The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 24, 1912, Image 2

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3Dail IRcbvashan
Published liy the Student 1'ublira
tloii I ton t c of the I'nUtTHlty of No
hi hhU.i
library and Incidental fees are now
paid, for the purpose of raising a fund
each semester to be devoted toward
the support of student activities of the
University, and to be apportioned in
the following manner: Sixty per cent
to be devoted to the support of inter
EDITORIAL STAFF colleni.iti .-it hint ir- tvu.nw r,.. ,.. .
Kdltor SKMM.K K IIOI-MKS the Daily Ncbraskan, and the remain
Maii,u;in-' I diloi I' (' M( ( 'KI,I. ' mg twenty per cent to be divided by
Ahhik late I ililm 111 IM'ON S 1111,1, the Board of Regents among the afore
Ahhih l.ll l
named and other student activities as
occasion may ari6C, each and every
student paying such fee to be entitled
to admission to all intercollegiate
athletic contests and debates, and to
Ahm'I Man.iKi-i. ..I V MORRISON a subscription to the Da. ly Nebraskan
Cliciil.illoii Manager .. l.l'A) H UK ION J for the semester for which the fee is
paid; provided, however, that the
said fees may be remitted by the
Chancellor in favor of any student
who, upon satisfactory showing to
him, may be found financially unable
to pay the same; such Btudcnts not
to be allowed free admission to any
of the intercollegiate athletic con
tests or debates, or subscriptions to
the Daily Ncbraskan.
Maiiiip-r . ...CC BUCHANAN
Pay.ible In Advance
Single Copies, 6 Cent Each.
Telephone. Auto 1888
Night PhoneB Auto 1HHH, Editor, Auto
1035, Manager. Auto 18J1 lit III'- piiHtollli lit I.IikhIm,
Nflll IMl l II 1 Hi I mill I ish in ill m 1 1 tl'l .
UMili'l till! Alt llf I'llllKII HH of M.lllll J,
krii . m . j i ':
Till- l.ll t lll.ll the students 1 e.ille
tile Weakness wllllll haillpelS tllell
all inn ei sit nitiulies was i nli ii( eil
lit the f '( ill 1 1( .1 1 H ill esteli,i when
Friday, May 2-1.
(Ilee ( 'hill concel t
I ell.i C.unni.i pit nil- dam e
Saturday, May 2'.
Ki n ( luh
the applamhd h.aitiU .it l(.i ' Sliid.nis I itu i lul
inond s, we aie In-lit
MIK I' spun ol s llisliiu ss wliu 1 1
causes OUT Ulltelsl -, 1 1 1 1 It to hie, ill
into .: IHMI )K ( es e e nilUll W III II tin
Ih e o ( o K W hist le blow s '
'I lie show ol .liil el , loll ,il Ih is
HolllcW ( .Itlsl ti lillt s I ( 1 1 I I in
St.llellli III ol the i Xllllu; (oliilllloll Is
el elicolll iirill)' Il shows the
Htudiiit In mI has taUv enough ini.i
est in its own wilt.ite ami pioiues
Hloii to si i- tin- ui,iUiii"sis ami lo
seek a letueils s I'lotissol lllllllit
lit IIIU ohsei i il t he I ni el sil like
the nation has a (eiulim
to lest iii sum,' i iiiiiplai i in ami le
K-iid llsill as ast supeiiot We
admit that sin h a tendein i ists, hut
iht vm v uf it ami Uie.spnit
which its- mention amuses shows
it is to lie shoi t lis, d
It I ' Scott 'I links like a li! e in
theilKht (llleitioii Should ;ualalilee
the slicci ss ot slml, ut lllldol t ikllijv
and st i inula t c a mote i i v u , luaska
ppn it "
fe I' i i mil i .i I am in tavoi
of an tno eineiit that will i . suit in
making sllldellt llle inol e eltei lir ami
deiuoi lain at i luaska It will sue
(,,' d ol I. ul in pi opoi I ion to tlit- in
let i st taki II li the stllili Ills 1 et lis
Mi dual Sim let
I'lu Delta 1'ln dam ,. i Id a h
I'lainalic ( luh banqin t
Xi Helta 'I In ta house
SlU i 1 Si I pi 111 1.I IH Hi I
I ' 'nl Milled I lolll p.le 1 )
si In nies and join in In luiul om lui
."ill I IllVel slt si heme , must i ,
tok'ethi i e ( annul s. i v tin ,,m
ll'IMIItN atti I we 1, ae ( ol), i , ,m, .
