The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 21, 1912, Image 1

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    Xlbe Dailp flebraekan
VOL. XI. NO. 149.
Price 5 Cents
Captain Van Dusen and Lieutenants
Vindicated by Action of Com
pany K Yesterday.
Considerable feeling Iuib been
nroufd, especially in the military de
parttnent. over the results of the dis
turbance at Camp Averv The de
motion of the three olHcerH came as a
surprise to all and the justice of the
act has been widely questioned by the
The outbreak which caused the
court martial came, apparently as an
ultimate result of a very strenuous
8orio8 of drills and hikes, which had
exhausted the men When they were
awakened at one o'clock Saturdaj
morning and were maiched avva from
the camp the became decidedly lest
less and showed their resentment b
making rather caustic remarks about
those in authority.
To quell the disturbance a meeting
of the olllcers of the tliree companies
present was called During this meet
Ing several clods of diit were tin own
in the direction of the commandant
In i espouse to a call ior suggestions
as to what should be done, one cap
tain made the statement that he was
sure that he could quiet his tompaiij
and march them back to earn p. but no
definite action was taken These are,
as nearly as can be ascertained, the
facta of the case.
On the following morning the court
martial was held and the (hiding made
which resulted in the demotion of the
tluee olllcers of Company K Follow
ing is the order:
General Order No 10
"We, the board of cadet olllcers oi
deied to investigate and deteinnne
the facts of the disorder 1 conduct m
the presence of the Commandant bj
the cadets of the First and Thhd bat
talions about 2 a in, .May IS, 11112, do
lind the facts as shown by the evi
deuce of the men of the First and
Tli nd battalions to be as follows
"The particular disorder to be in
vestigated was Bhared in by men of
Companies 1 and K. but was more no
tieeable in Company K than In the
other companies. The olllcers of
Company I attempted to stop the dis
order, the olllcers ot Company K failed
to do so
(Signed) "A L SMITH,
"Cadet Colonel
"Cadet Lieutenant Colonel
"Cadet Major, 2d Battalion
"Cadet Major, 3d Battalion
"Cadet Captain, Commander 1st
Officers' Resolution.
The cadet officers evinced their
feelings In the mutter yesterday when
they submitted to the Chancellor a
petition, which read aB follows
"To the Chancellor
"Whereas, Practically the entire
regiment took part In the disturbance
Saturday morning, May 18, at Camp
Avery, and,
"Whereas, The officers of K com
pany received the entire punishment
(Continued on pago 2.)
HARM0N 's high man in
Harmon, Hlltner, Underwood, Becker
and May Receive the Greatest
Number of Votes.
In the athletic board election of
yesterday, Dewey Harmon drew the
top ote of 33(5, being fiS votes aboe
Ills nearest competitor Hlltner lTn
derwood. Becker and May followed in
succession, the latter two tying In
the whole election 110 oters partici
pated each casting live otes for (He
men. and out of the nine candidates
running the (he men receiving the
highest otes constitute the student
representation on the athletic board
for next year
Tho returns ran as follows- Har
mon 33fi, Hiltner 2I5S. Cnderwood 212.
Becker 230, May 230. Hanlik 212. Mc
Gowan 1S2. Rodman 177. Miller 1 !."
All Classes, Save Seniors, to Elect
Members to Publication
Board Today.
n impottant meeting of all classes.
sae the seniors, will be held this
moinmg tor the purpose of electing a
representative from each of the three
lowei classes to the Student Publica
Hon Board
The juniors will meet in Chemistrv
hall, tho sophomores in the Temple,
and the freshmen in Memorial hall
The seniors, being the graduating
( lass, have no occasion to elect mem
hers for next v ear's board
The new board "will not take olllce
until next v ear Appointments ol
stall positions for the l)ail Nebras for next semester will be made
b the present Publication Board, con
siHting of tliree student and (he fac
ul t members
Save for the junior class there up
pear to be no candidates tor an ol
these ollices In the junior class, Ben
Harrison, a member of the junior law
class is a probable candidate
T" n r r m n n 'Tv r
Cars will leave Ninth and O
M streets every fifteen minutes
M for the Beach, Tuesday night,
for the convenience of those at-
tending the Sophomore Hop.
The grand march will begin
at 8 o'clock sharp, the dance
closing at 11:30 o'clock to en-
able the dancers to catch the
last cars home.
Jones' orchestra of eight
pieces will furnish the music,
a feature of which will be sev-
- eral numbers from the Kosmet
Klub opera, "The Diplomat."
The small room, ordinarily
used for private dancing
parties, adjoining the pavilllon
- on the west, will be used for a
ladles' cloak room.
The usual punch and Ices
will be served to the dancers
In the cafe. The committee fr
has secured the exclusive use
of the park. Adv.
. AC S. 1 - ftC .k. 4. -- tf. k.
p p " "T p" "
Special Convocation to Be Held to
Promote Interest in New
It has now come to pass that the
students of the CniverBlty of Nebras
ka will have something to consider
that will be of great benellt to everv
one concerned The question is do
we want a better college paper, and
do we want our athletics run on a
more thorough financial basis? These
are the problems that are soon to be
soh ed
At present all that will be required
of the students is to watch tho bul
let In boards and to be present at the
special convocation next Thursday
morning; among other things, it
might bo well to watch the Thursday
issue of the "Rag" on this very impor
tant occasion
While tho plan haB not yet been
spread broadcast over the campUB,
and It has been deemed w iso to wait
until Thursday to formally present It,
at the same time it might be possible
to saj a woid about It here Just to let
the students know what it is all about
No doubt ever Btudent wants to see
a good, live 'Rag," one like the i'nl
veisitj of Kansas publishes, or the
I'liiveisitj ot Washington, one thai
is larger in dimensions than the pres
ent orre, and, above all, one that the
students will be proud ot There Is
no doubt that every student wants to
see Nebraska play more of the great
universities in football every fall Ac
cordingly, the question Is merely this
to gain tliese things are the students
willing to pay an all unlverslt fee?
It's up to j on
Adopted by Other Schools.
I'pon Investigation It has been
found that fourteen universities and
seventeen colleges have adopted the
"all university fee sjstein,' the fees
differing in different schools, range
from two to eleven dollars This, it
will be understood, entitles the stu
dent to all the events throughout the
ear that the fee involves
'1 hat the faculty, who have studied
these conditions, and the senior "'In
nocent" society are behind this move
merit there can be no doubt and
Thursday, at the special convocation
the students will bo able to hoar a
few worthy opinions expressed on this
point The speakers will be Dean
Beosey, Coach Stiehm, Anan Raymond
and Professor Hunter.
For the pride of the I'niversity, and
for the future welfare of the students
and the alumni, it is urged that every
one concerned take thiB matter under
consideration and do the thing that
all tho other big universities are do
Applications for election to the posi
tions of editor-in-chief, managing edi
tor and two associate editors of the
Daily Nebraskan for the semester be
ginning September, 1912, will be re
ceived at the office of the secretary
of the student publication board, Adm.
203, until 12 o'clock, noon, Friday, May
24, 1912. Applications are to be made
on form which will be furnished by
the secretary. A. A. REED,
Planting of Ivy, May Pole Dance and
Oration Features of Morning In
nocents Named In Afternoon.
The olllclal Iv Da program was
announced esterday by the chairman
of the committee, Tom JaineB
The events of the day will com
mence at !l 30 with air out of doors
program on the cltj campus as fol
lows Song Glee Club Quartet
Ivy Day Oration David Rogers
Class Song (by Juno Brown)....
Glee Club Quartet
Class Poem SO. Cotner
Presentation of Gift W L BateB
ReBponso Chancellor Avery
Planting of Ivy. . . PreB (J A. Iofgren
All of theBe events will take place
just east of the Library Immedlatel
afterwardB the cIubh will go to the
north of tho Administration building,
where a May Pole dance and a daisy
chain, in which all senior girls wl!',
take part, will be witnessed
At 2 30 p m , on the campus at the
State Farm, the Inter class track meet
will be held Silver and brone medals
will be given to the Individual win
tiers of the various evonts In this
Tho Innocents for the corning oar
will be announced at 1 30, followed b
a baseball game between tho Spikes
and Iron Sphinx at fj o'clock
The hour from six to seven will be
devoted to lunch, which has been ob
tained from the new cafeteria and is
said to bo unusually good It will bo
served from the Home Economics
At seven a band concert will bo
given by the cadet band, followed by a
selection by the Glee Club Quartet
j The last event on the program will
I bo tho two act play, put on by mem
bers of the Dramatic Club.
Tickets can be obtained until Tues
day evening At that time all orders
for lunches must be in, bo that thoBe
who fail to get them will have to pro
vide their own lunches Tickets will
not he sold at the gateB as in former
Noted Chicago Economist to Address
Students at Convo
cation. Prof J Laurence Unrghlln, head of
tho political economy department of
Chicago University, will speak at con
vocation this morning
Professor Laughlln Is in tho city as
tho representative of tho National
Citizens League, an organization
which is working for the adoption of
the Aldrich plan of currency reform.
He will deliver an address before the
bankers' convention in. tho afternoon
Professor Iaughlln is recognized as
an authority on currency reform, hav
ing written several college text books
on the various phases of the subject
Tho old and new cablnetB of the
Y. W. C. A. hold a house party at tho
State Farm Saturday evening. After
a picnic supper a cabinet meeting wa.s