The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 21, 1912, Image 4

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Nebraska fncoa tho Missouri Valley
track moot, to bo held Friday and Sat
urday nt Dob MoIiioh, with her strong
oat inon In roiidinoBH for the contest,
but wltli Btnall hopes of defeating MIb
Bourl, her cloBost competitor In tho
light for llrBt place Kansas Fnlvor
Blty and Coo College are competitors
to be foarod alBO, and tho prospects
for an exciting moot are good
Itacoly 1b getting Into better trim
and li 1b entry will add materially to
NebniBka'B chances of victory,
lleckor, tho crack long dlBtance run
nor, and "Honny" Mc(iowan are show
lug up well In tho dally work outH
KoavlB and Wherry, the track men
who attended the recent cadet en
campment, are both badly stiffened
and they may be left out of the final
outrioH Friday If these bad effect b do
not disappear In the meanwhile
Missouri will be represented in the
weights by the Anderson brothers,
who have starred for the last tso
yearn In Valley track meets. Nebras
ka has no one who can touch either of
these men unless they far exceed all
records made so far this year. The
"houir song" men are also rumored to
have a new crackerjack shot putter
thlB year, which is more bad news to
Nebraska. Nicholson, who runs the
high hurdles for .Missouri, holds the
honor of winning in the Pennsylvania
relay games hiBt year lie Is consid
ered a very probable member of the
American Olympic team this year
Huxey, the low hurdle man, Btandfl an
one of the fastest men In the Valloy
In this event.
Coo Collego 1b to bo well ropro
Rented in the sprints. Wilson Is ''"
known throughout the weat aB a fnRt
100 yard and 220 yard man and will
probably uphold IiIb reputation in I1"'
meet Friday In the hurdles Coe will
hay Htunkard, another man Bchodulfl
to make the Olympic team this yenr
The mile race promises to be inter
eBtlng Faniuar of Kaunas will be "
the Job again and a merry meeting l
In prospect between bini and Awler
son In the long distance eventH
The preliminaries for the meet will
In- held Frldav. but tho fl.mlu will in
cur Saturday afternoon NobnmU h
team will leave Thursday noon Alwt
fifteen or Blxteen men will be taken
the number being limited by the ex
pense of the long trip to Des Molw'R
In the workout this afternoon, !'iy
Reed will run a handicap race wl'h
Nebraska's sprinters Need in "m
ning regular and Is making a strong
attempt to come back into bin "''I
shape before tlie Olympic tryoi'tH.
which are to be held .luno Hth at ( lii
cago The team to go fr()m xdinitika
to attend these tryouts now iiirlmles
Reed, Mc(!oan and Uacely Kafeh
made tne decision to enter the P"'
lltninarles but recently, but has been
kept in good condition by his work an
a representative of Nebraska All
three of these men are. considered
very fast in their particular line ami
their chances of making places on lli'
team seem good
I . ' '"' 'J '
All students should tIbU th "CoV
ego Inn Barbr Shop at 127 Nortb
12th S L Chaplin, Prop.
Heffley's Tailors
Suits $20 Up nth and n Nifty Styles
C. H. Froy. lorlst, 1133 O fit. tf
Thornburg'B Orchestra Auto B 2J5G
Boyd Printing Co, 12S No. 12th St
Typewriting, call evenings, Auto
5554. 1313 10t
Tod Marrlnor, Cleaner and Hatter,
235 No 11th.
Havo Graves print It for you. 233
North Eleventh St.
Jean Sullivan. 'OH, of Broken Bow
will spend the week in Lincoln
Georgo Bros., expert printers, en
CravcrB and embossers, 13th and N.
XI Delta held a luncheon at the
Lincoln hotel last Saturday for their
May lBt Is tho date when all sub
scriptions to tho Rag should bo paid
Are you Btlll delinquent?
l)r Maxey was seen on the campus
with a brand new straw hat estc
day Very becoming doctor
Subscribers to the Rag have hail
three inontliB since Tag Day to pay
their subscriptions. Please pay up at
Tho "Whatsoever" committee of the
Y. W. C. A will meet Tuesday even
ing at five o'clock in the Y. W C A
It is now time for low shoes Go
to Rogers & Perkins, they have all
tho late, up-to-date styles and can fit
and please you.
Rosetta Skinner, who lias been
teaching at Scotts Bluff will spend the
next two weeks with her aunt Mrs
V H Ferguson
Ivy Day May 22, 1912. Inter-class
field and track meet. Medals awarded
to the winners. Freshmen are especi
ally urged to compete.
Kha and Clara Hammer who h.i'i
been spending a feu das at tin- Delt.i
('annua house returned to their home
in Harlan, Iowa, yesterda
Y.W. C A.
Merchant Tailor Shop
Suits Cloancd. Ropnired and ProBsod
Shop in Basomont Y. M. C. A Bldg.
Capital Tailoring & Clothes Co.
Suit cleaned and prced by the
month $1.50. High Clai Tailoring
AutoL HjiH II-K5 O St.
C. A. Tucker
S. S. Shean
Your Palronagi Solicited
Washington University
Medical School
Admission requirements two
years of college work including
English, German, physics, chem
istry and biology Full time
staffs in leading clinics as well
as in laboratory branches. En
trance examinations September
21-.") Session begins Septem
ber ?,0 For catalogue and in
formation address
Washington University
Hedical School
Biggest Clothing Values Your Dollars Can Buy
Greater Actual Value Cannot be Woven, Cut, Tailored or Pressed
Into a Suit Than We Offer You at $15.00, $20.00 or $25.00
The man who limits his expenditure for a suit to $15, $20, or $25 and
refuses to regard that as an argument why he should not expect utmost value
and maximum style, will find us of the same opinion we have proved to
hundreds that clothes satisfaction can be bought at $15, $20 and $25,
without sacrifice of style, quality, workmanship and individuality.
These garments reveal that perfection of tailoring which is the basis
of our reputation as clothes sellers. These are busy times
men are outfitting--nou) is the time we should serye you.
Armstrong Clothing Company
t -.
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