THE DAILY NEBRASKAN CHALLENGE. Chancellor Avery, having net asldo for Ivy Day, Wednesday, May 22, 1!)12, we, the active chapter of Tan Omicron Sigma, commonly known as "SplkeH," pursuant with past custom, hereby of ficially challenge the active chapter of tho Iron Sphinx to a baseball game to be played on the afternoon of the above named day for the usual trophy While we reali7o it Is neither cus tomary nor necessary to present our lineup. It is with a feeling of pride that we do so. Our outfield consists of a trio of the cleverest clover t rodders ever pre sented before a University audience, Finy Gellatly, Phil Southwlck and Buck Temple Our infield and battery are in the same claBS with the above mentioned gentlemen First base, Chet Dobbs, second base, Warren Howard, third base, Gordon Heck, shortstop, Karl Hawkins; pitcher Arn Grimm, catcher. Sam Waugh Every member of the squad is prac ticing daily at Camp Avery and will unquestionably be in fighting trim We also hae procured the services of a cute little water carrier and bat boy, namely, ItobertBon Harley He will be ably assisted by Wally McDon ald and Hill Goehner. Robertson also has induced a certain blonde co ed to lead the male rooting sections. Phil McCullough has promised to don a white collar for the day and in con sideration thereof wo have given him full control of the rooting among tho coeds, for whom a special section has been reser ed We sincerely hope and tniRt the above challenge will be accepted and an early response will be esteemed a favor COMMITTEE ELEVEN DEBATERS TO SPEAK (Continued from page 1) Eastern district by winning from Fremont, from Hlair and from Weep ing Water, will be represented by Edgar Kiddoo. He is sixtoon years old and is on tho team this year for the first time, although he was before that an active member of tho Gravel Debating Soeiety In scholarship his rank is high. He was president of his class the first semester UiIb year and has taken an active part In all class affairs Knowledge of the subject, keen rebuttal and forceful delivery won him his place. He is a brother of Guy Kiddoo, a senior in the Univer sity He was a member of Edgar's debating team in the league in 1 90S 0'.) Taking up the debate work, he was chosen a member of the team from a squad of ton. The Minden High School which 1i:ih won the championship honors m the Southwestern district has selected Iawrence E Henson to represent it in the state contest Formeily living at Holdrege, he entered the Minden High School as a Bophomore in l'.IO't He too'k up the work in debate last year and won a place on the team that won Becond honors in the district He Is president of the senior class Tho O'Neill High School and the Northern district will bo represented by Rodger It. Ryan, a member of the senior class. Iist ear he was on OWeiU's second team which was de feated by Atkinson's Hist team. Mi Ryan has mado an excellent record in his high school work Ho will be graduated also from tho normal train ing course with credit. He 1b going to college in preparation for the study of law. First Year in League. The champion of the North Central district is tho Fullerton High School, which 1b a member of tho league this year for the first time, basing tho work in debate last fall on a coutbo in argumentation. The Fullerton toam, in general chargo of Superin tendent C. W. Watson, and coahced by Rev. A. O. McVay, a former Ne braska Wesloyan University debater, won from Hooper and Newman Grovo unanimously and from Tllden You've to hoe, if can make sion by clothes. got a hard row you think you a good impres- wearing poor Good impressions are occasionally mado in spite of poor clothes, but a lot oftener they are made as a result of good ones. Our Kensingtons are the sort that make good impressions, stylish, well tailored, perfect fitting they're bound to please the particular college man. $20, $25 and up. MAQEE & DEEMER two to one The school's lepieseiita the will bo Albert Hi son, a membei of tho sophomore class, who is carij Ing live subjects a semester in en deavormg to complete his coin so in three ears He has also taken (list place for excellence in diamatic work in county contests. Philip Tracj