The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 18, 1912, Image 4

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Many Activities of 8tate-wlde Im
portance Are Supported by the
8tate University.
Tho UnlvorBlty of Nebraska, In tho
forty-third year of Its oxlBtonco pro
HontB tho following lntoroBtlng factB
for tho consideration of proBpoctlvo
Btudonts :
Total oxpondlturos nocoHBary to con
duct tho UnlvorBlty ono year (approxl
matoly), $939,000.
Total BalarloB and wages paid In ono
year to odlcorH and omployoB of ad
mlnlBtratlon, liiHtructlon and oxporl
montatlon (alinoat). $373,000.
Number of Instructional employes
Valuo of tho University's property
Ileal property, $2,rfi8.739; chattel,
$549,937. Total. $3,108,076
Buildings and Campuses.
Lincoln city catnpiiH. Over . city
blockfl, 17 buildings.
UnlvorBlty farm- 320 acres; 11
Medical College cainpiiB, Omaha
Ono largo city block, one now build
Libraries Accessible to Students.
Tho aggregate of llbranoH accessible
to students Ih not exceeded west ot
Chicago and are an follows Unhor
Blty librarj, lDO.lir.O volumes (Inclnd
ing extensive departmental libraries);
Nebraska State llbiarj, 70,000 ol
umes; Lincoln City library, 31 000
volumes, Nebraska State Historical
Society library, 3,", 000 volumes Total
number of olunies, 230,250
Number of laboratories conducted
by the University. Botany ti zoology
&. bacteriology and pathology 3, onto
mology 1, histology 2, pharmacology 1,
physiology 2, engineering 12, domestic
science 2, forestry 2, horticulture 3,
dairying and animal husbandry 5, ag
ronomy 2, soils 3, veterinary science
2. agricultural physics, chemistry,
botany and engineering 1, 1, 3 and 3.
respect holy geology 3, geography 1
astronomy I, philosophy 3, chemistry
11. physics 13 Total, 97 laboratories
Separate buildings of two and three
stories each are used exolushol foi ,
the teaching of a single subject in the
cases of physics, chemistry, median
leal engineering, etc The University
Kami of 320 acres Is used for outdooi
laboratory and demonstration work in
agriculture I
Scientific collections, equipment
and illustrative material University
Museum, including Morrill collections
and thoHO of tho Nebraska Geological
Survey, over 300,000 BpoclmeiiB; Uni
versity Herbarium, 220,000 specimens.
Tho following groups of 'valuable Il
lustrative material not only greatly
help students In their studios, but also,
through graduated students, aid won
dorfully In raising the Btato'a occupa
tions and Industries to a high degree
of ofllclency: University arborotum,
botanical garden, growing crops,
herds of live stock collections of farm
implements, electrical apparatus, ma
chinery, mechanical appliances, etc ,
Thousands of dollars worth of now
apparatus, instruments, specimens,
collections and other equipment havo
recently boon acquired by various do
New Buildings Now Being Erected.
For College of Law, to cost $85,000;
for College of Medicine, to coBt $100,
000; for Department of Plant Indus
tries, to cost $73,000. Total expendi
ture for now buildings, 1912. $258,000.
Approximately 90 per cont of the
University's students have their homes
in NebraBka, making tho Institution
distinctly Nobraskan for Nobraskans.
However, a considerable number of
Btudonts, seeking a flrBt-cIass educa
tion, como to tho Unlvoraity from
most of tho other states of tho Union,
and from BOYoral foreign countries.
Tho UnlvorBlty 1b of BiifTlclont bIzo
and Importanco to require a branch
postofllco on the campiiB, exclusively
for students and faculty Tho Btudont
body BiipportB a dally nowBpaper of
moro than 1,000 circulation.
