THE DAILY NEBRASKAN It v y U- E)ail Bebrashan riibllHhpil by the Student Publica tion Hoard of the University of No braHka EDITORIAL 8TAFF Editor HKAHI.K F HOLMKR MainmhiK Killtor F (' Mc( ONNELI Associate Keillor ..HTUTON S HILL Associate F.dltor . Kl'TIl M I'NCKR BUSINESS STAFF Manager (' C. BUCHANAN AKH-t Manager' J. V. MORRISON Circulation Manager Ll-XJ HR1C10N SUDSCRIPTION PRICE, $2 00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, 6 Cent! Each. Telephone: Auto 1888, Night Phones Auto 1888; Editor Auto 103b; Manager, uiu 1821. Untried at Hio poHtoMlce at Lincoln. Nrl.i.iHk.i. uh Bfionil cIiirh m.ill nmtlcr. uiiili-r tl Act of Congioaa of M.ucli J 1ST'.) - Tl FSDY. MAY 21 11112 THE CHANCELLORS STATEMENT. The Chancellor, after an extended consultation with captain ates, 1h sued the tollowing Htatement with le gaid to hiH action upon the petition presented to hun h the unlet olllcem -My attitude in icgaid to the con duct ol ceil.iln c.idetH at ( tete and the dincipllne meted out l tin- torn inandanl ( aptaln ateH. Is as lollows "I'Mist, ( aptam Yates is in eiitue charge ol the cadets in all stiicll military malteis I can do no more than to use m good otllces in asking him or borne tutuie t ommandant to give a rehearing to the offending ca dels to take Into considei at Ion new evidence, or for other causes Fur ther, I cannot reconimend to the go einor the granting of a state commlB slon to u cadet olllcer without the cointnamlant's approval, any more than I can recommend a senior for a state teacher's certificate without the approval of the head of the depart ment In which the prospective teach er's major work has been taken 1 have already gone as far as 1 feel jus tilled in the present instance 1J hull eating to a few of the otllceis of the battalion that they have mv peimis slon to leqtieHt in a lespectful way that the commandant grant a new heal ing ' On the other hand, the matter of retaining in the l'nlvemlty cadets charged with misconduct resth i utile 1 in my hands An request from the commandant lot suspension or e pulsion has precisely the same effei I as a request Irom any other olhcial ot the institution it is, then-tore, en tin-ly possible for a student to gradu ate fiorrr the I niveihitv with a clean record ho t it r as the scholastic side ot his woik is concerned without his being continued in the battalion or recommended to the goverrioi ot the state b the commandant lor a com mission in the national guard on graduation Irom the I'niveraitv " Dean Stout Inspecting. , Dean O V 1' Stout lelt yesterday tor a two weeks trip to the Kast He will Inspect the equipment ot the en glneerlng depar tnrents of Harvard University, Union College at Schnec tady. New Yoik and other large schoolB HIb classes will be taken by l'rofessor Rulderwold ot the struc tural engineering department and Pro feasor Rridgnran Dean Stout expects to return May 20th FELLOW 0FFICER8 INTERCEDE (Continued from pago 1) for the whole regiment, therefore, be it "Resolved, That we, the under signed ofllcers of the regiment, re quest another investigation of the whole matter, to be held Monday " Captain Yates, when interviewed yesterday made no Htatement h to the affair The three odlcerH give their viewH of the situation as lol lows: ( aptaln Van Dusen Hays We have attempted to take our re moval in a dignified way and our only desire Is not that we he reinstati d buU'that we be vindicated In the eyes ol all the HtudentH of the Univeisity and the people of the state The whole thing is a result of making a mountain out of a mole hill ' Wood s Htatement "I here can be no object in review ing the whole chain of events which culminated in the near riot, for by this time all who are Interested in learn ing of the matter have had ample op portunlty to acquaint themselves with the facts The poHitlotr ol the ollnei.s of K company is this m a nut shell We admit ourselves guilty of technical offense in not attempting to lestiain the men ol our company from using abusive language toward the com mandant but we llimly believe that all the men, both olllcers and pi nates aie equally guiltv ol the same offense and that there is justification for the attitude taken by the entue regimint at that time Oiu conviction was based upon the free and con fession of all the men in K I pon the sanie questions asked ot us by the com t martial anv other imn pany in the two battalions (ould have been convicted "We do not hope for r emstateiiu in hut we do ask vindication in the eve-, of the student body and all others who are at all Interested in the affair, and are confident that a fair and impartial trial would not only result irr tn-eing us from the charge placed against us but would reveal facts which would show that the blame for the entire occurrence does not rest upon any one of the cadet ofllcers "Nothing gives us more satisfaction than the knowledge that our brother ofllcerH have sufllclent confidence in our integrity and eflicierrcy as cadet olhcers to testify to then outraged feelings by unanimouslv petitioning tor a reconsideration of the whole matter, and that oui own coinpanv bv its own unswerving lovaltv fur nishes the best possible relutation ol the charge upon which we wen- (on v icteil ' Al Kenuedv second lieutenant g-vi his v lew s at, lol low s 'The men wen- all angiy when we started because thev had had to woik hard all week They were pulled out of a sound sleep and most ot the in were not awake enough to know what was going on We Ian into a bath wire fence and got the companies all mixed up. so that it was impossible to maintain company formation When Captain Yates stopped us I was in the extieine n-ai and must have been at least luu yards behind the trout of the eompun M, I and K companies wen- all mixed up, it was too daik lo tell who was doing the veiling oi who threw the clods which hit the commandant It was mv ob 'eivation that no oflietis In the n-gl ment kept order that night My only i egret is that I cannot help compain K in the compet " A College Student's Summer During the summer of 1911, a college student appointed sixty agents-undcr-contract to sell Tin, Svi i kdy Kvlminc, Post and Thk Ladiis1 Homk Journal in small towns and villages. 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