THE DAILY NEBRASKA! ABOUT PEOPLE r H Frry. florist, 1133 O St tf Thor nburg's Oi chest ra Auto It 2.".rG Bovd Printing Co. 12.". No 12th Ht Typewriting, call evenings, Auto Df&4 13!) lOt .lunici' Moigan went to Omaha ch teiday Ted Marrlnei, Cleaner and Hatter, 23f. No 1 1th Kula HatcH went to Fremont toda to Hpcnd Sunday Ruth Keavis left vj'Htciday foi her home in Falls City llavo Graven print It for jou 233 North Eleventh Ht Lucilc ThoinaH of Omaha In visiting at the Tr I licit Iiouhc Luclle Brown ot Ki'iiinc) will Hpcnd (IiIh week at the I'i Phi Iiouhc Marguerite Llovd of HratlHhaw, Neb Ih visiting at the Thcta Iiouhc George Itroa , expert printers, en gravers and emboHHcrB, 13th and N. I'hla Rentier and Lola Howard of Omaha aic staving at the Pi Phi Iiouhc May 1st is the date when all Hub Bcilptlona to the Rag should bo paid Aro you still delinquent? SubHcilberH to the Rag hae had three months since Tat Dav to nav their subscriptions Please pa up at onco , Alma I'lasteis. ex I'M.!. f Stella, who has been spending the week with Irma Cibson has returned to her lU)I11( MisH Knsign gave a porch supper last iii.'ht inr the old and new mem hers of the executive council of the Clrls' Club Irma Gibson and Edna Miles left thlH moining foi Fiemont. whcie they will spend the weekend with .Mr and Mrs Gibson ( It Is now time for low shoes Go , to Rogers & Perkins, they have all the late, up to date styles and can lit and please you. Ivy Day May 22, 1912. Inter-clasfi field and track meet. Medals awarded to the winners. Freshmen are especi-' ally urged to compete. I Kappa Alpha Thcta is entertaining Charlotte Hidwell, Doiis Lindlev , Svbll Nelson and Katherine Davenport all ot Omaha, over Fete Da Katherine Windham of Plattsmouth. who has been teaching at Hardy, Neb , Is stajlng at the Thcta house, wheie bhe will be foi a week or more BOARD ELECTION MONDAY. Five Members of Athletic Board to Be Chosen by Student t Voters. The annual Athletic Hoard election will bo held Monday At UiIb time live out of the nine candidates are to be choBen to control the school's ath letics for the coming year. Ab In former yearB, the place of eloction will be the Armory. The polls, or rather tho poll, is to be open from 1) 30 to 12 -30 and from 1:30 to 4-30 All male students who have made twelve hours credit during the preceding semester are eligible to vote Everj voter must vote for five and only five of the candidates; any bal lot which contains more or Icbb than five names will be discarded As In former yeais, faculty members of the present board will act ub judges of election For your orchestra call O. L. Janes. Auto L-8606. Heffley's Suits $20 Up aa, NEW BUILDING CREATES INTEREST IN LAW COLLEGE That the College of Iaw of the I'nl erHlty iH an important department in the work at Nebraska iH e Idenced by the lecent nutboi lat lonl of a new building on the it cainpiiH tor the exclusive uhc oT that college There has been appropriated for thin pui POHC $85,000, cc1uhIc of the ( ost of c(uipment, and HiIh amount will pro vide a building sixty three b one bundled t liii t Hix feet, and three Htor ies in height exclusive ot the base nient This acuisltion of a building b the college has caused an increase of in IcrcHt in the woik and equipment ot that part of the Unlversltv The ic qulrcuients foi admission have been niiHed so that it is now necessar v tor the cmbivo lavvjer to have (hushed one jciir of work in the Aits and Sciences College before entering up on the real woik in the law The legal woik itself covers a course ex tending over a period of three jears and Includes not only the essentials such as propel t v , contracts, toits, etc but also the more specialized studies of adrniraltj. administrative law liri gat ion law and many others which aie included in elective courses The stu ,l,'nt iH '(l"i''l "!' " '"' ' tills elective woik nesides the average of lourtccn hours of r c.un ed w 01 k for j sK Hcmcsteis Added to these is the1 Piactical application of the rules of law and procedure in the moot courts r l' there aie two held oa h Fi i '" throughout the school Vear In these coul tK all steps in the piosecu lion of an action either in equit.v or ' ar( required, ine siuuems mkmii , H'les