Kohl, son of Senator Philip If Kohl of Wajnc, will bo the representatiN e of the Northeastern district Mr Kohl has been on tho Wayne team for three jears and has made a line record in argumentation and debate. He is a senior and ranks TiTgli in scholarship' in The cIiibs or twenty. CADETS BREAK CAMP. Visitor's Day Was One Big Success, Closing With Enjoyable Hop. When tho readers of the Daily Ne branskan receie this edition of the paper the cadets at Crete will he Btrik ing tents and breaking camp prepara toi to taking the one o'clock special for the return trip to Lincoln The climax of the encampment pro , grain was .reached jesterday in the isitois' day, which was gien for the' benefit of friends and rulaties of the cadets At least three hundred guests came either by train or automobiles j i no nrsi ueiacnnioiu, wincn in eluded the sponsors of the companies and the chaperones of the day, arrived at l::i0 p. in., and was met at the Bta tion by tho band and tho whole regi mont. After escorting the sponsors to the camp the cadets were dismissed for the afternoon. A Hold meet was held and the com paniea competed with each other in varioiiB events. After the field meet a dress parade was held. K Company camo out with the best line Tho regimental hop commenced about eight o'clock in the open air pavillion of tho park. The dauco floor was far too small to accommodate the crowd, but by dancing In alternato shifts, canoeing on tho river, and strolling under the treeB tho crowd managed to pass a very delightful evening. Tho Lincoln train left at 11:20. All students should rlslt the "Col lege Inn Barber Shop at 127 North 12th. 8 L. Chaplin, Prop. CLASSIFIED COLUMN LOST LOST Moore Non Ieakablo fountain pen. Return to Rag ofllce LOST On the campus, Tuesday, Can dy's "Analytics" Return to this of flee. 11 3 1 PLEASE return to Rag ofllce di awing instruments, doBcrlpthe and analy tic geomotry. LOST Wednesday from memorial seat of '0G, a valuable note book Return to this ofllce LOST Talbot's Quantitative Analy siB Finder please return to this of flee Owner's name and address on first page 112 3t WANTED FRATERNITIES Will sell on easy terms or rent 1337 It Husiness phono G219, residence 1-8012. FOR SALE FOR SALE A duo bill on tho C L Anderson Tailoring Co Here 1b a chance to save some money on a spring BUit See the Rag mali nger. 1 It! 3t HAVE IN Do Your Laundry Weokly sliij monts of tho host there is in cho(0'oteK Huylers A-Hit-rret-rt LoAney' Morris' Meier DrugCo. I 3 1 h and O IT See us for your T next job of printing. Personal BuperviBon enables us to make each job please. 128 N. 14 St jissaa Everything the Drugs Toilet Articles Stationery Safety Razors Fountain Pens (jRIMTIMO; UHoLn-mm. u fffii rzrwa m BBWMifcrH;iJiHiWiili"'iiii,Trf" Pennants Athletic Supporters Elastic Stockings Shoulder Braces and TRUSSES Getrtf AT THE THEATRES OUVERjQlEAm TODAY, 2:30; TONIGHT, 8:15 And All Next Week Except May 23-24 THE BARROW-WINNINGER PLAYER8 In the Farce Comedy Success "BILL Y" Week of May 27 "DAWN OF A TOMORROW" Night, 50c, 35c, 25c; Matinee, 25c I lUPfll II MATINKGStBicept Monday) a: ja LIPIUULn BVBNINaS AT 8,30 ORPHEUM Hell (1.10 An to 1048 ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Week Com. Monday Night, May 13 WILLWARD and GLENDINNING NEWBOLD and GRIBBIN HARRY L. WEBB EMMETT BROTHERS JOHN MACULEY THE HA88MANS CHARLES HERRERA PRICES Matinees, 15c and 25c Nights, 15c, 25c, 35c and 50o Washington University Medical School Admission lequirements two ears of college work including English, (lerman, physics, chem istry and biology Full time BtaffB In leading clinics as well as In laboratory branches En trance examinations September 21-2."). Session begins Septem ber 30 For catalogue and In formation address Washington University ncdical School 1806 LOCUST STREET, ST. LOUIS, MO. 44 f Try a lunch at the Y. M. a . Lunch Room. Cafeteria Plan. City V.MC.X. 13lh ani . The moment you put on clothes made to your meas ure, you sejethe vast differ ence between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Be sure to seo our line first. Colleges Tailors College View, Nebraska Student Needs in HUYLER'8 Chocolates & Bon Bons Soda Water and Lunches or ajjla