Tho broad scope of tho UnlvorBlty
may be Judged by tho existence of
helpful student organizations along
tho following lines Literary, debat
ing, public speaking, Iitin. English,
Gorman, Scandinavian, Bohemian,
military, dramatics, politics, divinity,
missionary, graduate, chorus, glee and
mandolin club, band, orchestra, equal
suffrage, forestry, wrestling, rifle,
medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, chem
istry, physics, law, journalism, agri
culture, engineering, botany, electric
Ity, religious denominations, Unlver
fllty boosting. Y. M C A., Y. W C A ,
honorary scholastic fraternities in
law science, debating and academics,
and general fraternities and Bororities
Spocial activities of Btate-Avlde im
portance promoted by the University
Corn Bhows, farmers" institutes, seed
testing, good roads, soil surveys, con
servation, investigations in wheat and
corn breeding, farm management, ex
tension, orcharding, stock feeding and
breeding, diseases of live stock and
l'nhersit of Nebraska teams were
champions or the Missouri valley in
football and basketball 191112. and
competed favorably with teams of
Michigan and Minnesota
The University athletic grounds
Total cost, over $10,000; grandstands
seat 10,000 people; playing Meld di
mensions. 300 by -100 feet Sodded
football field; quarter-mile cinder
track A salaried professional coach
wth assistants, for training teams in
football, baseball, basket-ball. Indoor
and outdoor track work, crosscountry
running, wrestling, boxing, tennis and
Military Department.
The military department is made up
of iwo regiments, with a total of 800
cadets, commanded and trained by a
captain of the United States army,
commissioned especially for the pur
pose by the War Department.
Regular assemblies of the student
body, not compulsory, but always at
tended by hundreds of students Hold
twice a week In tho chapel; also on
special occasions
Interesting addresses, discussions
and debates on important subjects
and topics of the times; also musical
programs and illustrated lectures are
arranged by a committee of the fac
ulty for the benefit of students The
spirit is always one of uplift and help
Speakers include persons of na
tional and international reputation
leading authorities on Important ques
tions, and other speakers of promi
nonce, somo of whom only universl
ties of the first magnitude can secure
Religious Aspect of the University.
Young Men's and Young Women's
Christian Associations, made up en
tlrely of members of the University
and conducted exclusively for them,
direct niblo study Sunday and mid
week mootingB. and other religious
gatherings for students
Numbers of students are organized
in clubs of various religious denomlna
According to a canvass of a part of
tho student body, tho adherence of
students to the various denominations
Ib approximately as follows;
Methodist, ipqoo
Presbyterian COO
Congregational 500
Episcopal 200
BaptiBt i5Q
Catholic ifjo
Christian 125
Christian Scienco 60
United Drethron 40
Advontist 25
Unitarian 15
Jowish 12
Quaker 6
Students aro always welcomed at
tho city churches.
Expenses at the University.
No tuition Is charged residents of
Nebraska excopt in the Colleges of
Law and Medicine.
Tho only fooB charged, aBldo from
tho small general fees, aro for labora
tory. These cover only a part of the
cost of materials and equipment used
Table board costB from $3 50 to $5 00
per week; rooms, from $4.00 per
month up
Tho average cost of a year'B at
tendance, not Including fees, 1b about
Many Btudonts earn a part of their
expenses and somo earn all An in
vestigation conducted by the Y. M.
C A employment bureau Indicates
that nearly $100,000 is earned yearly
by men students
Tho student Christian associations
maintain bureaus to aid students in
securing employment, suitable room
ing and boarding places
Friends of the University have
established loan funds for tho aid of
needy students
The University Y M C A conducts
a cafeteria lunch room, whero excel
lent food is served to students at
cost Hy patronizing it. many stu
dents spend only forty cents a day for
meals Hooks are also sold at cost
at the University's book store
Students spend less money at tho
University of Nebraska than is spent
by students at other universities offer
ing equal educational advantages
Many colleges where expenses equal
those at Nebraska are unable to offer
equal educational advantages
Lincoln, the seat of the University,
is one of the best developed cities of
the west, not surpassed anywhere in
character of population and high as
sociations Has five railroads and
many industries and business firms;
also the largest conservatory in the
west A city or fine churches Over
6.000 students make it their home
nine months of the year An ideal
student and educational center- "The
Athens of tho West "
Demand for University Graduates.
