The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 24, 1912, Image 4

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Of Special Interest to Men-
Men's Neckwear
Men's Union Suits
W ,11 I Ills 'J !(! III tlli-lll
show ii ill .ill tin ii'" Imi s iii.iiIi-
ill silk Mini U mil Ul-llplllH- I I i I
silili- .iinl lull l iin-lu-s Imiir
N nil Will .l! i-rlMl e I llf i-.isr Willi
w tin 1 1 I Ih-si- si IK I ir-s slip I In Kiiirli
I In i lnsi- I nlil i iiIIm I s
(()() I'orous K nit mihI Ai lulli-s
XmiiisooK I'tiKin Suits tluit usual
Iv s.-ll I'm- $1 00 a suit Two ot
tin- most popular summer ,rar
Rudge & Guenzel Co.
The University Sales Company To
You Who Sell, or Want to Sell,
Goods and Make From $300 to
$1 000 Tins Summer
SIMM ll 111"1 lll.llUll till plOpOSl
tiolls lll.ll .Hi 1,1-1 .111(1 i asS srllils
ami i;ii ,onil (niniii-- -mn Usm imi
has i- lii-i ii pi i si ui i d iinl mils .i 1 1 w
lni i i iin lit mi mil ot i i i
I en nn n ui nun n who III f- in I .1 ii .ISS
I II 1.1 1 1 In l .lll-i- I In ll.l I .1 III I llli-ss
in ililln nil piiipiisitioii 111.- lollnw iiik
,il IK 1 1 , will In s i tin I l I ill selh i , .111(1
the pi opl, wliu liu u ill alssass lie
e,lad Mill i all. il ll is .Is i ,tsN to lil.lki
$l() to .1 das ttHh .HI .11 t K l- Unit
almost sells llsclt .is It Is lo 111. ike
fiom $'.iMi lo . mi with ,i haul om
We put Mill 111 IiiikIi with the 111, Mill
faitlllel Mill ileal with 1 1 1 III We et
soil a lowei pin i III, ill oll ( ollhl Mill!
Hull aud tllL-l i- is no ( haie to sou loi
OUI sel K e
Mt-ll ,lle ,lel.H;in -f J ,i d.l cle.U
taklllK oldi Is loi .1 Seed I in 11 IllllM
Almost esiis l.lllllel who l.llses .HIS
amount ol (oin Inns Ml snin tei
iltois no deli ei in; ()nl nood
salesmen will lie .uiepted oil Jills
proposition .Is the t ft I 1 1 ol ( .IIIIIDl lie
Hope M.iKi l l.lki s lope out ot
hllldlllK Iwiin (osls .men! '"( ,illd
sells loi $' .h Should he pood tol fill
a d.i oi moie
The SpH Span Waidiohe Maj; i o
has i om-- Ii.k k I li i an a liundi d
In i i n t inn I in sda ninlit and is
epei tt d to make llsoll flit lit t h
( oe 11 ! HO Ills hest ( llllstllias Is
1 1 n ml i ii k into l.ui (omlition and is
epe(ttd lo pl.K e 111 tin tSotSS(llt
ll,lllli tin sill pi Ise ot till si asoll
in tin low huidles had anotlni stsiie
I, ill louda hut in no w i has it in
tellelid with this Weeks pi ,l( ( 1( (
lie has some ii last mill lo unit
at tin- inn! satind.iN hut will maki a
ii la oi alih show im, loi i til st
si asoii man in an iinl thit iisiialls
laki s s eai s ol pi ,u t l( e
ihiaska ( ham i s in iin iii.utii
aii (iinliiiid to se( oml pl.K t Miasii
who has inn ( onsisti lit l all si ason
ssith Id, union will puslf an oi iliim
Hi, union has hi t n in el pool shape
all season owiiik laiels lo tin (old
weathei lie is a hot sseatlni man
ami .should he heitei Satuidas than
at ans nine this spi fun 1 nese nun
also ha e to meet Itel llloml
UatfH, haw u meet -luiia. Llm Jai
hawkel, and l)llll ol Des Mollies ( ol
h-Kt' in the two mile Moth ol these
men aie mod loi less than ten nun
Utes in the lonn and Matis will to make heitei tune than ti
heloie to win lie mas phi( e how
In the ielas ehiaska should In
aiiioin; the slimmest I he hall mile
will piohahh he Ma hiistinas
K.iich and Win us Ml ol this quai
lette ale Mod lot -' ' st(oll(ls in tin
t w o t w ( nt w Iin li is the distam i i a h
man must i un 'I he mih I am wil
ei s and pi oti i Is suils i;o im and I in s . . , . . , ,, (
1 he Vndeison, Mnaei Mianiioii ,u
iioin odoi diisi ami mollis is neai
low pi ii ed a ml a w oi id i i I ul sel lei with
hoth men and women pents hot M
men ami women .tie making lioiii$H
to $JI) ll das We I ei oi'inielid It as
the lastest selh i we hae eii seen
New Mauls l.ieasei A Ilatnon
with a nioose NN (' do not as set
know how this aitiile will sell hut it
will i-iease pants while on oi oil and
should he a last sellei
Win.- iod.i i ivi:ksi i y s i,i:s
( OM1' NX1! l()W A ( ITY I Oigan
leis wanted d
Maines. with Midowan as an al
ti 111. tie None ol tin 111 ale slowei
than i J whnli means a ital last ham
Purdue Entries Filed.
The entiles tol the I'llldlle lilt ft to
he held at a el I c. Indiana on June
lst hae heen an liouiu t d as follows
Kid said dash H.u els ( hiistinas
Mas and Whei i ,
J J 1 1 said dash Kaiels ( hiistinas
and lif 1 1 s
ltd said dash Measei and Mian
sso janl 1 1111 Mi (low an and Met kei
One mile i un ndeison
L'20 aul huidles Maines
These ini-ii lease loi I'm due on l-'i i
heat to i.tptuie the half mile esi-nt mis- May :! I
Mel inond )llshetl the peel less Dutt'll
I ( on t i n iif (1 tiom pagf 1 )
poll last spline in the ( olifeieuie
UK el lo sin Ii all eti lit that he had
to make a ol 1 "S in onlei to
heat tin hoim dasse, man To heat
the 1 1 1 1 ; i oi iihuskei Mei inond will
hasi to i nine ( oiisidei ahls umlei t ss o
Ulllltl s
Mis i In i.u ot last seal s team
Geography 10.
I'leld stutlles at Milton! Satiudas
Ksei inemhei of the i lass lead Iml
lf-t i ii r t
DON'lOl-; ClUKl-M I'll
For your orcliestia call O L Jones
Auto L8605
Heffley's Tailors
Suits, $20 Up no, and n Nifty Styles
Now is the time to
New Mouldings Best Work
Moderate Prices
f WM&Pfkd,
Hook Sortion Sei-oi d Floor Anmx
Management of
University Glee and
Mandolin Clubs
The Glee Club: together with the
Mandolin Club will give their first
annual concert since their consolida
tion under the University authorities
Oliver Theater, Friday Evening, May 24
Prices, $1.00, 75c, 50c