acting as attoinevs witnesses laiti'H and niiois, and a piofessor as Judge The law students aie pionunent men about school and have tunc for the gaining of college honors as is1 evidenced by the fact that eight of ' the sixteen men receiving letters in football were law students, that for, the last four years the 'varsitv cap I tain has been a "law"; that four out , of ten letter men on the basketball squad, several of the baseball squad, one editor, all associate editors, one managing editor, and two business managers of the Dally Nebraskan were of that college, and that the I senior junior and Kosinet Klub plays were managed and the leading parts I taken by lawyers, that the College of ImIW furnished seven out of the thirteen members of the Society of Innocents, and that two of the eight class presidents were law students. Other activities of minor note are sup ported by the College Not only are the "laws" prominent at home, however Nebraska is one of the recognized schools of the United States, and her professors, present and past, have become dis tinguished in their profession Dr. Maxey is a recognized authority on International law, and upon Japanese American relations, lie having written a text on the former subject and sev eral artlcleB upon the latter He was also a member of the Portland Peace Commission, and counsel in the con troversy over admission of Japanese to the San Francisco schools ProfeB sor Conant is a well-known professor of property, and is to teach that sub ject at the summer Besslon in the Uni versity of Michigan. Engraved dance programs done In incoln Ocker Engraidng company rownell block. B Tailors and n Nifty Styles Try Our Luncheonettes They aro always the beet. We serve hot and cold drinks all winter long:. LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN South Went Cor. 14th O UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET YELLOW FRONT Your Pitronagi Solicited Y.W. C A. Merchant Tailor Shop Suits Cleaned, Repaired and Pressed Shop in Basement V. M. C. A. Bldg. For your Steaks, Chops amd Qaisk BcrriM Visit The New York Chop House Open Day and Night 1840 O Strest THE FIRST SAVINGS BANK 4 pir cant Intent! m ipq $1.00 Opens an Account With the First National Bank, Oor. 10th and O. WALT Stands for the latest and best in QKQt.f lvTnoi". 19ir, 111 UliVb illUUI AWJ 10 U SL. HERPOLSHEIMER'S GAFE DloBcr MdO to h30 ) StipfMf St30 U 7i30 ZdC ABso Caftterlan StyU Capital Tailoring & Clothes Co. Suit cleaned and pressed by the month $1.50. HigiYCla.i Tailoring AutoLHjjM ll-5 o St. WARTHON'S Original, Electric, Shoe Repair Factory Always reliable and up to the minute 142 North 12th Strut I DO YOU REALIZE THAT These are th men that make this paper possible? The subscription price Isn't a drop m the bucket. They help us; we must help them. PATRONIZE THE MEN ON THIS LIST They Will Treat You Right BANKS First Savings Bank Central National Bank UAKKRIKS Folflom HARUKR SHOPS Y M C A Barber Shop. ( haplln CLEANERS Ted Marriner. J C. Wood & Co eber CLOTHING (' I, Anderson & Co Armstrong Clothing Co Farquahar Fu Ik's new store Magee & Deemer Mayer Bros l'alacs Clothing Co Speier ic Simon CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Candy Kite m DHNTISTS Dr. Orln Lamb DRT G00D3 Miller L. I'Aine l Rudge & Guenzel DRUCGIS'lS Moler Drue Co. IUegs UN GRAVING Ocker Engraving Co. FLORISTS C. H Krey FURNISHINGS Armstrong Clothing Co. Uudd Mugoe &. Doemor Mayer BroB. Palace Clothing Co. Spolor & Simon Rudge & Guenzel HATTERS Armstrong Clothing C Uudd Fulk's new store Mageo tc Deemer Mayer Bros. Palace Clothing Cc Spolor ic Simon Hud go &, Guenzel HOTELS The New Llndell. JICWKLERS Hallett Tucker I.AUNDRIES Evans MUSIC Walt Thornburg JoneB, Orchestra University School of Munlc. OPTICIAN Shean Hallett PRINTERS I3oyd Printing Co. George Bros. Simmons Van Tine Graves Printery RESTAURANTS U. of N Cafeteria. HerpolBbelrner Y M C. A. Spa SHOES f Reckman Bros. nudd Hrne Shoe Co Men's Bootery Mayer BroB Miller & Paine SHOE REPAIRING Warthon's. TAILORS College Tailors Fulk'a new store Heffloy the Tallow. Y. M C A Tailor Shop. THEATERS Oliver Orpheum TYPEWRITERS Nebraska Typewriter Ezch. If a1. T;77irviiTii-;TTg'jT",rg'n?--!rr''r 'T- i hi1 imi'Vii in mygT