The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 17, 1912, Image 2

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2)ail IRebrashan
I'tibllHhod by tho Student Publlca
Hon Hoard of tho University of No
bniHku largo one and deserves the consldera
tion of every Htudent.
Managing Editor F ('. McCONNFLB
AHHoelato Editor . .BIMITON S HILL
AHHoelatc Editor ..RUTH MUNOEIt
Manager C. C. BUCHANAN
Ahb'I Manager J. V. MORRISON
Circulation Manager LEO BREEN
Payable In Advance.
8lngle Copies, 6 Cents Each.
Telephone: Auto 1888.
Night Phones Auto 1888; Editor, Auto
1035; Manager, Auto 1821.
ICntproil ut tho postofllco at Lincoln,
NulmiHku. u Becotul-cliiBS mall matter,
under tho Aot of Congress of March 3,
187'J. .
FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1112
Tomorrow'H edition of tho "Rag"
will bo devoted largely to tho inter
eBtH of the high Hchool visitors It
will contain a few facta which Berve
to Bhow tho Htanding of Nebraska,
and will toll Homo thlngH about tho
school which even tho well Informed
HtudentB do not know.
In brief, tho main purpose of thlH
edition will bo to boost for NobraHka,
to rid tho native hoiih and daughtorH
of tho Bt range doHlro to go oaHt to
Bchool, by convincing thorn that what
wo have to offer thorn right here In
Lincoln will eaHily justify their com
ing hero. For this purpoHo it Ib oh
Bentlal that tho material used bo only
tho boBt, and that which radiates on
thiiBlasin and loyalty for NdbruBka
Any one who feels that ho Is particu
larly (iiialllled to submit any such con
trlbutlon need not bo afraid to do bo.
for It 1b well that no effort's be Bpared
to ImpresB upon tho visitors tho op
portunities that await them at our
Ftoo copleB of tho "Rag" will be
distributed at tho olllce to all who ask
for them.
A movement of great importance,
one which has long been under serious
consideration, Is about to come to the
surface It will make its initial ap
pearance before the Cnivertiity public
on not Thursday, when the com oca
tion will be devoted to Its outlining
'I his movement will take the form
of a campaign and it will concern the
establishment of a general fee, to be
levied on every student at the time
of his registration, which shall cover
an athletic ticket and a subscription
to tho student publications Con
trary to the general opinion, this fee
would not be largo, It would not only
bo a saving to tho students, but to
the institutions for which it Is intend
ed. If athletics received a nominal
sum f i out eveiy student instead of a
fairly laige one fiom only a small per
centage of them, they would thilve
beyond expectation. If the public. i
tions received tin ir shale of this fee
they would be able to put before the
reading public a paper whuh would
satisfy all which would not he depi ml
out for its support upon adveiti.sing
and a small number of biibsc l lptions
grudgingly paved.
These are only a few of the possi
bilities Tho question will be discus
Bed pro and con next week It is a
Well, boys, it's about all over, wo
are coming swiftly down the last
quarter stretch and wo can see the
Mulsh but a short distance ahead. Wo
are now reading on page 270 of our
yellow rhetoric book, and there are
only lilt) pagoH altogether, wo will
attend our last class In "pollycon"
next Thursday, and wo take our ex
amination In math. May 21 - a week
ahead of tho regular time.
After dinner In tho evening, while
tho huh Ih shooting Ita laHt criuiBon
rays through tho thick foliage of tho
treoB In our front yard, wo sit and
think It all over, and wo come to the
conclusion that t IiIh haa been a pretty
good year for tho old Unl and for
ourselves. Wo Bit and muse over
thoBo cold nights last winter when
the anovv was piled up on tho ground
bIx feet deep, and how we uho(1 to
study with much vim for our next
day's clasBos, or wo can boo tho glow
ing fire in the lire placo and tho hap
py facets of our companions that it lit
up after all, It looks pretty good,
almost too good to realize that it 1b
all over.
Yot, tho Hpring evening lookB good,
too, and we are truely glad it is here
For some of us who will bo back next
Tall it brings the good feeling that we
will make next year better than this
one was, and, to those of us who are
going out, it brings to us the feeling
that wo have now problems to face
which wo are going to deal with m
such a way that they will prove even
brighter than those; we had to deal
with In school, when we master them
After all, tho spring is a time of
joy, and especially tho few weeks be
fore when we know it will soon be all
over, yet, there is a tinge of sadness
intermingled Some of us are per
haps leaving friends wjiom we will
never see again; others, for various
reaBons, perhaps, cannot see our wa
clear to come back and finish tho four
years; and to those of us who are
coming back, perlmps we have the
knowledge before hand, that some of
the same faces we see now wo will
not see next September; maybe our
room-mate, with whom wo have lived
for the past three years, goes this
year with the rest of the seniors, or,
we realize that four or five of our frat
brothers or club mates will soon be
graduated And for these reasons,
we say that this glad season, after all,
has a tinge of sadness.
STUDENTS Make handsome piollts i
selling Feeny Vacuum Cleaners
Absolutely the best Yoder (stu '
dent) a new man, made $(.l() spring'
vacation Write today state terri j
tory Feeny Ml'g Co, BliM, Mini
cie, Indiana '
Y.M. C A.
Merchant Tailor Shop
Suits Cleaned. Repaired and Piesscd
Shop in Basement Y M C A Blilg
For yoarStoalti, Chops ad Qalok
SerTlca Visit
The New York Chop House
Open Day and Night.
1H40 O Street
Collars to Match
French Cuff
Better You See These Shirts
50 Doen
Big Shape
English Caps
on Sale
Palace Clothing
1419 Company o st.
New Ptmps
lV -V-sV
Tan Calf
White Buck
White Canvas
Gun Metal
The University Book Store
340 North 11th Street
1415 O St.
1415 O St.
JW,.c:p 7"
I ,1,1,1 1 iif. ;