 11, will occur the annual meeting of the Board of Re gents. Much Important business will bo transacted at this time Wednesday, June 12, has been set aside as alumni day. Prom flam until 2 p. m. there will be various class breakfasts and luncheons. At 4 p. m a business mooting of all Ne braska alumni will bo held at the State Farm. Dr. Iouise Pound will deliver an addross, which will be open to the public. From 5 to 7:30 p. m., the alumni banquet will be hold, also at tho Farm. Immediately after wards the alumni will return to the Temple for their annual cotillion. Thursday, June 13, will be com moncomont day. Promptly at 10 o'clock the commencement procession will start from the Library, headed by Commandant Yates. The order of the procession is as follows: University band; Regents, Chancellor ana guests of the Univer sity; administrative officers and members of the faculty; alumni and former students; candidates for de grees; Btudents and friends. At 10:15, in tho Auditorium, in stead of at St. Paul's church as last year, the commencement address will bo given by Charlos Edward Merriam, Ph.D., professor of political science. University of Chicago, on "Citizen ship." Owing to the size of the graduating class, reserved seat tickets this year will be given to them and to the fac ulty only Alumni and out of town guests will have to take their chance when the doqrs are thrown open to tho public at 10:15. The festivities of the week will close with a reception given by Chan cellor and Mrs. Avery to tho Regents, faculty and alumni. The reception will be hold in the Art Hall of tho Library from 8 to 9:30 p. in. Recently the Lincoln hotel handed in a largo number of accounts to Pro fessor Chatburn, chairman of tho com mittee on Btudont finances, showing that Btudents In charge of tho Uni versity hops and parties have been negligent in paying the bill for the dance hall or "ordinary," or both In the aggregate the committee doea not see fit to give out the definite amount of these accounts, as perhaps it is not thoroughly known even to them, but, to say the least, it is no small sum. From a number of Interviews with some of the chairmen of these hopB, the committee have come to tho con clusion that these deficits have not come about through intended embez zlement on tho part of the dance com mittees, but rather on account of care lessness in keeping straight the ac counts of the dance and receiving a receipt for all the money paid out. One Btudenl swears that ho had in his possession about twenty ticketB to a certain hop to sell, and out of these twenty tickets he sold three; he brings his wltneBseB to Bwear to this fact, yet ho cannot account for the other seventeen tickets that he did not sell ' It is such cases as this," says Pro feshor Tuckerman of tho student finance committee, "that are making the matter a mean thing to handle As for the young man's honesty in this affair. I don't think that can be questioned; yet, he Bhould have been FINANCES M GOOD SHAPE TREASURER REPORT8 A SATIS FACTORY BALANCE. LONG INVESTIGATION IS OVER Much interest is being arouacd among the membera of the Young Woman's Christian Association In tho summer conference to be hold at Cas cade, Colo., from June 21 to July 1 Cascade is eleven miles wobI of Colo rado Springs, In one of the moBt beau tif ill parts of the state The dele gates from Nebraska are planning to go In a special car with the delegates from the University of South Dakota. South Dakota sends sixteen girls. Other status represented are Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Kansas and New .Mexico. Ab UBiial, classes and lectures will be held In the mornings, leaving the afternoons free for recreation, Includ Ing trips to the Garden of the Cods, the Cliff Dwellers, Cave of the WindB and other points of interest One afternoon Is set apart for "College Day," when the delegates from the different schools give "stunts," hold intercollegiate basketball games and tell of their college customs The delegates have the exclusive use of the Hotel Ramona at Cascade, which is converted into a real dormi tory for the college glrlB Summer cottages near the hotel are used alBo Contrary to the popular idea, a Hum mer conference does not mean all les Hons and lectures Tho girls at Cas CUUU MIJIMIU il WWR UI I UIW It'Clt'UUUIl among the mountains kodaking, boating, taking side trips to various points, and meeting girla from other Buck Reports a Balance of $95.03 Yale Holland 8ubmlts Statement of 1911 Pan-Hel. At a regular meeting of tho Intor fratornlty Council, held last evening, tho treasurer gave out the following report of the council's finances. It is complete and shows all recelpta and expenditures for 1911 and 1912, which give a balance of $95.03. Tho report is tho result of long and porslstont efforts on the part of the council and is gratifying not only because of tho balance Bhown, but because It culmi nates a tedious task. Following is the treasurer's report: Receipts. From Wilson, former troaB- urer $ 36.73 From BoylcB, chairman Pan Hel banquet 30.35 From Holland, chairman Pan Hel. dance 46.85 . . i . .. . . nnllnima nrwl oWIao frnm TMnh t r Vuf more careiul and retained tne oilier i -""-"'-" """ -" i-. .'- seventeen tickets that he did not aell ' Mexico There is no restraint and no Had thiB been done the dance commit- I formality Immediately after the tee could have determined with H I clote of the conference the girls will have opportunity to take excursions to Cripple Creek and Pike's Peak Girls interested in the trip to Cas Total receipts $113.93 Expenditures. Printing bill, 1911 rules $ Stenography, .May, 1911 Notebook cover and paper. . . Stenographic Bureau October, 1911 November, 1911 February, 1912 May, 1912 May 21. 1912 Stamps, Interfraternlty Coun cil, for year 1911-1912 5.75 2.21 .50 2.46 1.54 .31 1.28 .75 4.10 greater degree of certainty jiiBt where they were." "In few caBes," further sayB Profes- (Continuod on page 4) PAN-HEL TO BEGIN AT EIGHT cade may secure pamphletB telling about it at the Y. W C A. office. NOTICE TO SENIORS. Seniors may secure tickets for the senior play by presenting their assess ment receipt at the Oliver Theatre on or after Friday, May 31. A block of the best seats will be held in reserve for the seniors In every part of the house, for either performance, but will go on sale to the general public at 6:00 p. m., Tuesday, Juno 4. V. C. HA8CALL, Manager. Many Surprises to Be Sprung at An nual Fraternity Party and a Good Time Assured. The Pan Hel which is to be held at the Auditorium this evening, is to be gin at 8 o'clock sharp. There are to K0SMET KLUB ELECT MEMBERS Several Plays Are Being Written to Be Submitted Next Fall and Also Several Songs. The KoBinet Klub held ltB laBt meet ing of the year last evening for the purpose of electing members to fill be at least twenty dances, so that it the vacancies caused by graduation is Important that the grand march The membership of the club is limited shall begin on scheduled time. Iridic I to twelve and since only five members Walt 1b to perform for the last time I graduate, a corresponding number this year Nui sed Rumor has it that several surprises are to be sprung in the way of en gagements and the like and Interest from u purely curious standpoint is at fever heat Ab usual, the .dunce will be Btrictly Informal and will offer an excellent opportunity for the initial appearance of new summer dresses and straw huts. All who have 8lngle Tax petitions are asked to leave them at the "Rag" office at their earliest convenience. Program Postponed. Professor Grummann announces that on account of the holiday Thurs day, the musical program scheduled for convocation Thursday will be post poned until the following Tuesday. Cornhusker Picnic at Woods. Tho membera of tho Cornhusker stuff will bo the guests of Miss Bran son at her cottuge in Pen woods to morrow. The affair will be in the nature of a picnic to laBt from early in the morning until evening Now that the Btrain of putting tho final touches to the book has been removed the staff will lapse Into care-free In dulgence and enjoy Itself to tho utmost. were elected for the coming year These were selected from tho upper classes of the University as follows: Roy Allen, Ned Allison, Merle How1 ard, Blaine Balluh und Guy Reed. The Klub has already commenced its preparations for next year and has under consideration several play written, or in the proceBB of construe tion The members realize that they will have to put forth every possible effort to equal the standard set this year und in consequence are taking time by the forelock. Total expenditures $ 18.90 Amount on hand $ 95.03 SAM BUCK, Treaa. 1911-1912. May 28, 1912. Statement of Yule Holland, chair man of committee, Pan-Hellenic danco of 1911: Receipts. Boylea Delta Tau Delta $ 24.00 Wilson Beta Theta PI 14.00 Halligan -Phi Delta Theta 26.00 Krause Kappa Sigma 10.00 Pomerlne Sigma Alpha KpBi- lon 18.00 Coffee- Alpha Tau Omega.. . 18.00 Rubenduhl Alpha Theta Chi . 20.00 Huwley Sigma Nu 20.00 Welsh- Delta UpBllon m 22.00 Kenner Phi Kappa Psi 18.00 Buck Phi Gamma Delta 20.00 Holland Sigma Chi, and tick ets sold at the door 50.00 Company M Smoker. Company "M" will have the laat smoker of the year at the Bushnell Guild, 1536 P street, this evening. Several old officers of the company will be present to encourage the com pany spirit. Total receipts $260.00 Expenditures. Programs $ 23 . 50 Auditorium . 75.00 Sign 2.75 Music 58.00 Miller & Paine 8.65 Punch, Tommy Coleman 30.00 Incidentals 15.25 Total expenditures $213.15 Surplus $ 46.85 NOTICE. The senior assessment Is now due anji will be collected by those author ized to do so. Upon payment of this assessment each senior will be given an order entitling him to $2.00 worth of tickets to the senior play, on Fri day, June 7.