We r,e sollle c oil) In II II 1 1 spun wlnli
students at that i oiler, II, i, an
thiee thousand, students who ,u, sup
posed to he the pu k ol the stat, It
these sllldcllls ( ould ol would ' I '
together on nil) one p'oposilioil tlun
14 no luniL to what beneliLial
llell( es miKlit befall the 1 n,, ,sit j
When we do this we har ,t ,m, ,
Mty, instead ol a hi hool that ininhl, s
into thiee thousand pieci s e.i nilit
litter he o ( lock The sllmle l.n w ill
mill v llie stmleiii boilj, and should he
adopted "
1 "' !' Sllrluu ill ( lai, ,1 that ih,
KM atest l.m lit to .it hi. Ik s I loin th.
single tax w ill ( om,. u ),,.,, , Sl , N ,,,
,u '" I' ' lliai he has a i. il mi, i, si
111 hls ''" 'lid will add his spun and
Inns to the suppoi I ol that , am
1'lofessoi llunlei wain, d l,,. st u
ih Ills o I X ( 1 ) I . 1 s k . 1 II,.! 1 1 , , ,
,1'Ml"l ""; "'"'" "'"' ""' '"' H'" """'. too will sails,,, ,1 w,,,, all
al;ll;lc; ,,v ,h" ""' i" i ii.m- .,.i.,su.l ,nst.tut.o,.s. .1Mli i,.,, uMI
wl11 lH' "' r'11'" "' "" '!. "" iselfsa.i.lKe ,s the makMu- ol ., man
i ,i .1 ...... .. , , . i
'. .',u.wi in . onee ol Ml Ml. al t. I
Xeluaskaiis will have a (h.ilne ti;
expiess their appioal ol the single
tax Jiloposed esteid.l at ((limitation
1 SIKUIIU; the tiillowilin petllloll
which lulh explain! the plan I
enough aie in faor th.. Keents wil
nndoubledU ( onsulei tln niatlei. so it
is now " ' 1 1 1 to iin ' n mmi favor him i
tllMlKH fol ehl.lsk.l
"We, the undersigned students of
the University of Nebraska, hereby
petition the Board of Regents to au
thorize a regular fee of three dollars
for the first semester and two dollars
for the second semecter, each year, to
be paid by all students in the College
of Arts and Sciences, the Teachers
College, the College of Engineering,
the College of Law and the College of
Medicine, to the Secretary of the
Board of Regents, at the time of regis
au, SB jouueuj aiuee au,; uj 'Oujjaj
Of Chicago,
Otter elliploNinelll to ten inoi,. stll
il nts this siitmm i , $m a month
Kuaianteed salat , expenses ad
anced, ;,i) j), .- c,.nt coniiiiission, no
samples, excellent teuitoiv in lour
.states Kort men kiii n tli
I "ill el sit
Address Ho ill' I Station
lancoln, Xebt
Medals Giveh Out.
Medals won at lv Da ti.n k in. el
will he KiM'ii out in M.m hanic its
libi.uv Krulay May HI. l'HL', m ni) to
12 no a in
Blue Serge Special
No. 5 1 30
All Wool
P'7 0r'
The Greatest Serge ever manufac
tured to sell at a popular price
It's an excellent piece of cloth, good color
with an even soft twill, and it's absolutely
guaranteed pure wool, fast color, full indigo
and lull weight.
The suit is also guaranteed to hold its shape
and to give satisfaction in every detail of its
wear, or a new one in its place.
Come in, try them on and when you have ex
amined them in every detail vou will say
with us it's equal does not exist at the price.
Speier & Simon
KiiKiaed dance prograniH done in
Lincoln Ocker KiiKra Iiik company
Hrounell block
(JT Three months to pay
II your iag Subscription
$2 00 Hats.
Better You See Em
Cow is the Time
1415 O St.
1415 O St.