wwwsr..il9iiasrMn THE DAILY NEBRASKAN CONTEST NARROWS IN FRAT BASEBALL SCHEDULE . 1 With ho little Interest that mont of the gamoH of those who do not have u chance for a top place are being forfeited, the scheduled Inter fiatern lty baseball Kiiriu-H arc being played off until now hut a few games loinain to bo played At the pioseiit time the I) ' 'h are at the head of the first (IIvIhIoii and the Phi Cams and l'lii PhI's at the head of the second The game between Hie two latter In iioheduled Tor June 1. hut In all prob ability It will be played off before that time, alter which the inter dl mion name will be plaed between the win nor of that game and the I). U. team. The ruling of the teams ho far Ih ii h follows- First Division. Won Ujst I'd ( t Delta UpHilon ." U 1000 Hutu Theta IM . I 1 S00 Delta Tan . . 1 2 .ti'-.J Kappa Hlgma . . . U 'i 000 Alpha Tau Omega (J :'. 000 Alpha Thota Chi. . 0 V 000 Second Division. Won IxiHt PorCt. Phi (iumma Deltu l 1000 l'lii Kappa 1'hI . . :'. 0 1000 Sigma Alpha Kpsllon U 1 GGC Slgmu Chi 1 1 .T.OO Phi Delta Theta 2 i .400 Sigma Nu 0 li .000 Sigma Phi Kpsllon 0 li .000 There remains the following gamoB to be played Heffley's Suits $20 Up na, Biggest Clothing Values Your Dollars Can Buy Greater Actual Value Cannot Be Woven, Cut, Tailored or Pressed into a Suit Tnan We Offer You at $15.00, $20, or $25,00 The man who limits his expenditure for a suit to $15, $20 or $25 and refuses to regard that as an argument why he should not expect ut most value and maximum style, will find us of the same opinion. We have proved to hundreds that clothes satisfaction can be bought at $15, $20 and $25 without sacrifice of style, quality, workmanship and individuality. These Garments reveal that perfection of tailoring, which is the basis of our reputation as clothes sellers. These are busy times. Men are outfit ting. Now is the time we should serve you. Armstrong Clothing Company Sigma Alpha Kpsllon Beta Theta PI, May 2H Sigma l'hi Kpnllon Sigma Chi, May l'hi Delta Theta- Sigma Nu, June 1 Phi lamina Delta Sigma Alpha Kp hIIoii, June 1. l'hi Camilla Delta l'hi Kappa Psi. I niio i FIND ARGUMENTS FALLACIOUS (Continued from page 1) majoiity It Ih one of the unavoidable weaknesses in all human affairs Klftli It will not Htimulnte hi hool spiiit Hince It I'i'iiioM's the incentive ol the management to cieate and do elop Hchool Hpitit' The falsity of tliiH Htatemeiit appearH on its own lace School spirit (Ioch not come fiom Incentive offered in the fonns of liargahiH to the individual Like na tional patrlotiHin, it comes from ,i unity of IntoroHt in a common ciuiho Die amount which the individual (lis plays depends on the Interest which each hiiH in tlie common enterprise The .single ta tends to produce a common IntoroHt and unitv in the student body rather than sectionalism which ia ho destructive to a whole some school spirit This plan Is a light agaiiiHt Hoctlonalism. a thing that has had too great n hold on the No braska student body Sixth It encourages extravagance, since economic management does not become ho necessary " This seems to assume that all men are dishonest and will throw away money simply because they have it It ignores the fact that the books are to be open to the inspection of the students and that they are given an opportunity to Tailors and n Nifty Styles know what becomes of their money It Ih neither fair nor sound to assume that the special committee of the fac ulty will he dishonest .No pi oof can lie touud in Hiippoit ot this conten I ion Seventh s in the past, meiitand not compulsion should be the prime l.ictoi in vanous 1 niversity aetivitioH in engaging the Hiippoit of the stu-ilt-iit This is a repetition of the pi i son. il libeitv idea expressed in the lust leason Most favoiahle to the opposition, it is assumed th.it the woiil in-1 it means benelit to the whole 1 'niversity How is a met Hon ous tiling to be done without tirst 'having the moiiev '' It surely would not he I, in to make a few fuinish monev to put out a paper to se-e vv bethel these people would suppoit it oi not They might latei decide, .is has been done in the past, to read it over anothei's should! Then how is then to be oinpet it ion in any of these lines when all aie a pait ot the I niveisitv"' A single being cannot compete against itself It this idea ol ( uinpetition is to be countenanced, the athletics and the Nebraskan should be auctioned off to private en tei prise so that theie can be competi tion It all were in different private hands there could he competition S (). C VACATION MONEY. Do You Really Want to Make Money During Your Vacation. We have tin best money making opportunity for inexperienced men we know of Our instructions com bined with eneigy and ambition on your pait are sufficient to make It highly piofltable As number of openings is limited, write today to Kmploy meiit Dept . P V Collier & Son, publishers of good books, 4 1 G West nth street. New York Kngraved dance programs done in Lincoln Ocker Engralng company Brow noil block Receive Medical Degrees. (Continued from pago 1.) tlons in the plan aB seem doBlrablo and to direct the details of its execu tion Upon Chancellor Avery's recom mendation, Vere Culver was appoint ed field worker in the Agricultural Extension department, alHO the title of Howard J (Jramlich was changed from assistant in soil agronomy to assistant superintendent of agricul tural extension Ivan D. Wood was appointed asHist ant instructor in farm drainage and rural architecture in the Department of Agricultural Engineering R. I. Moore was appointed instructor in lorge work for the seven months' term of the School of Agriculture, be ginning November, 1!U2, and J. P Burke was appointed instructor in Cadets Preparing for Compet. farm machinery and farm motors in the same department, bis services be ginning August I. 11U2 The Association of Komensky Cluba presented a petition for permission to erect upon the I'niversity campus a statue of the Bohemian educator, Ko mensky This matter is referred to a committee coiiBiBting of Regent Hal ler, Chancellor Avery and Professor Barbour The committee was given power to act (Continued from pago 1.) each company marches past the win ning company at preBent arms. In the eyening comes the annual shirt tail parade up O street A visit is made to all the theatres and places or refreshment about town Free treats and other sundry pleasures are enjoyed at the expense of the Lln colnltes. Y.V. C A. Merchant Tailor Shop Suits Cleaned, Repaired and Pressed Shop in Basement Y. M. C. A. Bldg. GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS f