THE DAILY NEBRASKAN FETE DAY PROMISES SUCCESS CLASSIFIED COLUMN AT THE THEATRES ONE HUNDRED CONTESTANTS WILL BE ENTERED. LOST MEDALS ARE TO BE AWARDED Thin Year's High School Meet to be the Best One Held Since Inaugur ation of Custom. Seventoen high schools will be en tered in tho Feto Day contest which will occur on Nebraska Field Satur day, May 18. Tho time Het for the flrBt ovont 1b 2:30 p. m. Thoro will bo about ono hundred contOBtantB altogether, which will moan a total of 250 entries. Owing to tho fact that no high school will sond any contestants other than the pick of all the athletes, there 1b no doubt that this meet will bo of the highest athletic Quality, and the men who win will be tho best men. No Delay. Arrangements have been made for twenty-four raceB, and they will be pulled oft on schedulo time, according ly there will not bo the usual delay be twoen events that has been a marked feature at former state high school meets. In order that tho crowd may have tho full beneilt of all that is to be seen, it has been arranged that no persons Bhall bo on tho Held except the con testants. These will be mado to stand on tho opposite side of the event go ing on, so that tho view will not be blocked for the spectators. At all times during tho afternoon there will be three events taking place, one race and two in tho Held. In this way the whole meet will be over in two hours and a half. Events in the Morning. Tho shot put and hammer throw will take place at eleven o'clock Sat urday morning bo that thero will bo no danger of anyono being injured as a result of wild throws. At a large number of high school Held days some accident has occurred when those events come off along with the rest of tho meet, accordingly it was deem ed best by tho olllcials to set the time for these in tho morning. The Medals. For all first placeB a gold medal will be awarded, for seconds a silver medal and for third place one of bronze. Fourth places will bo award ed a banner of expensive material, hh also will tho school winning tho meet, and tho winners of the relayB. Seat6 Reserved. Near tho finish lino 3 fit) seats hae been reserved which will be ten cents extra, the general admission being twenty-five cents. Tickets may be obtained at any of the book stores today. It has also been arranged so that no one will have to cross the field in order to reach the grandstand. .Much time has been put upon tho arrangement of this year's Fete Day and It is the opinion of tho officials that it will be better than any former ly held. THE POOR BENCHES INTERFERE MANY CONVERSATIONS INTER RUPTED BY FREQUENT ACCIDENTS. Several times this week it has been called to pur attention by many of tho stuxlents tltat the benches on tho campus are badly in need of repair. At first, after duly considering tho matter, wo camo to the conclusion that wo would do nothing about it, but later in tho afternoon ono of tho re porters camo In from his run and re marked that tho bad condition of tho benches was no joke. For thiB reason we roconeldored tho matter, and havo You've got a hard row to hoe, if you think you can make a good impres sion by wearing poor clothes. Good impressions are occasionally made in spite of poor clothes, but a lot oftener they are made as a result of good ones. Our Kensingtons are the sort that make good impressions, stylish, well tailored, perfect fitting they're bound to please the particular college man. $20, $25 and up. MAQEE & DEEMER changed our minds about taking the matter up In tho first place, the benches are tilted ho far forward that they are uncomfortable to sit upon; thus much bench work is discouraged Some time on account of the standards be ing In the ground too long, the rotten members wll give way while two perHotiH, deeply interested in ono an other, are just getting involved in a moist serious conversation. Of course, on account of the broken bench, tho conversation is discontinued, and per hnpH never again will thero ever come a time when thiB Biimo lino of talk will bo repeated; thus many engagements neuT coino to pass. In order that these thingB may be bettered wo strongly adviso that the benches be fixed as Boon aB possible CAMP. 0, it'H ho' for the army, it's ho! for tho camp; It's ho! for the regiment, marching t ramp, tramp. U'h ho! for the flag and tho trumpet's loud blare, U'h ho! for the officers leading us there. U'h ho! for the girls wo are leaving behind, U'h ho! yes, it's hoping for us they have pined. U'h ho' for tho hardtack and bacon and spuds. It's ho! for tho khaki and other such duds. U's ho for the guard mount and regi ment drill, It's ho! for tho spirit which does what it will U's ho! for tho sentinel feigning deep sleep, It's ho! for the stragglers, caught up as they creep; U'h ho! for the guardhouse, demerits next morn, U'h ho! for the cook squad, you pn vato forlorn. U'h ho! for the hiko and tho joy of the fight, It's ho! for tho straw and the blanket at night. It's ho! for the hop and tho girls who'll bo there, It's ho! for tho faces which seem doubly fair. It's ho! for tho break-up next Satur day, when It's ho! back to home, whero we're grinding again. LOST- -Moore Non I,eaknble fountain pen. Return to Rag office. I - I . i LOST - On the campus. Tuesday, Can , dy"H "Analytics" Return to this of I lice 113-1 I'LEASK return to Rag office drawing instruments, descriptive and analy tic geomotry. LOST Wednesday from memorial seat of '06, a valuablo note book Return to thiB office. LOST Talbot's Quantitative Analy sis. Finder please return to this of fice. Owner's name and address on first page 142 3t WANTED FRATERNITIES Will sell on eaBy terniB or rent 1337 R. HusinesB phone 6219, residence It8G42. FOR SALE ss. FOR SALE A due bill on tho ('. L. AnderBon Tailoring Co. Hero 1b a chance to save somo money on a spring suit See the "Rag" man ager. H6-3t HAVE IN Do Your Laundry Wookly Bhirmonts of tho best thoro is in choo!at'' Huyler s Uhltmon's Louney's Morris' TVYeer Drug Co. I 3th and O I flT See ub for your J next job of printing. Personal Bupervison enables us to make each job please. 128 N. HSt Everything the Drugs Toilet Articles Stationery Safety Razors Fountain Pens tMNTiruy UHCOU-MIM. Pennants Athletic Supporters Elastic Stockings Shoulder Braces and TRUSSES tZelhtih TONIGHT, SAT. & 8AT. MAT. And All Next Week THE BARROW-WINNINGER PLAYERS In the Farce Comedy 8uccess 'BILL YM Week of May 27 "DAWN OF A TOMORROW" Night, 50c, 35c, 25c; Matinee, 25c I lUPfll U MATINEES (Rxcept Monday) jij LlnUULn fiVENINOS AT 8;jo ORPHEUM K.'.0??.- ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Week Com. Monday Night, May 13 WILLWARD and GLENDINNING NEWBOLD and GRIBBIN HARRY L. WEBB EMfVJETT BROTHER8 JOHN MACULEY THE HAS8MANS CHARLES HERRERA PRICE8 Matinees, 15c and 25c Nights, 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c Washington University Medical School Admission requirements two years of college work including EngllBh, Cerman, physlcB, chem istry and biology. Full time staffs In loading clinics iib well as in laboratory branches. ISn franco examinations September 24-25. Session begins Septem ber 30. For catalogue and in formation addrcBB Washington University nedlcnl School 1806 LOCUST STREET, ST. LOUIS. MO. " SPA " Try a lunch at th Y. M. a . Lunch Room. Cafeteria Plan. City Y. M. C. A. 13(h and . The moment you put on clothes made to your meas ure, you seethe vast differ ence between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Be sure to see our line first College Tailors College View, Nebraska I hone -4-0 Student Needs in HUYLER'S Chocolates & Bon Bona Soda Water and Lunches CtJJK yc m i