Graduates from all lines of training
in the University have no difllculty in
securing positions in their chosen oc
cupation The Teachers College main
tains a bureau to place graduates in
teaching positions, and heads of other
departments are constantly rocohing
urgent appeals for graduates to fill
remunerative and responsible posi
tions In government, corporation or
private ser ice Tho demand is dis
tinetly in excess of the supply. Many
alumni of the University have at
tallied prominence in widely different
lines of endeavor.
, Continued from Pago 2
Joy the advantages of tho State Farm,
and vico versa.
Theso are a few of the reasons why
Nebraska has. In forty two years,
grown from an enrollment of 130 to
over 4,000 For theso very reasons
tho school Is bound to continue Its
steady and wonderfully rapid progress
until by the time It Iuib reached that
maturo ago under which tho larger
Eastern universities now rest on their
laurelB, it will havo surpassed them
(Continued from page 1.)
Colonel Smith, who says: "Fewer
men wore arrested tho first night In
camp this year than on any llrst night
of any cadet encampment I havo ever
experienced. Tho order is remarkably
good. Last night wo arrested but nine
men In comparison with 279 the flrut
night last year."
High 8chool Inspector's Office Fur
nishes Data on University
The University of Nebraska in
cludes tho following colleges and
The Graduate College Offers al
most two hundred courses, leading to
tho degrees of Doctor of Philosophy,
Master of Arts, Master of Forestry,
Civil Engineer, Electrical Engineer,
Mechanical Engineer; or, without ref
erence to a degree, furnishes expert
and standard preparation for persons
who expect to become Investigators,
concultlng engineers or teachers In
colleges, or who desiro enlarged fa
cilities for specialization and re
search In general, effective acquaint
ance with tho graduate subjects can
be obtained as well at Nebraska as
at the older universities of tho oast,
and practically without expense.
Tho Teachers College. Students
register in this college in their Junior
year, at tho Bamo time retaining
identity in another college of the Uni
versity Thus they secure tho liberal
culture of the full four-year course,
with tho degree of Hachelor ot Arts or
of Science, and also a two-year pro
fessional course, for which is granted'
the University Teachers' Diploma and
University Teachers' Certificate, a
state certificate of the highest grade,
recognized in twenty-one different
states of tho Union, and a city Btate
certificate to meet the requirements
for positions in city schools of Ne
braska The professional work in
cludes a thorough study of the his
tory of education, educational psycol
ogy, child study and educational
theory and practice A year's prac
tical course gives the advantage of
nctual experience In teaching In a
typical high school maintained by tho
University. Graduates of tho collego
readily secure good teaching posi
tions. Tho Collego of ArtB and Sciences.
Upon tho completion of a four-year
course, the degreo of Hachelor of Arts
or 'Hachelor of Science is granted.
Tho collego consists of thirty-four dis
tinct departments, each offering from
three to thirty-five different courses
of one semester each in its own par
ticular line, such as botany, chemistry
or rhetoric The total number of
courses from which students may
cIioobo in this college exceeds flvo
hundred. With this wide variety of
choico of courses, co-ordination and
moderato specialization aro secured
by following tho suggestions of tho
University's numerous competent ad
visors. Tho Collego of Agriculture. Offers
four-year courses In three distinct
groups general agricultural, forestry,
and general homo economics leading
to the degree of Hachelor of Sclonco
in ono of tho three groups. Tho agri
cultural group of studies prepares stu
dents for tho pursuit of scientific in
vestigation in agriculture, for teaching
In schools or colleges which provide
instruction in agriculture, for tho
management of land and leadership in
farm life, and for tho pursuit of busi
ness connected with country life
dairying, crops or live stock. Tho
forestry group propares men for either
gonoral or technical work In forestry.
Tho homo economics group affords
training in tho household arts and
BdoncoB In addition to a gonoral edu
cation. It includes practical demon
stration and instruction In cooking
Bowing and general housework.
The Collego of Engineering. Pro
vides four-year couraea In agricultural
civil, oloctrical and mechanical en-